Empowering enterprises in modernizing their digital systems Srijan has been leading the change for the last 15+ years. A global leader in open-source technologies, our industry forte but not limited to, is media, travel, healthcare, telecom, retail, pharmaceutical, eCommerce and financial sector.
Guiding you throughout your journey, we bring in agile and client-centric expertise for a low friction digital transformation. Our knack in delivering great digital experience ensures solutions that foster the experience, engagement, collaboration, and insight of the users and clients.
With the core team based out of India, we have teams distributed across our offices in the USA, Japan, Philippines, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and HongKong with a fusion of technology expertise and business acumen, to deliver the best to our clients.
Our clientele includes Estee Lauder, Johnson & Johnson, Related, Staples, FlightCentre, Hindawi Publishing, Crain, Diversey, PTT Global, Globe Telecom, Singapore Press Holdings, Crown Worldwide, Dr Ci: Labo and names in Fortune 500.
Known as heavy lifters in the community, our work excels with enterprises trying to deliver a seamless user experience and engagement across channels.