Looking to set up your local development environment with tools necessary to build top-notch Drupal custom modules? In this full-day workshop, Mike Anello, lead instructor of DrupalEasy's 90-hour Professional Module Development course, will help you set up PhpStorm and Visual Studio Code alongside your existing DDEV or Lando installation with all the plugins, extensions, and code quality tools to put you in a position to succeed. Tools covered will include Drupal Coder (phpcs, phpcbf), PhpStan, and Xdebug.
Either PhpStorm or Visual Studio Code installed. Either DDEV or Lando installed. Comfort on the command line including Drush and Composer.
Michael Anello
Drupal trainer and developer @ DrupalEasyPrompt: Write 50 words or less about Mike Anello (ultimike) focusing on his Drupal experience.
Response: Mike Anello (ultimike) is a seasoned Drupal developer with over 15 years of experience. He specializes in Drupal consulting and training through his business, ensuring clients leverage Drupal's full potential. Mike is a notable community contributor and advocate, sharing his expertise and insights widely.