Not enough hours in the day? Often feel like you’re falling behind at work?
This interactive session will help you prioritize time and organize your goals to increase productivity throughout the day. It will help you recognize where your time is going and create customized solutions to achieve maximum productivity. You will learn how to overcome procrastination, deal with frequent distractions and improve concentration.
Rugved Arte
Veena Panicker
Student @ University of MichiganI'm a first year Master of Health Informatics student at University of Michigan. Prior to joining this program I was a dentist in India.

that make sense and selenium for this
session but okay so today we're gonna
discuss a few time managing techniques
and so how to eat better productive
lives because we all have busy schedules
and since it's the last session have
some fun so so I am Ravi Ravi I am a
graduate student at the University of
Michigan studying information science
and user experience design I have
concluded my computer engineering back
in Mumbai and worked as a software
developer for a year before and school
yeah so I am also graduate student at
Michigan and I'm in the master of health
informatics program before joining this
program I was a dentist in India I
practiced farrier and half and yes I did
see they exist so before we get started
we'd like to know what aspects of your
life take up most of your time it could
be family it would be work it could be
travel for us it's probably school being
in grad school and all but so we would
like you to pull out your phones or
laptops and go to this link and then
type in whatever you can it's already
looking even text in if you want
yes you can't you can't
I love how missing you and Messiah in
this of its University of Michigan
School of Information for them
let it I can do it okay
we've got enough ideas where you guys
spend most of your time on to see that
extent wording on keyboard and yeah it's
pretty much it so you're we would play a
G to optimize like how do you meet
whatever time you put it to work how do
you make the best out of it how how are
you using it efficiently okay why do you
want you to divide yourself into groups
of three
we give you a list of nine tests and
then you need to do all of them all
how much fun does whatever you do and
each task has a number of points
associated with it so the end goal of
the game is to get as many coins as
we don't need to follow the order of the
list you can do whatever you want but
you know with the US side you good good
so yeah yeah you have five minutes and
give us time starts now
thank you
what's this
- yeah yeah
yeah may not Jackie what
but I can't physically everybody
oK we've caught up in everything else
Yamini send us everything you know for
thank you so I think you guys thank you
for being yeah yeah so I want to know
what how you guys decided which starts
to do first and which starts to do at
all in fact yeah yeah highest value task
okay so the Cumberland is a possible
yes a I think getting somebody else to
join your team is the highest is who did
that one
you guys it's ro I don't know the the
asking someone to join your team we
didn't actually get that
so um usually even like you said usually
when you are trying to decide how to
prioritize the basque people tend to
hi-c the difficulty of the task as well
as how much time it will take and so
obviously you want something that I
yield and low effort versus something
that's you know a low yield and higher
so that was one thing that I want to do
sure we wanted to show with this and the
other thing was the group dynamics did
you guys notice anything is within your
groups or do you notice something that
was say something that the other group
was doing a new one and you decided to
do that
and do like I know they love each other
it is anyone tell us no other people in
this room so I think this is kind of a
mixed group generally easier if you are
in a in your comfort zone and you know
people around you you're more likely to
take risks and because like they are
more comfortable and while when you're
in new themes you may be mu discovers
and you want to stay in your comfort
zone so I mean that's another
interesting point resort next yeah
should we gonna discuss about
prioritizing tasks using this technique
called eisenhower matrix to President
Eisenhower actually created this matrix
and it was later popularized by Stephen
Covey in his book seven Habits of Highly
Effective People so we're going to talk
about that and how are you what the tiny
army pays for prioritizing tasks yeah so
um this is the matrix it's really simple
easy said year square says if I didn't
divide it into four quadrants and it's
based on the urgency and the importance
of tasks so any tasks you have at any
point you can put them into one of these
categories so the first quadrant is
urgent and important tasks second
quadrant is not urgent but important
tasks third one is not important part
virginities and the fourth one is not
it wasn't so in this context what do you
mean by urgent is something that has
long-term or Lexi sorry urgent is
something that cannot be delayed and
important it's something that has
long-term consequences or like something
serious consequences and I know
prioritization is very subjective that
when people have different priorities
something that's important to me may not
be important to you and something that's
and also on context like depending on
the context so if say you want to book a
dental appointment it can go into any of
those yes my ice cream with any column
depending on why you are getting next I
think it's very obvious where like what
you want to do first because I mean the
quadrants on you want to reinforce oh so
you will do the first quadrant for
second second third and fourth but there
is a simple thing that's they called me
so you do everything on the first
quadrant first you decide and plan out
what's in the second quadrant you
delegate what's up what's in the third
so see you get an email that is urgent
but it's not important to you so you can
ask someone else to do it obviously not
everyone can do that but Eisenhower is
like time with stars and you just leave
them now what is whoa doesn't mean like
drop signal because it's not using joy
and that is my teacher so I got it for
can be some thing that like checking
Facebook what it is so called anything
on encoding - can turn into quadrant one
if you procrastinate or then call it off
I would recommend all of you to go back
home and just see like make a list of
things you're supposed to do with you
and if most of your things are caught in
one they have the virtues important
things then you may have to you know
and this is an interesting hold
Eisenhower what is important is seven
origin and what is origin to self and
important we also have this really cool
talk about prioritizing that way
when people find out I write about
two things oh you want Aleeah
you forgot doing this I'm sorry
I'm sorry
there is
you have to go again
yeah yes thank you so much
their volume is on yes
let's go in there
well okay now we're just guessing in the
yeah that may be very loud the idea when
people tagged out I write about time
management they assume two things one is
that I'm always on time
and I'm not I have four small children
and I'd like to blame them for my
occasional tardiness but sometimes it's
just not their fault
I was wonderfully to my own speech on
time management take a moment together
and savor that all right
the second thing they assume is that I
have lots of tips and tricks for saving
bits of time here and there sometimes
I'll hear from magazines that are doing
a story along these lines generally on
how to help their readers find an extra
hour in the day and the idea is that
we'll shave it's a time off everyday
activities add it up you will have time
for the good stuff and I question the
entire premise of this piece but I'm
always interested in hearing what
they've come up with before they call me
so some of my favorites doing errands in
a way where you only have to make
right-hand turns being extremely
judicious in microwave usage so this is
three to three and a half minutes on a
package we are totally getting in on the
bottom side of that and there's no
favorite which makes sense on some level
is to DVR your favorite shows you can
fast-forward to the commercials that way
you save about eight minutes every half
hour so in the course of two hours of
watching TV for 32 minutes exercise
which is true you know another way to
find 32 minutes
sighs don't watch two hours of TV a day
all right
anyway the ideas will say fits of time
here and they are added up people
finally gets at everything we want to do
but after studying how successful people
spend their time and looking at their
schedules hour by hour I think this idea
has it completely backward we don't
build the lives we want by saving time
we build the lives we want and then time
saves itself here's what I mean I
recently did a time diary project
looking at a thousand and one days in
the lives of extremely busy women they
have demanding jobs sometimes their own
businesses kids to care for maybe
parents to care for community
commitments busy busy
people I had to keep track of their time
for a week so I could add up how much
they worked and slept and I interviewed
them about their strategies for my book
one of the women whose kind of love they
study she goes off for a Wednesday
nights or something she comes home to
find that her water heater has broken
and there is no water all over her
basement you've never had anything like
this happen to you you know there's a
hugely damaging frightening sopping mess
so she's doing with you needed aftermath
that night next day she'd stuff plumbers
coming in and day after that
professional training career gem of the
ruined carpet all of this being reported
on her time walk winds up taking seven
hours of her week seven hours that's
like finding an extra hour in the day
but I'm sure if you asked her at the
start of the week could you fall in
seven hours to train for triathlon could
you find seven hours to mentor seven
worthy people I'm sure she would have
said what most of us would have said
which is no can't
see how busy I am yet when she had to
find seven hours because there is water
all over her basement
she found seven hours and what this
shows us is that time is highly elastic
we cannot make more time but time will
stretch to accommodate what we choose to
put into it and so the key to time
management is treating our priorities as
the equivalent of that broken water and
together fit I like to use some language
from one of the busiest people I of her
interview I can see I need she was
running a small business with help
people on payroll she had six children
in her spare time I was getting in touch
with her to set up an interview on how
she had it all off that phrase I
remember was a Thursday morning and she
was not available to speak with me of
course right but the reason she was
unavailable to speak with me is that she
was out break because it was a beautiful
spring morning and she wanted to go for
a hex so of course this makes me even
more intrigued and when I finally do
catch up with her she explains it like
this she says listen to everything I do
every minute I spend is my choice and
rather than say I have time to do X Y or
Z should say I don't do X Y or Z because
it's not a priority I don't have time
often means it's not a priority if you
think about it that's really more
accurate language I mean I could tell
you out
time to dust my clients but that's not
true if you offered to pay me $100,000
to go to us five lines I would get to it
pretty quickly since that is not going
to happen I think now this is not a
matter of lucky time if they don't want
to do it using this language reminds us
that time isn't choice and granted there
may be horrible consequences for making
different choices I will give you that
but we are smart people and certainly
over the long run we have the power to
fill our lives with the things that
deserve to be there so how do we do that
how do we treat our priorities as the
equivalent of that broken larger well
first we need to figure out strategies
for thinking about this at first I'm a
professional side I'm sure many people
come up to the end of the year or giving
or getting annual performance reviews
you look back over your successes of the
year your opportunities are great and
this serves its purpose but what is more
effective to do this looking forward so
much of your tendency in the next year
you're giving yourself a performance
review and it has been an absolutely
amazing year for you professional what
three things did you do that made it so
amazing so you can write next year's
performance review now and you can do
this for your personal life too I'm sure
many of you like me come December
get cards that contain these folded up
sheets of colored paper on which is
written what is known as
family holiday letter a bit of a
wretched genre of literature barely
going on about how amazing everyone in
the household is or even our
scintillating how busy everyone in a
household is but means letters serve a
purpose which is that they tell your
friends and family what you did and your
personal life that matter to you over
the course of the year so this year's
kind of done but I want you because the
end of next year
and it has been an absolutely amazing
year for you and the people you care
about what three to five things did you
do that made it so amazing so you can
write next year's family Holloway letter
now don't spend it
please don't send it but you can write
it and now between the performance
review and a family holiday letter with
six to ten goals we can work on in the
next year and now we need to break these
down into doable steps so maybe you want
to write a family history
well first you can read some other
family histories get a sense for the
style then maybe think about the
questions you want to ask your relatives
set up appointments to interview them or
maybe you want to run a 5k so you need
to find a racing signup and figure out a
training plan take those shoes out of
the back of the closet and then this is
key we treat our priorities as the
equivalent of that broken water heater
but lay them into our schedules first
and we do this by thinking through our
weeks before we are in them I think it
really good time to do this is Friday
afternoons Friday afternoon is what an
economist might call a low opportunity
cost time most of us are not sitting
there on Friday afternoon saying I am
excited to make progress for my personal
and professional priorities right now
but we are going to think of
but there should be so take a look at
times right afternoon make yourself in
three category fabulous career
relationships stuck making a three
category this reminds us that 30 should
be something in all three categories
career we think about relationships
stuff not so much but anyway just a
short list two to three items in each
then look out over the whole of the next
week as see where you can plan them in
where the plan them in is up to you and
I know this is going to be more
complicated for some people than others
I mean some people's lives are just
harder than others it's not going to be
easy to find time to take that poetry
class if you are caring for multiple
children on your own I get that and I
don't want to minimize anyone struggle
but I do think that the numbers I'm
about to tell you are empowering there
are 168 hours in a week 24 times 7 is a
are working a full-time job so 40 hours
a week sleeping eight hours a night so
that leaves 72 hours for other things
that is a lot of time
if they you're working 50 hours a week
maybe a main job and a side hustle well
that leaves 62 hours for other things
you fail repeat 60 hours well that
leaves 52 hours for other things
you say I'm working more than 60 hours
well are you sure there's lots of study
comparing people's estimated work weeks
of time varies found that people
planning 75 plus hour work weeks we're
off by about 25 hours you can guess in
which direction right anyway 168 hours a
week I think we can find time for what
matters to you if you want to spend more
time with your kids you want to study
more for a test you're taking you want
to exercise for three hours and
volunteer for two you can and that's
even if you're working way more than
full time hours we have plenty of time
which is great because guess what we
don't even need that much time to do
amazing things but when most of us have
bits of time what do we do pull out the
phone right start bleeding email answer
otherwise we're party around the house
or watching TV but small movements can
have great power you can use your bits
of time for bits of joy
maybe it's choosing to read something
wonderful and bus on the way to work I
know when I had a job that required two
bus rides in a cell
every morning I need to go to the
library on weekends to get stuff to read
make the whole experience almost almost
enjoyable breaks at work can be used for
meditating or praying if family dinner
is out because of your crazy work
schedule maybe family breakfast could be
a good substitute
it's about looking at the whole of once
time and seeing where the good stuff can
go I truly believe this there is time
even if we are busy we have time for
what matters and when we focus on what
matters we can build a lives we want and
the time we've got thank you
okay so we have spoken about how to
prioritize tasks and how to go about
them are you plan those things but I
hear the major difficulty comes when you
try to do those things and when you are
trying to do anything you try you just
procrastinate or you just taking longer
than that but yeah there are too many
distractions there getting some random
email somebody just calls in and then
you're not able to do that so he comes
down to this technique called is the
Pomodoro Technique which is which has to
execute those tasks so for door actually
means a tomato in Italian it was
designed by Francesco Cirillo and it is
similar to our eyes eyes technique in
software development where you break
down the tasks in smaller chunks and
then really reflect over them and then
Google and so forth for next week the
first step is to estimate the time
required to do any task so in any any of
the tasks we usually know OLAP or we
estimate how much time I mean people
need to do these things say now to build
a presentation everybody is built a
presentation so we know like how much
time are we gonna need to build a
presentation or if you are talking in
professional terms when you are doing as
a you give a code of you know time how
much that you're going to need so that's
the first thing that estimate the number
like amount of time required to do that
as the second step would be to breathe
those bring down those - into 25 minute
slots called for murderers
so these slots are basically focused
time slots that you are not supposed to
be distracted by anything you keep your
cell phone away you don't check your
email it is supposed to
five minutes lots like maybe it may be a
three yard task so you just break it
down into twenty five minutes so you
focus continuously for 25 minutes so
that's the forward or operator so that's
what you do and after each of the tasks
you take a five minute wait because
continuously focusing material it's not
possible for anyone for the study to
show that maximum focus and could be
semi do 90 minutes but more than that
would be very difficult and our brain
would get tired and it needs asleep so
homeowners state that after every 25
minutes you take a five minute break to
just refresh your brain meditator take a
walk and at the end of like almost at
the last minute of each order we just
reflect the point how this task is going
or just note down that you know how much
did you complete so that it helps you
plan better for future tasks so similar
tasks so this will give you say yeah so
that was it solid step boys to focus on
your one task for 25 minutes and just
continue doing that for it okay more
number of home runs so the step for its
complete desire to lose that list of
activities which take a longer amount of
times maybe take three or four former
dollars after four of these Springs you
can just take a longer break to refresh
yourself again and eventually you find
that your focus has been increased your
productivity is increased and you are
able to give time to other things which
as in the video of the PD said that you
can give time to whatever you want
you just need there is always more time
to give to other things you just need to
focus your time and not get distracted
while doing some circulation so the next
abilities so this way you end it after
four former you take a break
eventually reach the end of your task
and the goal is solid so that's where we
end our presentation
do you have any questions to use any
yes there is actually a boner
application available on Android and iOS
is a cheap start to its 25 minutes or
there is another application I have used
which is called tree or forest so yeah
so it's basically you set a time point
for whatever spirit you want and did
that it shows that it's growing a tree
for the 25 minutes that you are not if
you if you go away from the screen the
timer is stopped so your bits basically
you're building up a farm it's like a
kind of gaming thing where you just
build up a farm like and then India you
will see the forest of your productivity
if you have a bad habit of like using
your phone when you are working or
something if you go away from the tree
it like that yeah
yeah the common we use at least I do a
variation on Pomodoro but David's
Charles receipts you actually feminine
or camel the name by mold or oh okay we
have a little record collection with the
office and a side of a records about 20
minutes so you got to get up and flip a
record okay so forces you to actually
deal with the bagman it's just silencing
their work in few minutes in silence
this vibe after a while it's like
where's the music
did that it's actually a good technique
to these dances that you're looking for
a long period of time yes it's really
it was made
so I would say you know we have these
techniques that you write down here boil
so at the start of each forum on
religion if you write down your board
you see stuff if you just start with it
it helps you shuffle my priority
we'll just so that yeah I know XYZ is
actually the most important thing and
the most urgent things but if I just
really don't feel up to it I'll be like
okay you know what I'm not getting try
to do this badly for a while I'm in
there with this one to the side and
tackle this other thing that feels a lot
more mental right now yeah yeah no
that's that's maybe that's a good mother
if it was you get you're like it's as it
was nobody there you start off small at
least get if you have a checklist
process of the silly things the smaller
things they're not so scary things first
and then get to the instead of just like
stalling on everything yeah that's
really good thank you yes
are there any stats out there on how
much times actually wasted