The best websites are user-focused; they are pleasing to look at, easy to use, and offer a joyful experience. But for many of us, especially in the non-profit and small business sector, we have limited time and shoestring budgets. How can we incorporate user research and testing into our website’s design and implementation? Once UX testing is done, how do you deal with all those issues you found? This session will showcase examples from the legal non-profit community of successful inexpensive (and sometimes very creative) user research and testing and will provide a solid introduction to types of user testing and research that anyone can do. No prior experience is required; no knowledge of Drupal is required.
Gwendelyn Daniels
Software Product Director @ Illinois Legal Aid OnlineDrupal engineer, product manager, lawyer. Working at Illinois Legal Aid Online, I am able to combine my ability to solve problems and technical know-how with a passion for helping those in need by building tools that allow people to solve their own legal problems.

so this is a session of practical UX
when you have almost no time and money
what would have talked about today is is
why would you care about the user
experience system user research options
and different types of these are testing
and how you can do them without awful
lot of money
I'm product director at a non-profit
here in Chicago Illinois where they
donate online I want to quit or any
group of that or guys GA Daniel 70s
Cairo Illinois legal aid online is based
in Chicago our website and legal 7 its
focus is to provide little information
and services for people who have civil
legal problems and can't afford an
attorney about 77% of all civil cases
involved at least one unrepresented
party in criminal cases you have a right
to an attorney whether you can afford it
or not input in civil matters such as
divorce getting order to protection
identity that housing is she was a
fiction foreclosure all of those things
you have no right to look to an attorney
and so our website is often the only
resource for a large number of people in
the court system
who have no access to the lemon legal
representation I only do a coach at that
said three people who without this
presentation would not happen I'll aim
at Corolla it was my user experience
research coordinator and ash trip and it
and Emily good run similar projects of
Michigan and Minnesota who did a version
of this presentation with me back in
January at the legal services conference
in New Orleans so why do we why don't
care about the user experience could
only have one shot with users you get
maybe two three seconds to make an
impression on users when they come to
your website if they don't see something
of value for them they're going back to
do a little trying somewhere else
if they get into your website and they
can't do what they think they think they
should be able to do or it's a difficult
experience they're not going to come
back a bad user experience can damage
your brand as a client it can damage
your reputation as a as a developer or
as a designer it can cost your company
money if somebody comes to your website
to fire this has an e-commerce side they
come to buy something and they can't get
through the sales funnel it's going to
cost you money it's going to frustrate
your users and in some cases it can even
harm their users such as on the on our
website if somebody comes to our website
tries to complete forms per se getting
an order of protection and they can't do
it because the UX is too hard that's
really bad
absolutely at first to user research and
what do we mean by that it's
understanding users behaviors needs and
motivations by through observation task
analysis and other feedback this is
something that does not have to cost any
money it doesn't even need to take a lot
of time it can if you want to go
depending on how far out you want to go
but there's a lot of easy ones when it
comes to user research take a look at
what you have already if you have Google
Analytics or similar analytics
application running on your website
you've got a whole lot of user data if
you have a user feedback survey on your
website or you have a contact us form or
contact that's the email on your website
I guarantee you probably got user
information somewhere so this stuff all
about what Google Analytics can give you
you know this is something that you can
just add with a snippet onto your code
there's modules in Drupal that will
install Google Analytics for you but it
will tell you things like where users
locator you can filter by city state
country you can see how many users you
have you can see how much they're
looking at how long they're staying
whether they're returning users or new
whether the company excited just going
somewhere else and that that's what your
bounce rate you can also show you at a
page level what they're looking at on
our website 75 to 80 percent of our
pages are two pages of legal information
versus lawyer content or referrals and
what that does for me it says okay
that's what we need to prioritize these
are testing and development and
resources it can also sort of give you a
glimpse into your users for example one
of our most popular pieces of content is
an article called the difference between
dismissed with or without prejudice that
basically is an article that talks about
whether or not somebody who has had
their lawsuit dismissed has the right to
refile it people who come to this one
page spent five minutes on that page but
if I take D point of our analytics
almost all of those people are coming
from outside of Illinois when I looked
at it in this pan with just a little
more users this is not the possibility
in that for our target users this is not
nearly as popular a piece of content for
until Analects also gives us demographic
data if we enable it there are privacy
concerns around doing that I know that
when we enabled the demographic data
collection on card our lawyers take a
look at our privacy policy and make sure
we were covered and they may have had to
do some revisions but what it does is
allows you to see age gender and
interest of your users and there's a
little you know this is from our website
you see that we've got a wide range of
Ages and certainly even split on gender
it'll also tell us interest in this
track this Google sort of tracks you
across different web properties to sort
of glean what they think your and your
interests are our origin it's not
particularly helpful because there's
nothing sort of overwhelming the best we
get is through three and a half percent
it also will only give you that data for
a segment of your users if people have
privacy settings enabled or
or cookie settings then they're not
going to try we give up done at 50% head
in putting a demographic data there's
another tool in Salina looks that really
started to light and that is the user
Explorer because it allows me to follow
a what Google into this is an individual
user through their repeated sessions on
the website and it's something that we
we used to help develop user personas
it's faster and cheaper than calling up
individual users and asking them what
you do on the website so here's an
example we have someone to visited our
website and it's a little bit at the
bottom they came in looking piece of
content on default judgments then they
completed an event that's what Oracle
what's that when I open interactive
which toasts are automated court forms
they came back to the same piece of
content and then the next day they came
back with sentence and hunted again
symbols on information on filing with
the courts and then came back again and
clicked on a link to other technologies
who provides a filing for many of the
courts here in Illinois so when I got
from looking at this one user profiles I
had somebody who most likely failed to
show up in court and a civil action that
is do a judgment against them now wants
to get out of it they came to our
website some rather little informations
completed our automated court forms
learned how to e-file those forms and
then went to the side way they could
actually file their forms that tells me
a whole lot of a story of one of our
users it didn't cost me anything about a
couple of minutes of looking at Google
Analytics user Explorer I didn't have to
call anybody
I didn't have to follow up at the
courthouse all I had to do was look at
this data
yeah there's millions of things that we
can do with Google Analytics and you
could actually do an entire session just
on Google Analytics
got another tool that we use is a user
feedback survey
I've got the link to ours on the side
and you go out for free to steal it I'm
into something that you're interested in
so you know keep it short we asked
basically four questions would you
recommend this website to a friend what
brought you here how hard was it to find
what you're looking for in canvas
contact you and if they say yes some of
their contact information or we can
follow up via email or a phone call and
if we want to dig deeper into what they
were doing
you know if your website has it contact
us or an email you know looking infobox
type of thing you probably collect the
information about from your users
they're probably emailing you when they
have a problem if it goes into a folder
or a database or another email box it
gives you some places to look at that
information you know it's more
time-consuming than using Google
Analytics but the data is there and if
you look for common things you know we
have a lot of folks here's our contact
form to tell us that they need little
help but they usually tell us what their
little problem is and that gives us some
some things that we that we can deal
with that information like do we have
content that addresses that legal
problem do we have good content that
accesses that legal problem are there
people who should be getting referred to
Toledo later or the private bar at arms
through our website or is our content
too hard to find or should we do
comprehension testing and other forms of
the abuse our testing on those those
another thing that we do because we've
got people to join our website it's
asking if they want to be part of future
users that user test studies it's just a
simple yes or no on our unit profile
registration form and that's giving us a
list of over 900 people that we can
reach out to yeah Kevin warned us that
this might happen you know one area that
we failed in really where I failed it is
though is in keeping those users engaged
in ensuring that we have metadata on our
users thankfully you know Eileen has
looked at our procedures and we've
figured out a way to automate a lot of
this and now when somebody says yes I
want to participate in user studies
we're going to set it up so that a few
days later they get an email to a
SurveyMonkey survey where we ask them to
complete a survey that asking questions
like how do you get on the internet what
kind of different device kind of device
you use how would you write your comfort
level with technology you know what's
your education level we can use that
data to filter when we're ready to do
user tests if we want these two segments
so now that collected all of this
research what do we do with that the
most important thing you can do is
define action steps if the research
different illustrates problems look at
an NCO see if you see weird in your
Google Analytics people spending five
make a pair graph probably tell me
something is not quite right
you know seeing that if people are doing
page flows that you wouldn't expect I
think with the unions that needed to
help prioritize where to test users can
also help us identify which users and
user segments we want to text wick and
then again which would leave also use
this research to help us develop
personas to help us guide future
development as somebody who is also
exactly a developer I have found that
the use of personas is helpful for me as
a way to think of working on something
that I'm not quite sure how I want to do
it but being able to associate with a
person rather than just seven majnu user
I've got a project right now where we're
trying to build call toolkits for people
who have barriers to employment and
until we sat down and created some for
someone else
I was completely blocked like how I was
going to do that once it had personas
that sort of outline
okay here's you know Jason's problem
he's got a DUI and of Kent and there's a
result you can't there's drivers that he
doesn't retire precise as he can't get
occupational license and now I'm able to
go in and say okay
now I know how I want what those legal
issues are and I can build a toolkit to
help solve those problems so personals
can be useful for anybody so now that
we've talked about research that talks
about actual user testing you know most
of us know that testing is critical in
software development and user testing is
as important as any other form of
testing I found as a fellow for time and
time again that what works perfectly for
me when I put it in front of the user
they're going to do things that I never
thought that I never thought up and I'm
not going to do that whenever one of my
users are saying no do it this way I
find even more often on the back end or
my content managers than with their
users but you know what I meant for them
to do and what they actually doing
aren't always the same thing and that's
where these are testing is really
important it doesn't have to be
expensive and it doesn't have to look
like there's the screen shot where you
observers by my 2-way glass working with
a facilitator doing instructing a user
on various tasks scenarios you could do
that and we have done that through IIT
many years ago but there's a lot of free
and inexpensive ways to do various
different types of user testing with
every with every test though there are a
set of questions that we should always
be thinking about um what are we testing
what we test will often define what kind
of tests were want to do if you're
testing your knees our interface that's
a different type than if you're testing
your navigation label if it's a simple
scenario that's probably a different
test than if you're trying to test a
complex set of tasks that cover about a
broad section of your website why are we
testing what you know
which has lead us to test are we testing
you know where our research goals and we
can't test without those if we don't
know why we're testing we shouldn't be
testing if we can't say okay I'm testing
this particular for example this icon
placement because I'm not sure that my
users are going to see it or we've had
complaints from members in a rush - what
about having a left column on our
website my desktop and I never see it in
her comments I line I never see the
website okay so we're going to use our
person see if our user to see that left
column you know what users are we
testing for if you thought a CeeLo
audience website is probably that's an
easy question if your website left cards
we've got multiple audiences we need to
be thinking what users were testing for
with each of our tests if I took a
navigation level test up and have
attorney users tested it's going to test
way different than what I have for the
these are chest up
what's our timeline what's our budget
we've we've had some tests where we've
had the luxury of every time we've had
other tests well we've had no time what
we did a results last week and those
scenarios we have paid testing platforms
to find our test participants course
because we didn't have time to do it
what's my budget if you're going to do
or just put long-form observation
testing or you're asking somebody to
spend 30 minutes with you on your
website or longer you really probably
going to have to pay those participants
so if you have a zero dollar budget
they're probably not going to be doing
long-form testing you're probably going
to need to find a different form of
testing so let's talk about some of the
different kinds of stuff
there's a test called the five-second
test and it's exactly what it sounds
like you put an image of a webpage up on
the screen or on anticipate four four
five six take it down you ask questions
I did this with the webcam website in
January and ask them if they figure out
how to buy tickets
nobody had any problem looking at the
homepage of macam and figure out how to
buy tickets the purpose of it though is
its given that we only have a limited
amount of time to write the first
impression is when you put just one page
I've just do you guys see anything of
value for them in that webpage do they
know who you are what this page does do
this he you know your call to action I'm
on the page do they notice you know your
navigation if we put up you know a photo
sharing site Canadians ever tell there's
the photo sharing site in five seconds
if they can't they're leaving you know
if they can they might stick around and
go a little bit deeper
there's a lot of ways to do a
five-second test you can do it with a
sketch you can do it with paper
prototype you can do it online on both
usability test and optimal shop with
your tools completest
has free plans that will let you do free
five-second tests another type of
testing is one that has your navigation
and this is this is generally a card
sort test and treat us they are designed
to tetra navigation independent of your
design elements for a card sort test
will test your labels and a true throat
will test your navigation have card
sorts can be open a club or closed
source where you give these are a stack
of page titles and say or you have page
titles or pieces of content into here
and then open source here two of these
the way you think they should be grouped
and and write the labels for them the
close card sort is - here - the group of
content you've loop them into groups but
here's the labels we want you to use and
it allows you them to test whether
people understand what you meant with
your labels if it matches before you
would put thanks a tree so it's kind of
the opposite and that case you've given
somebody a tree of your website and
given them a task and seeing what path
they take to give to an answer
again you can do these with hearts which
you can do there's a tape or index cards
post-it notes you could do it online
entry tests you can do with an Excel
spreadsheet other I don't really
recommend that you can also do that
again online for through it with tools
like optimal workshop you know the card
smart was in there with post-it notes
you just have a pile of them you do it
to the user and they lay them out on the
table and group tanks together and you
can look what they've done if you do it
online something that looks like this
where you have the list of all the
content and they just drag and drop into
the into the categories that they think
best and then you get this nice little
group bit of reporting and they're
definitely the dark in the back was blue
the better the match the more people who
put it in that bucket and helps you
design your your navigation labels
this is a true sort example where I've
got a town suppose that you're not
affected Anna contests amar find the
lowest-cost home broadband subscription
and here's our tree structure and I
click on it and search categories
beneath that they'll pop up in the user
can just click through and it gives me
some results it took me okay you know
we've had this much success this many
failed these many people went through
with the direct route other people
wouldn't have a sideways route but they
still found me information and said
people just completely skip that or
failed it but if you know tells me can't
people shine through my navigation what
I what I want them to be able to find
where I think they should be able to
find it
first click test display an image of a
webpage and a task a test taker cooked
on whatever they were on the page they
say it's going to be the place to get
them the answer to what so the first
step is to solve that that test that the
task that they were given there's no
opportunity to clarify it in a first
click test the task I'm so needs to be
concise and simple it's really important
to get to that first clip right because
right will complete their task and 46%
will fail if they've done
you know like like everything we're
talking about your Bacon's gonna be down
the paper just put the chain for my
friend today what you know where would
you clip to do this you can also do this
online with the free pens with free
plans and in those cases you just upload
an image and it doesn't have to be
anything fancy and and create a task
and then the user you know close when
they think that it's the right is the
right place to begin and you'll get a
heat map telling you where user selects
so if that was this is optimal workshop
and this is usability how this is our
website so you know when I click to
learn how to get a divorce
hopefully people will put my legal
information but I haven't actually
tested this but at the FDA with both
examples I get basically a a heat map
showing me where users collect a be
testing is another form of user testing
and it doesn't necessarily really have
to be a B I've done did one recently
that's a B C D or E but the idea is that
you put your original web page up and
one of our variants and you see which
men performs better based on whatever
metric you decide
this is some examples of things that you
might want to test with an AP test is
you know doesn't drive a better user
engagement do I have a lower bounce rate
with I knew the original version do I
have more page views or do I have more
conversions if I have you know two
product pages does one of them put the
same product there's one result in
higher sales than the other
there's a few different ways that you
can run a be test - phone has an a/b
test AP JavaScript testing modules I
don't do a lot of JavaScript sorry it's
Aaron Estell if I can would use it
virtual website optimizer is another
tools that when I was googling Drupal
and they'd be hesitant to do our a/b
testing came up it's not 20 it's about
they pay annually or my clinic has some
additional features has a bitch for a
visual editor that's nice Google
optimizes but we had that going when
it's free for three tests at a time it
has an easy to use visual editor and
reporting tools and I'll show you what
that can do
also if you have the pro version of
MailChimp that also supports AP testing
of emails so if you want to see if an
email add or an email newsletter that
goes out if one version has better than
the test but in the other you
so let me show you what I could deal
with google optimize I go in and I
create a test I just give it the link on
my website that I want to test what it
creates you know the original and then I
can create mother one more variants I
can set my objective and my goal so here
in this example as that what I'm tested
for is is this recommender block test
better than are related walk our related
block this is a block that it has
related articles that are determined by
peoples have autonomy timers and
recommender block is actually was
actually created by an analytics company
that did created a predictive model for
us so we really want to know if there
was worth all the money was spent doing
that and so I said okay I want to know
what empowered those dogs have on
bounces pages and session duration I
think Joe in to the visual editor and I
can highlight put this on a page that
I'm going to change the text or edit the
HTML or add some JavaScript and I'm just
gonna edit HTML I find that that's
easier to work with in the edit text
because it pops up this little window
and I just change the text and then I
save it I launch the test
and the Google starts delivering so the
fact to learn by default is gonna send
and it starts posting that data and then
it gives me some reports that show ya
what was the what's the level of
improvement and you can see that the
recommender was descriptor has positive
improvements and bounces and pages and
so this Bruckner bigger variant has no
infringement is actually worse than the
original but I've done about this tenth
work without spending a single developer
and then I can see probabilities that a
variant is better than the original and
probability that it's the best and when
I found that information if it turned
out that the variants are better than
the original then I can go to my
developers and say here now implement us
I already know that it's better they
don't we have now and I haven't wasted
any developer resources doing something
that I think might be better but I don't
know will be better
so we've talked a lot about some basic
tests that can be done very fairly
easily a fairly cheaply but really what
most of us think about user testing
would probably think about observation
testing while we're actually interacting
with the users the thing that
observation testing has over everything
else is it's the only form of user
testing well it's not the only form of
seminole do things but it's the only
chance we have to ask why they did
things the way that they did things if
you're doing enough hard sort or at
first click test you don't get the
chance to ask the user why did you click
that it's also the best point it has
more complex scenarios or larger
sections of your website when you do an
observation test you down it up a lot of
users 5 users is going to get you 80% of
the issues with the page or section on
your website 8 users gonna give you
about 95% anything about that about any
return on investment it is very very
small and you can do option ratio tests
in person you could do them with a
you can use a computer-based difficult
era tactic you can use your life
production site you can use your life
development site if you have one you can
do them online I did use agate
observation testing with attorneys on an
old version of our program volunteer
opportunities go to meetings I add them
log in hold up the site gave them the
scenarios recorded there's their session
and was able to ask them questions we
also use it to evaluate Lee calm it is
not free it is not particularly
inexpensive but I want to mention it
because it would has done for us if that
$10 for users for their testers has
helped us out when we didn't have time
to recruit our home users they do have
nonprofit pricing which is about a
thousand dollars a year fortune if
they're normal about 2400 ollars video
for their face so we talk about
observation testing there's basically
two forms of observation and testing
there short-form and long-form short
film is great for foot test since it you
can do it under five minutes you can
usually get participants to do it for
free and it's usually best for one or
two things so here is an example that
the Michigan little nuts
that they were it was they did this
house my share at mother should be pride
they were going to be there anyway
they threw this test in and when they
were testing with the placement of their
guide to little help icon they did it
with a law student and a staff attorney
who wrote down answers on a notepad and
people came up to their table got Mardi
Gras beads for completing the test which
I priced on Amazon and they're really
really inexpensive but yeah the test
took five seconds super easy and totally
for a long time user testing is probably
their was what I think most often when I
talk about user testing it usually
involves whole pages or sections of the
website the attenti that usually is
going around 20 to 30 minutes sometimes
longer and it's something that we know
that we expect to have to pay users to
do we've taught some tips for long-form
observation testing decide what your
testing be narrow
you can't test the whole website in a
single user in a single observation test
so some of the things that were tests
that we tested are you know this is
modal annoying my desktop the motor was
fine on mobile forget about it
the users found it completely annoying
on forms how many questions is too many
what path do you take to do why these
are to understand are bizarre icons and
do people use this the way we think
they're going to discuss decide where
you're going to pick a location secure
permission from the location to do your
test whether you need an hour a day
picking a date location gives you an
external deadline there's a lot of
moving pieces when you do long form
observation mezzanine we have done them
at the Daley center of self-help this in
downtown Chicago the Michigan program
has done them an ice cream parlor at
we've all done in the libraries anywhere
your users are is a place where you can
do user testing
that's not indeed a permission for the
location that you're doing it up you
need to make a plan because there's a
lot of moving parts you know what do you
need what are you guys you look at
scenarios you're going to test what
penalty needs to be there generally
you're going to need at least a couple
of people to do operation testing you
need somebody to facilitate you need
somebody to observe and take notes
and they were proud to fall and
determine who is responsible for what
suggest scenario you know sometimes you
can put a huge on front of your website
and say here go use those and you'll get
great feedback other time other times
that doesn't work maybe they don't have
a reason to use your website maybe
they're shy about suggesting a real-life
scenario of their own but if you suggest
when maybe they won't fully be fully
engaged in the user testing so our
recommendation is that you give people a
handful of scenarios to pick from and
hopefully they will connect with one we
have seen folks who connect with one and
they'll start researching or working on
a can scenario find something that
interested and then go down a whole
different path and we always want
when you're doing long form after edge
testing you'll probably going to have to
recruit to your participants ahead of
time unless you're doing it someplace
where there's a lot of foot traffic and
you can wear out people and there's a
lot of questions that you can do with
that if you've had user to hand out you
can use the email if you have
newsletters you can do that
um poster for your users visit we have
called partner organizations and said
hey T of clients that we can have user
we'll give them a $30 gift card if they
come over to our office and do this task
you can put it up on you know
unannounced up on your website and you
can if you're doing online user testing
you can have platforms find you testers
from their pool of tester panels and
generally the rule the rule of thumb
that we use for paying participants for
long-form user testing as a dollar
format and we tend to use most of us
until a community use gift cards rather
than cash but we have also use cash
you need to develop your own test book
does your site work for the test that
you want to run
do you have scripts you have the
documents that you need to do test to do
the test
do you have you know an observation
score Explorer in the shade you have
productive their scenarios do you have
Koston pre and post surveys I'm if
you're going to do those do you know who
needs to be there I'm generally will say
you should probably do pre and post
tests surveys pretest surveys but you
saw the captured demographic data about
your testers and post tests surveys give
them an opportunity to rate their
overall experience taking the test it
gives you feedback I think that you kind
of put them on but it also gives them
that sort of last chance to feel like
they've been heard
I can't stress this when I test your
don't go sometimes to do long-form
observation testings without ever having
one run throw it at least once you get
family friends co-workers and can be
your guinea pigs you know and you'll
have to then if you if things come up
when you're testing your test then
you've advised and you repeat as native
until your until you're confident that
you're ready to actually do
on the day of testing get there early
get set up and be open to anything
it's a user testings a lot of things but
it's never dull in Michigan they did a
test at the library and lots of the
homeless shelter got really into the
testing and one guy went back to the
shelter and brought back a bunch of
other people and it was there was also
there's a line for testing and
experience and they brought snacks and
it was a really fun experience
for the Michigan Idaho team that was
there doing the testing to get good
results and one of the most important
things to do is food treat you put your
tests your needs our testers at ease we
are never ever ever testing the users
we're testing the product they can't get
anything wrong if something doesn't work
right it's on us not them encourage them
to be you know open and honest and
critical they're not television that
melody telling them they're not going to
hurt your feelings but try not to look
like they've hurt your feelings start
with easy task
things that will build their confidence
using using the tools and stay out of
stay out of the way resist that
developer urge to hear this is the way I
meant for you to do it just let them do
it their way
note what they're doing and then go back
and figure out how you how you can
improve your product and when you're
done you know before you ask these or
why did you do you know what what why
what was your thought process being
present during the tested to talk aloud
and did that post that post observation
test survey so that they have a chance
to tell you what they thought of your
testing project process so once we have
done all of this research and all of
this testing when you have a small
budget or low budget what do you do with
all the results our recommendation is
that you immediately analyze the results
and make a list of all of the
recommendations recommendations that you
have to change your website and explore
those recommendations which ones are
critical and which ones are less
estimate what it would take to fix them
and it would be responsible is that
something that failed because the
content wasn't well written than that
that's on the client defects is it
something in the UI that you needed to
have a designer work with you on is it
something in the the page speed or some
back-end stuff that you need to have the
peer developers working on and then
prioritize and accept that there are
going to be some things that are going
to be on that would be nice next version
list that you're just not going to be
able to get to immediately but at least
you have them all documented you know
what they are and when you have the
ability to go in and do some of them you
so does that I the slides are up look
lonely because they're not altered on
Twitter after the session we didn't have
questions or comments are there other
types of user testing the eol that may
have done that I did
ranek you know we've used up our budget
for a further testing but we had a huge
queue of people
so what we wound up doing
it's doing support cards certain genetic
testing and we just offered you know
that's like a raffle like somebody would
be tainted
yeah we did something similar we did we
have a try annual advocate legal aid
advocate conference in Chicago and we
wanted to do some user testing on some
of the aspects of our website and also
do some to get some user research from
our returning users except we instead
want to pay anybody but instead we we
had about donated raffle prizes that we
picked in raffle off we had a bunch of
mini surveys I thought you want you
complete one you got one raffle ticket
if you did in person I'm sure vision
testing with us you've got five raffle
tickets and we were able to use that to
get a significant amount of testing done
in two days and we offered people $10
each to come and do it
we've got no response whatsoever
but then we offered you get a raffle for
every two dollars we have 30 people
certainly so there are a lot of more
willing to go after the raffle for
something big then it guaranteed if
anything small you've got something like
niche to do a review board or whatever
check with them on the rules for this
for instance we can do testing and
report whatever we want on the computer
but if our recording has any recording
of the people's hands or faces now it
becomes a test that the person according
the IRB instead of a testament software
and stuff falls under your totally
separate rules so be aware it's either
the solution that has that
the situation to figure out what it is
that you are and are allowed to do
so you kind of touched up as far as
testing the test but you know one of the
easiest cheapest simplest is ask your
spouse or family to take a look Lily
used to be pretty vocal what do you mean
family trends other people in your
organization who are not part of the
tests are great people to use to help
test your caste
any other comments well thanks to