Web content is no longer single blocks of text with an image sprinkled in for effect. (Was it ever, really?) Authors are looking for more intuitive and sophisticated content creation tools that free them to better engage with their audience and drive real results – they need things like rich content blocks, calls-to-action, testimonials, and slideshows.
Of course, Drupal can do all these things -- if you don’t mind tinkering within the deep dark recesses of the platform – and what content author doesn’t love doing that? Drupal is behind the curve here. Content authors have been clamoring (for years) for visual ways to create targeted landing pages and custom layouts without involving designers or developers. But, designers want to ensure the authors adhere to design guidelines and developers are concerned about the quality of code and broken pages that they will ultimately need to fix.
We were recently engaged to solve this very problem. Our client’s marketing team is working in a fast-paced environment, creating thousands of targeted landing pages that need regular revisions. The process of involving designers, developers, and authors to build these has become untenable – to the point where they are considering abandoning Drupal. Luckily we talked them off that ledge by offering some great solutions.
During this talk we’ll explore
Visual content authoring options, including paragraphs on steroids and some drag & drop javascript options.
highlight the benefits and challenges, of these approaches, such as structured vs unstructured data
Working around the limitations inherent in D8’s new layout builder and the current state of “outside in” functionality
Join us as we highlight our thoughts and ideas on improving the content editing experience, we also will encourage attendees to share the challenges and options they’re seeing when it comes to visual content building and editing in Drupal.
Rick Cecil
CEO & Experience Strategist @ BluesparkRick Cecil is CEO and Experience Strategist at Bluespark. He has 20 years of experience working with universities, businesses, and non-profits to create results-driven digital experiences. Rick is an experienced speaker, having spoken at a variety of conferences over the years, including Drupalcon, MidCamp, and Mobile Web Americas.

so how is the author's Hey
so I'm Rick I'm a strategist count the
CEO of blue spark my background is in
these are experience design interaction
design so I do a lot of stuff well the
course of my career I've done a lot of
the upfront conversations with clients
and had some of these things about what
they want to do and how they want to do
it and the different types of pages they
want to create and of course also have
the unfortunate conversations about the
limitations with what so I've been doing
this since 1999 which means I'm old I've
been around for a while front-end
development but all sorts of stuff I
work at blue spark these days I've been
here for quite a few years we were a
full service digital agency from Digital
Strategy user experience design creative
development content data analytics what
are we talking about today
so it's dive right in I'm gonna cry if I
want to get through the slides pretty
quickly because I really want this to be
a conversation with us in the group here
just about what we're doing what this
imagined future could look like where we
actually can and how are the authors the
content creators Age builders to do
something really creative interesting
without breaking things
great so but yeah I mean that's
ultimately what we're here to talk about
empowering the author to tell their
stories tell their stories and engage
their audience in really meaningful ways
and ways that are important to them but
don't break stuff so or you kind of
talked about the conversation but let's
take a step back and let's think about
the stories that we're telling the
stories that our authors are content
creators what are they wanting to do
what I think about a story you know
sitting up around campfire you know
telling ghost stories and everybody's
engaged and really kind of
to the speaker right but we think about
the web right that's what are the
different stories that were telling like
there's a story around mid camp that's
been told lots of little stories from
the organizers there's a story for those
guys the story for the speakers they
engaged me in a different way and I
engaged them in a different way so I
wanted to present here a story for the
for the attendees you know making sure
the dates and understanding the
schedules and all this stuff these are
all stories that are connected that you
want to put out there and make sure
you're connecting with the right
audience and this range is probably you
know bit for the events from the
schedule to blog post to mailing list
like it's spam it's almost sorts of
stuff late today we're really going to
kind of focus on the website printed
pages still ready and I'm going to start
there kind of looking at how we're
telling these stories how do we go
through this stuff but I'm actually
going to use an example of a project
that we're working on today with UCLA
but of course it all starts with an idea
right somebody gets the idea either
either it's the content creator the
digital marketer and their boss their
boss's boss has the great idea right
then for UCLA
they're coming up when they're their
centennial and the entire penis has a
job to do everybody every department has
different jobs that they have to do and
for a UCLA library they have this art
university artists photo archive
thousands tens of thousands of photos
over the last 100 years telling all
these different stories about their
campus just these incredible beautiful
photos and so we were working with them
to design this site it's a beautiful
site that really puts a lot of emphasis
and focus on the photos themselves
and the way we're gonna build this site
you might recognize a process like this
you know we get the idea we design and
we test it we prototype and we test it
some more then we build it and we launch
you ready
but then they're going to get more
feedback from their users they're gonna
get more feedback from their
stakeholders and of course their KPIs
and other things other metrics that the
monitoring and aren't they hitting those
so what happens then so they okay we get
what you need to make these changes so
we iterate right like that's that's the
web the web's never done we constants a
literation evolution and in the
iteration process kind of looks like
this right they engage designers
developers will go through the whole
process again but there are limitations
with that process right so does that
mean that if I want to you know that
would move this photo from this place to
this place or that call to action from
the right side to the left side or
change the text on that call to action
that's in that graphic button that the
content author doesn't really know or
can't have access to through the CMS for
whatever reason it's a it can be a slow
frustrating process for authors
and so that's what we want to talk about
like how do we change that how do we
reimagine this process so that we can
empower the authors so that we can they
can make these changes they can look at
other ways okay this is a working this
pieces of working how do we change this
how can we evolve that without involving
the designers and the developers again
not just because the time cost the
budget costs increase don't blame all
those reasons but also just so that they
feel empowered they're not frustrated
with the system very able to do what
they want to do so what if of course you
have this process because we've got a
design decide we gotta make it look good
but instead of just designing the site
and launching it we also created a
pattern language then in addition to
creating the design in that pattern
language we created reusable components
and then built those into a content
builder or page builder that they can
then manipulate pages with through
drag-and-drop interface and we have
several of these drupal 8.5 just
released early this week and they're
doing some exciting stuff that that
looks like it has promised in this
direction but there's other other pieces
on the market aren't even related to
Drupal and so we are actually talking to
one of our clients about some of the
stuff when we're looking at the
possibilities of different using
different open-source tools that
potentially integrate those with Drupal
want to show you one today like it makes
it out of here so this is an open source
tool and it's got this direct
well you aren't seeing what I've seen
good cop
so this is one such tool where over here
you have components that you can create
and customize right and then you in the
collector this is a sample video some
content and I can quickly drop the drive
you like categories of content if I need
a new title over here I can drive it end
I can edit it
different styles of quotes that I can
put in and if you look around this is
not a module this is from a company
called ANOVA studios as content
Villaverde s and this is something we're
looking at integrating with with Drupal
this is an open well it's not quite open
source it's you know it's not it's
fairly expensive tool to use but you see
how like with you know sort of imagine
go ahead is this go through all of this
in a worldwide basis and basically each
of these items are divs are surrounded
in a div with a special class name so
that the tool can actually detect what
you can actually drag and drop and move
around so so this piece right here you
see my cursor over there yeah it's just
surrounded and it's Rendon and a div
it's actually pretty Elliott pretty
simple solution so other questions now
your so so now you're getting into some
of the complex issues that we're running
into right because the way it works now
the way this is set up and almost like a
Persian one that we're looking at is
these are individual components that
aren't really connected to anything
inside Drupal right and that doesn't
quite work for some of our clients like
the UCLA library with with their
University Archives collection that's
stored in the centralized database and
we need to be able to tap into that with
an API but you can do that right we can
very easily you see how it like
extending this kind of piece we're okay
with this photo right here I could click
this photo instead of it just being a
link here it's like okay let me click a
link to access the database that I could
browse around to find the phone
- from there directly or let's say it
was at an event component a featured
events component that I wanted to drag
you and I connected that to a piece of
content over in Drupal right so it's so
that's that's really where I think the
big future the big opportunity here is
is to try to connect that to content
that exists inside Drupal so I'm
creating a visual presentation layer
here that I can modify change and then
connect that to the content that's
managed inside your scenes - other
keep throwing them at me but there's
different I mean this is just one of the
tools right this is just one of them
there's another one this is called Greek
dock Jas it's another it's an
open-source tool that's a little bit
more complex and I'm to me it looks it
looks a little bit more like a like
Photoshop and so some content authors
might feel intimidated by that I think
but it does give them a little bit more
power and of course what we're seeing
coming out with Drupal 8.5 but that
bills they're still filtered it's early
stages of film or like a page builder
rather than kind of a content designer
which there's a place for both of those
you're gonna need those so now I mean
the goal is whenever you're getting more
user feedback more stakeholder input and
here are we getting our KPIs or not you
know I'm going back to this kind of
system and I'm abled like we have these
cretins pre-designed components that fit
the style the style guide that we are
supposed to be using and just dragging
that in or changing the content you know
maybe maybe my analysis has led me to
think that the read more text needs to
be you know view more or something you
know whatever it is I have that
capability to get in there and make that
cheese we have empowered the optical to
make those changes instead of having to
go back to the designer or developer for
every little change which I mean let's
be honest here for all the designers and
developers in the room like how open do
you want to go back to make little
tweaks and spin design changes every
time you're off the class you can get
other stuff you got to do that's more
exciting right
so again the point of the conversation
the point of the talk here today is to
kind of have a conversation about the
possibility of these tools and what
we're seeing and some of the challenges
and already heard some of the questions
around some of those challenges
absolutely can we as work building the
stuff that were exploring it we're
learning more and able to take more of
that into consideration so I was in a
talk yesterday where what the guy did
was if he didn't get questions he
started asking the audience questions it
was pretty awesome so be prepared that's
what I'm doing today so other questions
it's more of a statement or a thought is
it would be awesome if you were able to
build a Google connector for like that
service you show brennick
the problem is with Drupal being open
source you never getting an authoring
experience like Adobe rhythmic or that
be server because too many bugs Lincoln
kitchen right right right so yeah it
would be awesome if there was more UX
user focus
no I think you're touching on a very
important very challenging issue and one
that we kind of acknowledged ourselves
which is you know all the more modules
that you're putting in you need to be at
this extensible stuff and all your
developers that are out there coding new
modules that are necessarily the best
designers they're not thinking about
that experience under there but but it's
that ecosystem is and the community is
critical to the development of Drupal
but how do you accommodate that right
and competing against the proprietary
right right systems out there thankful
yeah no that's that's that's very true
and it's but it's becoming I think more
a challenge with you know one of our
clients they're the marketing team
they're digital marketing they're kind
of the impetus for this kind of stuff
with they look neat to be able to create
these campaigns where these pages are
gonna last like two or three months they
want if they want to put them up and
turn them down and they want to look
good and they they have all the
analytics running against it so they
know what's working and what's not so
they can't go back to the developer or
the front-end of the designer says hey
we need to make this change and you know
the campaigns over next week so we need
it today in the designer developer are
off doing other stuff on other projects
right because those three stores but so
it's it's a real struggle but I think
it's one we got to try to tackle and
take on and see if we can solve yeah but
yeah you're absolutely right that isn't
what do we currently have available in
Drupal that spring brings us close to
that experience that's a great question
and and like I said my backgrounds more
in the interaction design side of things
but like we whenever we were doing for
this initial exploration we did look at
I think if somebody mentioned paragraphs
of a has talked about some brick stuff
and I like that I know Xavier and his
team are going to talk about some of the
stuff landing page topic page stuff in
the next section and stuff the baked dog
to try to do some of this right so it's
in there but what I've seen so far is
it's not as visual it's not and it
certainly doesn't have the centralized
components that really give the
designers in the front end developers
the real control over how the page works
I've seen paragraphs and I think that I
mean I understand that the functionality
is there I just feel that one could
think run and with
like to em product and I think they're
fun and gets neglected actually
back in and you actually feel things
like it's not very interactive like
actually just paragraphs like a boss
Brett Lincoln is other information you
have to change somebody to write
actually understand what this is great
there's some early user like UX people
actually looking at the back and saying
how can we make this very easy to use
very interactive
this is visually appealing to you right
and I think that's what it's bringing
back there I don't have that experience
before you start using it I gotcha but
that's one of the things that you will
be I really like its country trying yeah
it's very quickly in its very popular
it's very hard to get in there and get
into it and do need that training and
that's what's interesting about a tool
like this there's a lot under the hood
they'll be having the touch toys but
just my palate over here and like groups
and the drag-and-drop this is something
people are gonna pick up really quick
now there's power under here you can get
in there and you could do some really
interesting stuff more so than they
probably need some training on top of it
but this feels a lot more approachable
this kind of experience whether it's
this exact or something an x-ray that
feels a lot better but still got it
connected back like we're not just
starting to replicate something like Wix
or something like that right because
this has to us to be an enterprise level
product that that has the data control
of data reusability all that stuff I
might miss something about like how this
would work with something
well he I think it's gonna really like
this is part of the question that we're
exploring right now the real challenge
is because some of this some of that
like some of the content is complete
clear like if you have a blog post or
you want to do a feature blog first but
tap that into Drupal for sure right or
an event or but like this little bit of
text right here like this thing if I
come in here and I edit this quote does
this quote only live on this page or are
we trying to push that back into Drupal
as this particular content type and we
maybe we are or whatever right but
something that we know what this data is
and it's going back in a Drupal right
nothing at all maybe kind of matters on
the project and I certainly do support
edit experience in football something
closer to this but I also wonder you
know first who like this people is even
the home court at all yeah yeah yeah if
you could yeah no I mean that that's
that's that's a big question
- right sir no no always drew rhythm
okay okay
can you with with that one are you able
to like have a set of components but
yeah gotcha
right so this is so it's called Brigham
yeah yeah creates more complexity more
so just for the video I'm gonna repeat
that a little bit but so there's a
you're saying there's a tool out there
called rhythm a theme called rhythm but
you you actually experienced
experimented with it and it creates a
whole new database install that actually
would make it difficult if you ever
decide to transition off of it but it
does create some interesting stuff there
are models yeah yeah
because there's somebody okay there's
some there's some policy stuff going on
I'm not super familiar that those what
I'm most familiar with
great if I assume they're wrong
that's the kind of English
did you say coupled or okay great yeah
so I think there's also more than we can
you to try to follow on that yeah no
we've been following the l5 stuff seeing
what they're doing it's really
interesting and I think there's there's
promise there and curious what direction
they're gonna go in with it
because the thing that we still haven't
seen and maybe this is on there on the
roadmap if Mac we you know right
but maybe it's on the roadmap but but
are they thinking in terms of these
reusable components these are reusable
pieces that that a front enter designer
can't control that's that's kind of I
think the real missing piece and a lot
of the page builders and other stuff
that we've seen where it's like okay get
complete freedom complete control but
honestly they don't content authors
don't want completely complete control
for their layouts that's that's
overwhelming that's too much choice
too many options and it then and they
need to just focus on writing the
content and if a designer could say hey
look this is how that's supposed to look
and you drop it in and go I think it's
still yeah I mean it takes time I don't
mean all this stuff takes time so I'll
like you I'm old enough to remember you
know web pre approval and you know you
start off with this giant block of text
and start wrapping you know CSS around
it soon you have this big glob of
pretty text what was so revolutionary
about Drupal is this whole idea of
structured content friend to me it seems
like we're going back 15 years it's just
much slicker than you used to be well so
let's sorry where you finish so what I
just have one more thing so you know
I've actually kind of been trying to
spool up you know this homegrown thing
for my company and the solution that I'm
taking is that all of the content lives
in a standard note right so it's all in
in proper fields and then we're using
paragraphs and entities references to
pull that data in and so you know I have
a drop-down for an image and so it's
gonna pull that image or I could call
the image on the title or I can pull the
image on the title teaser and then that
block it's gonna be able to be moved
around and you can change the color and
change the opacity or do what you want
right so it's not this slick but it's
maintaining the structure then well that
I mean and that's the question that's
what we're trying to determine like do
you know do you need this cook right
here and the reasonable data I you know
I could make pretty good case that you
do and could you do this in such a way
that I know that this is what this is
and it when I make the edit through you
know an asynchronous call or whatever it
actually writes it back to the database
enter know where its descendant and so
it's all like completely invisible to
the to the end-user right that's that's
pretty powerful stuff so they they're
editing a node they don't even know what
they're doing right then I have to be
aware of that they're just focused on
content and engagement right
but but no I think that's one of the
questions and I also feel like that some
of this stuff really doesn't need to be
maybe not but when it does it does get
for me too so we're using a lot of
components through paragraphs and so to
get around that a little typically do is
create a custom a heavy and then that
way like if you wanted to have microsite
header or something along those lines it
has enemy that that you matter enemy
records into you know the actual page
but then you know it does become a
little bit difficult because you don't
have like any of that do this running
metadata we might have something Pro
pasty something along those lines so it
would be nice to be able to reduce the
comment I know that there's work being
done on urban us to try to make so that
when it's a little bit more easily
usable yeah you know I should say
paragraph bundles but we always on on
it's reusable through the UI so we work
around it but we do run into some issues
in terms of like with multilingual and
and then there's also a some issues just
in terms of any kind of as you're
working through a kind of a hydration
process to where you know once that Andy
is updated its updated across the entire
sentence there's there's some
complexities there that
yeah we have just about five more
minutes so take a couple more questions
hopefully sure this is a great desktop
builder but a lot of things where I've
seen working on teams as a gold first so
anticipating that and I found myself
building components giving it to others
color option and over a little bit so
let's take that image of some flowers or
text and then imagine that they're gonna
want to put the next row is going to be
text on the left and an image on the
right so what happens I'm responsive but
they're gonna be times with edges are so
all of these components like they can't
like the way this is built with what I
like about this particular content
builder Nijs and I haven't met the folks
at Nova studio yeah any anything to say
this though but is that it's all
pre-baked like they can't just say okay
I put an image here put an image here I
got to find my component here's one
maybe this is close enough to what
they're looking for and responsiveness
is already baked into the Konev because
a developer built that component and
expected it to work in a certain way and
expects the page structure to behave in
a certain way so so it's that's like
great it just seemed like there's times
when two components are
to photos but actually so this is just
awareness yes the other would respond
differently in my mobile environment
yeah yeah yeah that's swap I'm mobile
which aside yeah it does get it does get
a bit much pretty quick and we got a
there's got to be that balance like okay
you do have control you can't do this
stuff and doing it in a fairly standard
way a fairly controlled way but if you
really want all this stuff maybe we need
to go back to our front end access yeah
and to solve that particular problem
I only expose full-width components so
that the salt
I'm just saying we should we start gate
opponents respond we need training to
spit as much don't you get into sitting
well what I mean is that you can't use
it what I'm going to do these mechanical
component next one next one
they choose a component that has right
that's yeah that's that's what we do
yeah man but and that's how this
particular system works is it's like
stacked one on top of the other so if
you went for two images side by side
together half of that component but but
yeah again but that also like this does
enforce a certain style of design right
so it so it may be it works for all some
brands and not for others because
there's brand doesn't kind of fit into
the stack so that's another challenge
another thing that again I guess what I
build them for mobile world yeah oh yeah
absolutely no I think I think that's a
big when we were talking earlier about
governance over content creation period
and that this is kind of kind of ties
into that like are you following
copyright in best practices are you
writing sort of bullets are you writing
in long paragraphs are you thinking
about mobile or you think of just about
the desktop because that's where you're
designing right and how do you kind of
make sure yeah yeah I mean you have any
money in that regard
you can just go into a simple really
possibility improvement on that very
existence well and this is I mean this I
wouldn't say this even a full bliss you
way it's kind of a editor but it's not
like I don't have complete control I'm
really can restrict it to the components
of it pre-built from yeah saying like
you may have an improvement yeah
well then the other thing too is this
doesn't like not every page is going to
fit into this right like I have a blog
post I post a blog post that's that's
going to go into my blog post haste if
I'm late like if I do a calendar an
event like that's gonna be my events
content so not every content type air
pieces per page that's created or
content that's created needs to look
like this that's only this one's deals
though right
yeah the flexibility the ability to come
marketing like this getting is giving
you has had a bigger and bigger presence
right what is being selected tranquil
well I also think you're seeing a
backlash from the IT departments or like
can you help me with these guys because
they keep asking for my resources and
taking my time and they're never happy
so please can you like give them the
tools that they can do their stuff right
so I've had their building overlook
overloaded network too and would rather
work and more interesting things than
page loads especially when they already
launched other questions other thoughts
insights other solutions okay I'm good
what happens to your user experience
design role essentially era calling the
I am
design how their own static well then I
get to go to other tickets
that's excited wait work on other pieces
it's like working another problems
because I think this is really like
content engagement right like it's you
know no understanding like what CTA
works would CTA where am i highlighting
this particular white paper download or
this other piece of that thing right but
that's not what is that is that
necessarily a good thing to have people
who don't really know but but they're
not exactly designing all their own
pages they're using these reusable
components that gives them some
flexibility to do that and ideally
hopefully they're watching the data and
the usage and seeing what's converting
and even if we go a step further because
this is just one piece and my imagined
future of stuff where we can actually
have a be testing tools built into this
right like it's like this video and say
okay play this video or this video show
this CTA
or the CTA and then adding
personalization on top of this I mean
you guys what you guys are doing
customer journey stuff right this is
this get into it pretty nicely recognize
that when you say ideally they're
checking all of these things means
they're not especially when you're
dealing with 8300 right so so there has
to be so that's another kind of level
here and I did this one I had actually
thought of right so I've got given this
part of the conversation here like how
do you build that into the work flow so
that so that that those checks are
happening but people are able to get it
out the door because I don't know I mean
I don't know if it can be programmed can
program those that kind of governance or
does it have to be human human or you
watch what we end up they have to do is
human reveal in and at certain points we
don't want to give them any more rope
ya know it's a challenge time mm-hmm
thank you