Do you ever reach the end of your day and wonder what you actually accomplished? Even worse - do you have weeks where you feel like you didn’t get anything done at all? This is a story about overcoming bad habits and getting shit done.
There's the Ivy Lee Method, 80/20 principle, and a laundry list of other lifehacks that all work... for awhile. Change happens. Rather than focusing on a single solution, we'll discuss how to nurture a productive lifestyle to help you roll with the punches. We'll learn how to bounce back from failure and feel good about the work we do.
Key takeaway: "It is within my means to become happier and more productive by thinking differently about myself and the work that I do. As a result, I will be a calmer, more reliable person."
David Needham
Developer Advocate @ PantheonDavid Needham is a Developer Advocate at Pantheon where he focuses on developer education and training. When he's not blogging about productivity at or speaking at conferences, you can probably find him with his bicycle-loving family playing board games in Champaign, IL.

a productive lifestyle it's okay my name
is David Needham I am a developer
advocate at Pantheon the thing that I
really love about being a developer
advocate is that I get to well first of
all come to camps and comes just like
this but also it means that my job is to
help developers find success to have
more pleasant sort of responsibility to
their job when possible automating
things that are really difficult or
tedious and so basically my job is to
help developers be happy with their jobs
which so makes me happy and then I also
have a few other things up there that I
enjoy including biking playing board
games and volunteering whenever possible
so about a year ago I presented here I
think it was actually in the room right
next door here on the Ivy Lee method and
it was the the session name was peak
productivity with Ivy Lee real quick who
was here for that session last year okay
so a few people were here this is not
that session there are some similarities
but I want to give you an update on
what's happened since I presented on
that last year before I do that though
let me start just by telling you a
little bit about Ivy Lee and the Ivy Lee
method I'm not going to go into as much
detail as I did last year so if you if
this kind of resonates with you if you
want to learn more if you want to hear
the actual story of how Ivy Lee's method
came to be but I highly encourage you to
check out the sessions last year where
I'd go into much more detail so the
whole point of the Ivy Lee method is
that you should write down the six most
important things that you need to do
tomorrow you write those down at the end
of your workday you then sort those
things in order of priority so that when
you start your day you you start at the
thing that's most important and kind of
work through the list that's the very
next one you just kind of go through the
list from start to finish working on
just the first one into the stomach
just the second one until it's done and
then at the end of the day you move any
unfinished items to a new list you
consider who's still important and you
start over and you basically just keep
going every single day so a year ago
when I presented this I honestly felt
kind of the best that I've ever felt
about my level of productivity about my
job satisfaction about how I was
accomplishing my task and it wasn't part
of it was actually mostly because it
behind me Lima the method was working
for me it was really good and as a
result I was getting more things done
but it eventually it failed and for me
when it failed
it feels pretty hard when the I believe
for me broke down I was depressed I had
anxiety because I reached the end of my
workday and I did not do the things that
I knew that I was supposed to be doing
that day and I I was you know crank here
with my wife and kids I was really
there's all sorts of repercussions that
come from just not being kind of getting
those things down that I knew that I
need to get done but I wouldn't blame
the Ivy Lee method The Ivy the method
was working I changed something about me
in the way that I was approaching it was
different and I didn't have a plan in
place actually address that I I did not
have a contingency plan and what will
happen when this stops working for me or
if I change or if my life changes and so
part of this is part of it is that not
having a contingency plan in place then
part of it is also it's difficult to
consistently make myself do the things
that I know that are important to me so
let me let me do a quick quick thing I
would maybe write these up on the board
but then you'd be lost on the recording
and all that stuff so let's just maybe
shot some things out what are some
things that that you guys know that are
important to you that you want to do
every day or every week they're like
pretty big things
it don't have to be a big batch there
could be even small things like flossing
every day you read one reading a book
what off
exercising it's very good on
ticking along yeah yeah yep that's very
good calling friends you've been talked
to a lot
yes honoring commitments that are lower
priority that's a very good one
yeah there's a lot and they vary a lot
from person to person to a few more are
like I mentioned like brushing and
flossing like going to the gym or like
doing yoga on a regular basis or
whatever that is for you for me like
prayer is really important to me it
helps me and kinda stay centered for
other people maybe meditation or
something like that to help your hope
you make sure that you're in the right
place studying for a test if you're a
student or even if you're if you're not
necessarily student but also like the I
was trying to think of like what the
monitoring like my version of studying
for a test was B and I realized it's
sort of like balancing your budget
nobody really likes to balance their
budget some people do but but something
we all know that we should do we just
don't also when I used to work for
myself for whatever reason I don't have
an explanation I found it really
difficult sometimes to actually invoice
for the work that I've been doing yeah
yeah I know some people I don't know
what it is like getting paid is
obviously a really good thing but for
some reason like it's just not something
I ever looked forward to so um another
thing that's a little bit more emotional
is being willing to ask for forgiveness
like when you know that you've done
something wrong to someone actually
going out and telling them that you did
something wrong and asking to that also
what if you have a strained relationship
being the first person to break that
silence to to reach out and reestablish
those relationships so so these are some
of the things that have kind of talked
through and thought through about like
things that we know that we should do it
that we don't want to do and for some
reason the things that we know that we
should be doing the things that we know
that are important to us are just really
hard to do consistently and I don't
claim to have all the answers but I have
some ideas
why so some reasons why we actually let
me turn over to the audience real quick
see you guys what are some reasons why
you may not
one of those things we just mentioned
that are really important to you
distracted by work emergency
yeah distracted by work emergencies good
tired habits or not haven't have it yep
people either either one conversation
people very frequently in its place your
first response is I don't have time and
then they say you have to make time then
you know that that's true but in the
flow of the day like I'm not even
thinking about that I'm just like
putting out one fire after another and
at the end of the day I'll realize you
know what I don't think I got up from my
chair for more than five minutes yep I
can definitely relate to that too
yep so I've come up with some categories
and I I don't think that this is quite
everything but for me most of the things
you talked about Fitness in these
categories um one of them is having the
wrong priorities on so for this this is
kind of a little bit what you were
saying like I'm too busy to do this
thing I don't have time for this thing
that's really important because I have
this work emergency or and this other
thing that I'm doing I would also love
being too tired into this because if you
are too tired it's probably because
you're not prioritizing sleep or not
prioritizing rest or whatever mental
recharge time over the things that you
can go too busy to do and in the sort of
inverse of that is procrastination if
you're procrastinating than your
priorities and I feel a little out of
um the next category is shame or fear
and this is a little bit where the get
the emotional you know part of it like
asking for forgiveness and things like
that and so the other day I was having
that not a great day it was kind of
stressful and it was we're kind of
reaching the end of the day and I was
with my family and my daughter and she'd
been working hard kind of going through
her chores non-stop and at the end of
the day I her when I was angry with her
not because she did anything wrong just
because I was not in a great place at
the time and like as she was going to
bed like and she wasn't happy and I
wasn't happy and I realized what some
friends said you know kind of reassured
me with insults with and anything like
it's important that I go out and
actually apologize like admit fault just
not only for me but also for her to have
that sort of example and so it was
really really hard but but I I went and
talked to her and she wasn't done
honestly because I wasn't talked to
horizons hey I'm sorry and I explained
and she said she forgave me and it was
all a very good very great feeling but
but there's there is shame there's some
fear about that and also a little bit of
fear of generally a furyk change his
change can be really scary you know what
happens if you change like what happens
if you you've actually changed like that
just the surface level change but you
actually you as a person change that's
really scary now and then also people
might notice if we show some weakness
from admitting guilt or fault or if we
take responsibility for something there
can be some sense of like what if this
what if I get fired
what if so-and-so sees me it's not as
strong as I need to be or something like
that there's also forgetfulness and and
part of this is forgetfulness
like not remembering to do you can just
simply not remembering to do something
but also not remembering why something
is important to us so so for me when I
was doing the Ivy Lee method when I had
the system down that really worked I was
getting up at 5:00 a.m. when I was
trying to jumpstart back into the high V
Lee method and kind of restart something
for me I I felt like it was important
for me to get up at 5:00 a.m. because I
got a lot of stuff done in the morning
and it led to a much more productive day
but I couldn't I I would set my alarm
for 5:00 a.m. I'd wake up and I'd be
like okay why am i up at 5:00 aunt like
can I just go back to sleep and if I
can't think of the reason why I'm
getting up at 5:00 and in the next three
seconds I'm gonna turn off my alarm and
go to sleep
I lump that under forgetfulness I'm not
keeping a present when I present mind
why I'm doing the things that I'm doing
and then also there's a maturity I'm
using this is sort of a catch-all
because it for me the situations where
you don't have any logical explanation
for why you don't necessarily do the
things that you want to do yep sometimes
that's there's no explanation for it
what I've shared with some friends and
tried to like talk through some this
stuff they've shared that like a
similarity to like oh I can't I don't do
this thing consistently so I the over
time like it's easier with you know as
you grow and as you work on it so
immaturity as we mature as you grow as
you keep at it and establish hobbits
those things will get better and easier
alright so next up we're going to talk a
little bit about the Pareto principle so
we're not going to go into this into a
ton of detail but the Pareto principle
is the kind of like the 80/20 rule if
you've ever heard of that the gist of it
is that feretto
noticed all around him that in many
cases 20% of one thing leads to 80% of
the other things so for example I think
he was in it in his garden he was grown
Peas and he knows 20% of the peas he was
growing was responsible for 80% of the
growth for some reason the small segment
of his peas were just booming he also
looked at his land and notice Oh 20% of
the people in the land in his country
owned 80% of the actual farmland and
Alaska I mean he saw this happening over
and over again it does happen over and
over again and part of this has to do
with amendment my biggest takeaway from
from this 8020 rule is that continuous
improvement is something that can give
you a significant advantage over over
other people all over competition over
I've kind of yourself and whatever goals
you're trying to meet and the
interesting thing about continuous
improvement is that you don't have to
you don't have to jump into a
significant you have to go from like you
know 20% efficiency up to 80% efficiency
you just start with like 4 cents or 1/2
you just do a little bit and you do it
in criminally every day overtime and it
builds upon itself and becomes something
that is significantly better than the
other option so some examples of how you
see this in the real world
plants compare compete for the same
resources so the whole thing with the
peas he noticed when and you can see is
that other like trees in the forest for
example that are growing a tree that
suddenly grows just a tiny bit more than
the other trees has slightly more
surface area on the leaves it's slightly
more Sun which leads exponentially to
slightly more growth which gives them
even more advantage so that's why you
end up with trees in the forest you know
if the plants are growing some of them
will be a little bit taller and the
other ones around it will be shorter
that's that's the 8020 rule and
continuous improvement in place also
politicians competing for the same votes
once a politician is elected into office
people know the name of the politician
they're much more likely to get
reelected regardless of if they were
good or bad a no-name is is better in
this case
authors compete for the bestseller list
once a best-selling author becomes a
best-selling author they do better at
selling books and as a result they sell
more books just from simply being able s
and these things happen over again you
know athletes competing for the gold
medal companies competing with the same
client and once you can win a client bid
you get four resources all all these
things you can put it to your on your
portfolio and leads to more people
coming to you TV shows competing through
the same power on TV you probably all
have a favorite TV shows been canceled
at some time in some cases you know
there might be a really crappy show on
at the prime time but some new show
that's really interesting at that time
that's not peak hours and so people
don't watch it so ratings are low so
it gets catching me so the there's this
quote here by Aristotle this is actually
my favorite quote Aristotle says we are
what we repeatedly do excellence
therefore is not an act but I have it so
the reason why this is my favorite quote
is because it reminds me that I need to
have patience it reminds me that I need
to trust in incremental improvement over
time it's it reminds me that it's not
possible to just become an expert in
something overnight or to become better
at something instantly if I could help
mentally to kind of like look at this
I'm actually going to remove the word
excellence and and fill in the blank
what what do you want to become you know
if someone asked me hey are you guitar
player I could say sure guitar and I
don't go ahead and play guitar but hey I
can play guitar but if I practice the
guitar every day even if it's just you
know 10 minutes doesn't matter how much
it is I will continually get better and
better and so we all repeated Li do
becoming a good guitar player therefore
it's not an act but a habit you could
say the same for being a developer or a
project manager or
losing some weight or whatever the
things that are important to you
whatever those things are it's not about
finding the secret strategies it's not
about finding the buying the latest
products or the get rich quick scheme or
the diet pill all right you know any of
those things it's about everyday doing a
little bit that gets you a little bit
closer and improves and get you closer
to the the goals that you're trying to
achieve so one step towards us is
actually using one of the other
strategies I talked about the Seinfeld
strategy so the whole thing with the
Seinfeld strategy and again I go into a
long story about how all this came to be
in my talk last year you can go watch
that if you want to
you learn more about how this came to be
but basically you set out to do
something everyday whatever this thing
is this new habit that you trying to
establish once you have defined what
that is you get a big calendar
you know big wall calendar sort of thing
you put it up on the wall and you get a
sharpie and every day that you do that
thing you go to the door you go to the
calendar and you put a big X on the day
that you you did it and you do this day
after day after day and then the whole
point that this becomes not breaking the
chain so you will you'll go through and
will do it and you might clickable
misses and that's okay but eventually
you'll reach a point where you've got a
week you have you have a streak that's a
whole week of check of the X's on your
calendar and then you get two weeks and
then the game becomes not I really need
to do this thing today because it's
important me it's like I don't want to
break this chain the visual reminder
that you can see up on the board and
help motivate you not just because it's
important to you but because you're
almost kind of tricking your mind at
that point into gamifying it and
becoming a important thing it helps you
also measure your your progress towards
meeting or your goals and being your
establishing the habit
the most important thing at this point
is to make sure that you do this thing
this continuous improvements a little
bit of whatever this thing is and I was
in Duane's
the session yesterday and you had this
slide I had to take a picture of it if
you can't measure it you can't improve
it and I'm in a second his a disclaimer
that I don't know if that actually came
from from for him Lord Kelvin our or not
but it's a appropriate quote nonetheless
if you can't measure the things that
you're trying to do then you're not
going to have any way to tell if you
actually improved it or not and so the
Seinfeld strategy the checking the boxes
shows you over time how you're doing are
you actually accomplishing the things
you set out to do for the day so let's
start by asking yourself and coming up
with these important things you know
what are the most important things to
you what what do you want to do every
single day so you go through you create
this list and you ask yourself a few
questions and these can help define our
help you prioritize this list and decide
which things are gonna make the cut for
your final list and which things may be
well it was not worried about right now
so you can ask yourself why is this
important thing actually important you
know why is it important that I floss my
teeth every day
girl ask yourself what will this thing
change for the positive or the negative
you know if I start taking time out of
every day to plan the next day what good
things will come from this start
thinking about those you know write
those things down also the negative well
any negative repercussions come from
this change is important thing happening
to you how will this change actually
affect other people you know if you
start setting out to do these important
things but will other people say or
think or feel or how will these affect
other people and then what we actually
do when you meet your goal but whatever
your this important thing is will you
actually do when you get there and
becomes something you do on a regular
basis one of my colleagues Sean liver
mom is a project manager at Pantheon and
he pushes back on me a lot when we're
setting out to start a new project or
defining the goals of a project one of
the things that's really stuck with me
that he asks is this question basic like
what what will actually happen if we do
what we say we're going to do or what
will actually happen if the user that's
going through this process does but we
ask them to do and at the end of the day
if the answer is not really anything
it's it's not going to do anything
different it's not going to cause any
significant change one way or the other
then it's probably not worth our time
actually doing it this comes up more
often than you might expect but it's
important to think about this as you're
going through these things that are
important because maybe it's important
to you
but when you think about it if it
doesn't actually cause any change at the
end of the day then it might be worse
so once you've defined some of the
things they're actually important to you
next you can start to think about a
habit in this case I am
through advocating for a single new
habit it's one thing that you can
establish as they have it to do every
day that will just sort of encourage the
things that are important to you to
so it helps of course if the things
you're that are important to you are
sort of related in some way or something
but that's not always the case so for me
if we go through some of the important
things to me as I was going through this
process as I was recovering from falling
from the Ivy Lee method just as it was I
started thinking about these things that
are important to me and some of them I
carried over from the Ivy League but the
the first thing is just getting up at
a.m. I got some work in before my wife
and kids woke up as a result I felt like
I kind of ahead as I was going
throughout the day it just made me feel
really good getting up and my morning
coffee the next one here is reading my
Bible and praying I'm a Christian and I
noticed as I was going through the days
that I did this it helps me to be better
prepared for the sorts of stresses and
things that came up throughout the day I
felt like I was able to respond to
anxiety and all the different things
that came up for you they could be very
different things could be meditation or
something else I actually didn't
experiment at what's up on some of my
colleagues tonight I told my friends an
experiment so it's okay um but I asked
them to take I forget now if it was five
minutes or ten minutes but but take
let's just say five minutes turn off
your phone turn off your computer sit in
a room where you're not gonna have any
just like quiet and just try to
like clear your mind a little bit it
sounds a little like meditation II like
but but if you just try to clear your
mind but you have a notepad next to you
with a piece of paper and pencil or
something like that and be willing to
sort of if things come to mind just
write them down that process can often
lead to a sense of calm and preparedness
that is pretty good so that's another
technique I think there's probably
something I haven't like researched with
that and the name of that particular
technique is but that can be a technique
that can help people kind of prepare for
the day and make sure they got all their
bases covered the next one here is
saying my affirmation so there's things
that help me prepare for the day to
remind myself to things that are
important to me so why I do the work
that I do at Han Theon the importance of
my family you know things like that that
are just good for me to say out loud and
help remind me of my priorities and my
goals also picking tomorrow's tasks so
this is kind of a carryover from the
high B leave but I get more work done
and I'm more productive when I think
about the things I'm doing tomorrow and
I actually go through a list and pick
them so that those are all these are all
things that are important to me things
that I would like to do every single day
and so I ask myself what is the one
habit that would make all these things
and initially I thought the habit was
getting up at 5:00 a.m. when I get up at
these things that I want to do and so
that's when I went back and said okay
I'm gonna wake up at 5:00 a.m. I wake up
at 5:00 a.m. why am I at the 5:00 a.m.
again nope go back to bed
I tried and tried and tried and failed
continuously to actually get up at 5:00
an and so I took a step back and I
thought okay giving up at 5:00 a.m. it's
obviously not it's not the the goal to
have it that I'm trying to establish so
rather than make that the goal I made a
goal to go to bed at 9:00 p.m. every day
I picked a number that would give me
plenty of time it would set me up to be
able to get up at 5:00 a.m. a little boy
naturally I feel more rested puts my
priorities a little bit in place as well
it helps focus my evening in a way that
I didn't expect also and then it but
before this I'm sort of tight I would be
working or reading or playing or what
game or something like into the evening
often I'd be doing a little bit of just
stuff on my computer or whatever I would
get sort of into a groove oh yeah I'm
doing this good work and stuff and then
before I realize that it would be two or
three in the morning and then my kids
would wake up at 6:00 6:30 regardless
and at that point I have to get up so
regardless of what time I go to bed I
have to get up at 6:00 or 7:00 or
whatever time so going to bed at 9:00
p.m. set me up to be successful and
these other things and put me in a good
position to to get these things done so
when I was thinking about how to do this
how to go through and actually establish
this habit and make it important to me I
thought about another strategy that I've
been working on before there's a book
called the clients now and it's a book
where you go through and it's focused on
like sales and marketing in those things
but you basically go through and you
that this is an old chart that this is
this was up on my wall and as far as
like sticking with something goes like I
felt like I I stuck with it for a pretty
long time like this this chart worked
pretty well
it helps me define all these different
things but I'm only really trying to
establish one habit I'm trying to get
better at one particular thing so rather
than this which requires a lot of go
through the book and reading this
chapter in that chapter and writing my
plan out I instead created this chart so
this chart here is broken up into five
week and so it's like you know week one
through five here a habit typically
takes ten weeks or so to like establish
to become automatic in your life so I
thought okay five week
chunks here I'll do two of these charts
and then if I do it every single time
every single week then it's gonna be
automatic I'm not gonna have to think
about it it's just gonna happen and
that'll be easier
so let's actually break this guy let's
take a look up to the top here is the
habit it's a little bit mergency but
there's a section here at the top where
you just write your habit in and then
every day if you go through you either
check it off or you don't
below here you have a section for notes
which i think is useful for reminding
yourself why this is important to you
why are you trying to establish this
habit and then as you go through there
will probably be days where you don't do
your habit or maybe you do and it's
really hard or whatever um this bottom
area here is really just a place to
write in a note to remind you why
something the whole point I was coming
to this thinking like this is gonna be
really flexible like he'll figure out as
I go I'm just gonna go into Excel or
Google sheets and just make this sheet
so I can I can start tracking
um so yet we can go in here add notes I
do whatever you want the bottom section
if a section I'm calling the daily
incidentals so I was going through it I
was blogging about this process I was
going through and then the struggle and
the trying to bounce back into something
new and establishing this new habit and
I realize it's like the things that are
important to me are important but my
only goal is to get up at 9:00 I'm sorry
to go to bed at 9:00 p.m. so that's the
only thing I'm really concerned about
everything else that happens in this
section here is incidental its secondary
to the habit that I'm trying to
establish um so this isn't my goal but
these are all things that are really
important to me and if I focus on my
goal these things should happen as a
result police that was my theory so how
did it go well this is the first week
there is some good there are some bad
and so if we if we break this down a
little bit I added in my goal here at
the top I'm headed check marks along the
top to the days that I actually did it
the zeros are the O's in this case are
times that I didn't quite meet the 10
p.m. time but I had a really good reason
or I was being accountable to my wife at
this point and if she agreed that it was
also a good reason that everything was
was okay so for examples I'm on the mid
camp organizing team and the mid camp
meeting starts at 8:00 and we often went
until 9:30 10 o'clock something like
that so in those cases I had an O and I
wrote in you know mid camp meeting so
they were the time here where I'm in San
Francisco and I kind of knew this coming
into it but it's really really
highlighted here for me that when I
travel it is really really hard for me
to establish to have it in fact I
actually don't know if this plan is
gonna work for me in my lifestyle
because I travel about once a month
which means I'm never going to have a
and make that automatic
I don't quite have an answer for this
yet so I love feedback maybe we could
talk a little bit afterwards but I'm
still trying to figure out what to do
when I travel in this case I was in San
Francisco it was a teen retreat I knew I
wasn't going to go to bed at 9:00 p.m.
in fact I wasn't even planning on it
because I was there to be with my
colleagues we're gonna play some board
games we're probably gonna be up pretty
late and that's okay like that's the
point of the retreat so I don't know I I
saw it I tried to establish it as less
like this is a failure week and more as
a I'm going to like kind of like if you
have a return a recurring task on your
calendar you know it's something new
every week
but oh I'm traveling this week but it's
on my calendar for next week you know
it's something I'll pick up as soon as I
start the following and that worked okay
the following week was still of hit and
miss but let's jump to the bottom so the
bottom here I have my daily incidentals
the things that I'm trying to set up to
do those were all listed there I was
also curious on what days that I would
like read just to it wasn't necessarily
one of my important things but I was
just coming kind of curious I've been
reading a lot so I marked that I added
that as an extra thing oh and then again
I the goal of this is to be flexible and
kind of customized what I'm trying to
track and so I also added a section here
four sets of push ups so every time that
I would do is set up push ups I would
add a little tally there and as you can
see I am awesome at doing push ups
yeah but it was it was something good
for me on track and then the bottom
section here is how I feel mentally and
physically and and I don't know if
anything significant will come out of
that but I think it there could be some
interesting data on like oh the days
that I get up at 5:00 I feel better or
or something but at the very least it's
good for me to kind of be aware of how
do I feel today in relation to yesterday
help but yeah again the whole point is
to be flexible you know you could you
could build this into kind of whatever
you want and you know make whatever sort
of plan you want if this is something
that's interesting to you if you want to
give it a try I do have some printouts
that you guys can take with you and it
is also available on my website David
Needham dummy and you can I've been
blogging about it you can download that
and again if it's useful for you please
feel free to use up so the whole point
of what I'm trying to get up for today
is not to tell you this is the way to do
it not to tell you the Ivy Lee method is
the way to become productive I think
it's a way to become productive it's a
way to become productive for a while but
I don't think that it's the end-all and
Beall solution what I'm trying to help
you guys with today is the process I
went through to create this plan it's
it's really about setting yourself up
for success or thinking about the things
that are important to you to think about
habits and to help yourself to succeed
it establishing this honest so let's
talk a little bit about building your
own plan these are some that headings
we're gonna talk through so let me jump
right in
so the first one here is that there's no
silver bullet there's no one technique
that's going to to do it all for you
also not there's not like a
one-size-fits-all solution that's going
to be appropriate for every single
person so personally I have done some
personality tests I'm in ENFJ Myers
Brigg and I'm a specialist on the disc
assessment I'm part of what I learned
about myself and doing those tasks is
that I'm very a detail-oriented I like
to have a plan I like to follow through
that plan and if I didi eight from the
plan it's difficult for me to jump back
into it so knowing that about myself
some of these strategies will work
better than others um I after the the
Ivy Lee method some of my colleagues
were interested in kind of picking it up
and it didn't really resonate with them
and I didn't really know why I thought
oh well I must just be like failing at
explaining it the right way I just need
to explain it again or I need to show
them my work or something that will help
but we actually did a personality test
during our retreat and it was really
interesting to see just how different
groups of people process things in
different ways and think about things
differently and work in very different
ways so things that work for me may not
work for you and that's okay
the important thing is finding something
that you feel like will work for you and
Chung's would adopt that so some things
you can ask yourself the Quinns when
someone's talking about oh this new
productivity strategy or as I'm going
through and talking about these
productivity strategies ask yourself
what parts of this technique can I use
like which parts are actually like oh
yeah that resonates with me and which
parts are like I don't it's not gonna do
anything and then also think about if
you currently have a strategy or a plan
in place like what do I want to try next
and maybe I'm really focused on this
thing it's working pretty well but let
me write this down and you know I'll
iterate on that also personalization I
think is really important there I think
it's important to find a plan to create
a plan that is personal and unique to
you specifically the things that you're
trying to do
some things that come up with this is
for example like asking yourself how how
strict do I need to be to make this
actually happen so for me you know going
to bed at 9:00 p.m. I found I needed to
be pretty strict with myself you know
recently I've been failing a little bit
more at that than I had at the beginning
and part of the reason is because I grew
I grew a little bit laughs like oh it's
you know nine oh five how many wouldn't
finish the chapter in this book that I'm
reading and then a little bit and that
just led to yeah yeah didn't go well so
so I found out I have to be a little bit
more strict with myself on you know it's
chapter but I need to turn off Kindle I
need to go to sleep because that's
important I'm also for some people who
have died did you know that there's this
thing about like cheap days David it's
okay you need to eat the ice cream or
it's okay to have that chocolate cake or
whatever for me I don't think that would
work I think if I had a cheat day it'd
be really easy to have every day a cheat
day but for some people they can do that
if you're not works also how will you
motivate yourself not to fail what what
what things we set up for yourself to
keep yourself from falling off do you
need to give yourself a reward for
completing a particular milestone for my
first week I got all the check marks on
the first week part of the reason I
think is because I set up a reward for
myself where there is this video game
called dreamworld and I'm really into
right now I didn't own it at the time
but I saw my friends playing it it looks
like a lot of fun and I said okay if I
can get through and do it perfectly this
just this one week then how I'll go
ahead and get that for myself and then
that motivated me that that first week
was the hardest and it was great to have
that motivation there also what sorts of
accountability do you need to have what
level of accountability is appropriate
for making sure that you follow through
on the things that you want to do every
day does this need to be public
accountability our private
accountability or some mixture of both
for me I logged publicly about my
challenged myself I'm thought inviting
the public to kind of be aware of my
success or failure which motivated me to
try to succeed also I I reached out to
some friends and I said ask them to ask
me about how things were going on a
regular basis which was good ultimately
just you know yourself better than I do
you know yourself better than Ivy Lee
who hasn't been around for a while so
think about it
customize it personalize it to what
you're trying to do and then it zaps
things will change your life will change
you'll get in your job you'll have kids
you'll move you'll get a new car I know
lose all sorts of things that change in
your life it could even be little things
you change your morning routine you
start riding a bike I don't know there's
all sorts of things that can change the
important thing is to be flexible in
your plan
be prepared to adapt to whatever the
changes that you are having and make a
plan so that you can adapt and get back
on track with something else it's okay
to change your plan and then also don't
be afraid to stop something that isn't
valuable anymore if you're going through
and you're you review your goals and you
realize this really isn't what I thought
it would be it's okay to stop and come
up new goals but in the end you can
expect failure you're going to eat the
donut or I'm gonna eat the donut and
that's okay no plan is intended to be
perfect no plan is going to last forever
people will change things will happen
and that's okay but when it happens ask
yourself why it happened don't just say
oh I failed it sucks
I'm just gonna not do anything anymore
you know ask yourself why it happens
actually take a look at it ask yourself
what you could have done to avoid that
from happening on the
is there anything you could change about
your strategy to actually keep it from
happening the next time
and then also review your goals consider
the things that you thought were
important to yourself and then if you
can't make a contingency plan this is
something I'm still working on what will
happen when the plan that I'm on right
now totally fails what will I do to keep
myself from becoming totally
unproductive and anxiety and depression
all that stuff again I don't have a plan
for that yet and that's something I need
to work on myself oh and I was reading a
book and one quote stood out for me in
that and that they said sometimes we
need to stumble in order to keep
ourselves from falling so you're walking
along sometime you need a little stumble
to keep yourself we're actually falling
on the ground I think that applies here
too sometimes it's okay to have a few
hiccups down a little bit of things
happen if it reminds you and gives you a
chance to basically grow to use the
opportunity for failure you know use the
opportunity of something not working to
give yourself a stronger more vibrant
more efficient plan and with that I'm
gonna open up to Q&A
yes yeah question just to comment I
think I would avoid personally using the
word failure because that's part of that
so that particular approach might not
reach the end point you were hoping for
so rather than say oh I feel that better
find something else it's like it's time
to shift direction it's time to you know
to try something new or whatever piece
you know if you go into something saying
I know the point will come where I will
fail then why do it anyway yeah
thank you every should that be done
all right thank you all very much