How many times have you been in a situation where the client is never happy with the results, no matter what you do? How many 'emergency' messages have you responded to because the site isn't quite right in some new way? How many clients have you lost or fired because they honestly had no idea what they really wanted? If you answered yes to any of those questions, this session is for you!
Gathered from years of 'learning it the hard way' I am excited to share my knowledge with Freelancers, Agency Owners, Project Managers, Business Development professionals as well as anyone else who wants to better manage conversations.
Walk away from this talk with a better understanding of:
- Project And Sales Pipeline Strategy
- Uncovering Client Business Goals
- Objection Handling
- Managing Scope
- Expectation Setting For Better Support Delivery
Dwayne McDaniel
Dwayne has been working in tech and open source sales since 2005.
He knew as soon as he started working with Java middleware developers he never wanted to work outside of open source ever again. Dwayne first started building in Drupal and WordPress for the San Francisco Improv teams and projects. He fell in the love the community as he worked for one of the larger hosting providers as a Developer Advocate. He has had the privilege of presenting at dozens of community events from Paris to Iceland to MIT and Stanford.
Outside of tech he loves producing and performing improv theater, reading webcomics and singing karaoke!
Reach out at or on twitter @mcdwayne

all right well welcome everybody to the
first non keynote session of mid camp
you could have chosen you came in this
room so I'll give you a second if you
are in the wrong room this is what we're
talking about today which is of course
all about the command line
no I'm Duane I will get back to fancy
I'm bitter to me a bit I actually this
is outdated now I am now a developer
advocate that is my new title over
Pantheon we'll get back to that why I
feel qualified to talk about this stuff
is I've been working in sales and
marketing since 2005 and I have learned
everything the hard way I beat my head
against the walls until either my head
broke or the wall broke or finally a
manager pushed me out of the way and say
go around
I'm working an open source primarily
back in the Java mills Java where
Middle's JavaScript I know sorry
Java middleware stack days back when I
worked at a place called terra cotta
open-source bpms you might know what
bpms is exactly and then I got into
Drupal and today is three years of me
gaming talks at camps my very first talk
I ever gave was at mid camp 2016 so 40
talks later Here I am outside of this
stuff I love improv Esther actually was
doing last night was awesome awesome
improv in this town I love comic books
and web comics hit me up about that
stuff I just gotta admit him so if
anybody let's talk about knitting
I would love to crochet specifically I
would love to talk about that and
karaoke some people already dubbed
ripple karaoke last night Saturday night
for sure let's go hit up some karaoke
you can always hit me up on Twitter
MC Dwayne and my website since you'd win
and of course you can always reach out
to me officially at Pantheon and I have
a request greatly appreciated because
it's just something I'm doing alright
not for that I work for Pantheon if you
don't know Pantheon we have a booth
downstairs and we'll tell you all the
fine details
Steve purchased here they need them from
an Theon myself drew Burton's on his way
and we're happy to all about our hosting
platform I can handle any size use case
and give you awesome tools for your
teams so you can do things better look
quick question I'm curious II was
actually in this room so one two three
shout your name one two three nice to
meet you already and where are you from
where's your hometown what are you three
originally is that where you originally
from alright raise our hands for the
next piece is who here considers
themselves a developer all right who
here considers themselves a designer who
here considers themselves a business
owner correct who here considers
themselves some way shape or form
involved in the business side of a
business alright anybody here need a
website built attacker after they
capture this so why am I talking about
something that might be controversial on
a surface level well turns out I was
giving a talk at WordCamp Baltimore
about the discovery process and during
that talk someone asked a question
really made a comment about the purpose
of a website was to unify a brand and
that's what a website did and so gonna
go back for a second and I had to say
respectfully disagree I don't agree with
that premise like a website doesn't do a
thing a website does whatever you
specifically want to do and half the
room did this and just agree to thing
violently and the other half did this
and I realized in that moment that
there's a conversation that it needs to
be had with this a mighty be all no all
expert on this absolutely not I think
honestly collectively in
you all have more experience than I
could possibly have in my lifetime this
just has to be true it's just the age
and diversity in this room you you know
what you're talking about
on this from aspects that I will never
see and only hope to comprehend as I go
through my life experience I like this
picture because it's the overlapping
bubbles that reminds me of I should put
it in this deck impostor syndrome with
imposter syndrome we always feel like
everyone knows so much more than we do
but no everyone knows a little tiny
piece and collectively it makes up this
universe of knowledge that no one person
can ever have in their head same thing
is true here we can have a conversation
together that will add up to more
knowledge than I can ever put in a slide
deck than I could ever present by myself
if you gave me three hours to talk so
let me get to Q&A and I'm gonna actually
get through my slides not too long of a
span of time so we can have enough time
to have that conversation so I want to
hear from you all I know it's going to
be bad for the recording so if you can
all yelled that would be great but I
think it's important so I will be asking
you to speak up so be ready to do that
especially business owners business
people and developers well oh yeah I
forgot to ask any project managers in
the room awesome PMS I love you all yes
oh you know what I want
developer all in one bucket insight
builder I think is part of the
development process well let me ask
though that's a fair question how many
people consider themselves site builders
awesome I consider myself one too I
really do i I don't touch PHP at all but
I build sites but before we get to all
that it's not lunchtime yet with more
it's a sandwich I'm back there all right
let's get this guy a sandwich no before
we get too much further here you go
as soon as many uh further reporting
here here's your sandwich you can see
it's got bread it's got onions and
lettuce lettuce on demand meet some
reference bread are you satisfied with a
sandwich like this no oh you know what I
know exactly what's wrong everyone don't
worry nobody likes vegan cheese nobody
really likes onions in a lot less on a
little bus crunch how about that all
so what's that to do with anything
because I talk to a lot of developers in
my life that is all developer advocates
what I do and a lot of times I think we
people get into the spiral of well if I
just changed this now the client will be
happy I just change listen the client
will be happy the clients like I'm not
happy clients if they were able to
better articulate it we wouldn't have
jobs because they would be able to say I
need this exact thing done in a robot
could do it but they're not that good at
that they can say I am happier I'm sad
so our job to make them happy is to
align expectations with results in a way
that everyone at the end of day is very
very happy with this situation because
if you don't line these things up like
you get some bad scenarios like yes ayuh
made you a red monster cake with googly
eyes but I guess it's not copyright
infringement at that point and people
get angry people take this stuff
personally and I've never quite
understood that it's the internet like
that's once and zeros being turned off
and on like we are once being turned off
and on
I guess correct but people get angry
about this stuff and the unfortunate
necessity agree talk to a lot of other
people and we end up as an industry as
our roles with a bad reputation not just
an awesome song from Joan Jett but for
real consequences this I was having
coffee with one of my friends in Silicon
Valley area in San Francisco and this is
almost verbatim quote about a project
where he was spending a quarter million
they got to the end of initial discovery
they signed off all right and then it
dawned on him what exactly are you guys
delivering in six months how I know I'm
gonna be happy and he got irate with the
developers and said why didn't you do
your jobs and tell me how I was gonna be
happy why didn't you do that and I'm not
saying everyone ignores this part of the
world of like figuring out that part but
I think that comes from the fact that we
are in our role we have a role to do and
it's developer it's designer this is a
developer in my world of view of when I
Google developer this came out there but
what clients often think they're buying
from this is this they think oh I'm
buying this service so all this other
stuff just comes with it like yeah of
course you're gonna create content for
me no that's my favorite way to get out
of any kind of anybody ask me to build a
website like what's your client all
right concert strategy and then it's
looking to blank like get one and I'll
be back to you and I've never had anyone
come back except very proud of this my
sister I told her to go start blogging
if you're like Ted blog entries like can
we post now like yes we can your website
but anyway this mismatch of we think
we're doing this but they think we're
doing this at least a lot of problems so
I think how we solve this is we got a
step back from from this seat for a
second and say what am I really doing
here because if you look at it in the
frame of here's my box is me and my box
solving the problems that they're trying
to solve they should probably know and
we're very limited in what we can do
like as a designer I don't feel
comfortable going and asking for more
money directly from the client but if
the scope creep happens somebody's got
to do that am i working by myself should
I go tell someone this way set back say
I'm trying to solve this fundamental
need for a client oh we can get there I
know how to do that this is a human
being outside of my box so that's why I
like this quote from
cadance our Candace we got to think
about what we're actually trying to
accomplish my backgrounds in sales in
marketing so I've seen everything
through the concept of funnel and
process so that's what the really
interesting today is talking about is
how we leverage this thing anybody know
what this is who doesn't know what this
is awesome thank you very much for the
people that raised your hand bare like
this and then what I also see because
you're not long I was in a training
class for a sales role and I had never
seen one of these before so we all see
it someplace first very quickly project
funnel sales funnel replace the word
there and funnels a funnel we have a
group of people in the world called
leads we have their email addresses
maybe the phone number and name but we
have some way to contact them so if
everyone in this room gave me your email
address you would all be my leads and
then I would go through some kind of
process to see do you need anything that
I delivered that anything that I sell
some people would say no some people
will say yes of the people that say yes
I'm gonna ask a series of questions say
can you actually afford this we'll get
into all that I qualify them I don't
those qualified people I go through a
process of figuring out exactly what
they want can I do the exact thing that
you specifically need and want and can
pay for it and that process of all
discovery the end of that we end up with
a proposal proposal goes true for
pyramids we're gonna go sheet back and
forth a bunch finally we get to
agreement and get paid with the delivery
and we're maintenance we're old and we
look back through the funnel that's
every process in the world related to
sales and marketing is basically this
from my mentors I learned that sales
marketing all of this business ii stuff
really has to be a marriage of science
and art i couldn't find one that says
sales in the middle and i thought it was
too pretty to mess this up
but it's truth if we approach this as
there are certain mechanical things i
can put in place that repeatedly do the
same thing i can get through those parts
very very fast and let those mean plenty
of time to do the art of the sale which
is not today's topic at all so we'll
leave that one along so when talking
about this process what am i talking
about today where am i talking about why
people don't want a website they want
results those results need to be early
established and i think it's in a
qualification process the fine details
of course are in discovery we'll get to
that but the beginning of the process
the qualification process it's pretty
straightforward this is the classic
model bang - here is not her - Fant
really well shock balance is the basic
four things you need for a sale to be
done budget authority need timeframe if
you don't have these four things you
ain't gonna have a sale you might have a
transactional sale and I'm not talking
about transactional sales like for
instance if I said hey Mike would you
like to buy this class just say yes yes
give me a dollar you give me the dollar
I give you the glass we're done that's
the entire process but I kind of had
this but very very short that's not what
I'm talking about I'm talking about
sales that are complex that involve
multiple people that take time that lean
on things like what projects those kind
of deliverables marketing and strategy
initiatives those kind of things there's
other ways to do this as well Vance not
my favorite Islander Scotsman because I
went through Sandler training Sandler is
one of those sales technique trainings
you can take in the world and they all
kind of work but they all kind of point
to the same things money solution you
can do the thing but they all have the
word need in them almost
every qualification checklist you'll
ever see in your life has the word need
now I'm gonna confess to you as a sales
guy I always ignored need I think this
is true of almost all salespeople
because that's a salesperson what is the
most important one of this list yes yes
obviously if you have the money to pay
me well make the other things work your
authority you're talking but the fallacy
here is that in my head as a sales guy
on that end of those table you're
talking to me honestly you have a need
if you didn't have a need you wouldn't
talk to me
one of the nice things about bands is
because it is silent it is the
mechanical do you have this T up dis T
at this you have this and if you refine
this process you have a machine and it
just spits out qualified leads to the
other side and those people a large
portion of those should become proposals
in some portion that should become a
sale now again if we just say oh you got
money great let's put you through the
Machine we get to discovery Wow there is
so much so we don't know is it gonna be
a good discovery process can't can't
guarantee it will be so we need to focus
in on all of these timeline budget
Authority those are pretty obvious can
you buy this thing yes or no oh you
good bye or I can I got to go ask
someone alright let's go ask them how
many people have ever been in a meeting
and someone says I need to go ask
someone this do you say fine I'll wait
and while you go ask
that's it some power moving sales but do
it so you need to ask for that oh wait
just stop talking and they will either
tell you they can't actually ask for it
or they'll go actually ask or they'll
say I'll have the answer by X that's
what you want those folks said I need
because this is the most neglected of
them so when we say need but we're
actually talking about is they need hit
a goal otherwise it's a want I really
think because if you want something you
might buy it if you want something for
your company you have to prove that that
has a benefit if you're doing something
that has a direct benefit that's really
a need all we need to do this I want to
do this because we might make more money
or we need to do this or we will lose
money which of those projects get done
the need one so when we talk about need
how many people stop and say hey you're
talking mind rate what are those
specific measurable attainable relevant
and time locked pools
anybody that's what we're here today to
do and hope you walk out of the room
thinking this in your head when you're
talking to people for the first time
about working with you to stop and say
hey you have specific things you're
trying to do right not just some vague I
want a website not just some vague I
think I should do this no you you have
measurable things that in the future are
gonna either be true or not
well at this quote I don't know if the
hundred percent true across all
spectrums but in sales and marketing it
have no idea to work yeah the websites
prettier yeah you definitely pumping out
more tweets yep content sure is sharp
and SEO friendly what does that mean
though what do we actually measure
luckily there's an entire industry and a
whole set of Sciences around this called
the key performance indicator this is a
wonderful wonderful shortcut term for
saying a bunch of things and it's a
horribly misleading term I'll explain
why in a bit but real question have you
ever asked anyone this at the beginning
before you get a discovery like when you
first meet them and they say I want to
do a project like great if you have your
KPIs defined you're gonna get a spectrum
of answers but most people are gonna
look at you with a blank stare be like
what are you talking about and if you
have to stop at that point and explain
what the heck a KPI is that's a much
different process much different sale
much different experience for everyone
than if you say do you have kpi's define
it say I'm glad you asked here's my
spreadsheet and a six-months here's the
numbers on one than a year I want these
numbers oh man I want to work that
person I want to figure out how to bake
and get there because man they've done
so much work
if they do have their KPIs defined
great let's go fine-tune those let's get
drilling what you mean by this let's get
to discovery right now because if the
others check out of course if you have
authority in timeline and money but this
is jump to discovery let's get to the
meat and bones of this if they don't
have those KPIs defined it's time to
change hats it's time to stop and say
well what you really need is a business
consultant at this point to define your
KPIs now if you want to change hats
yourself do it if you want to put on
your business management business
consultant hat go for it there's great
money in that industry but realize that
is a different hat than web developer
they can overlap your if you're working
on a large team you should have one of
these people like at your disposal say
oh you know business person here there
or a partner to work let's say oh you
need a business manager over there we'll
come back to that in a second
everybody asked so what are we measuring
on this project this is the follow-up if
they don't know what a KPI is I don't
know two KPIs oh so what are we
specifically measuring like what how do
we know when we're done how do we know
when you're successful this is a
discovery questions this isn't like
after they sign the contract this is
what it's people angry you signed a
contract then you're asking this this
should be before you get to the
discovery process like what he's
particular trying to measure oh that
metric that metric that metric I don't
know how to do that that's qualification
that's a machine you want to get through
as many of those conversations as fast
as you only can because you only have so
many hours in the day if you look at the
sales price sales funnel again like if
you start with a thousand people at the
top you might end up with five to ten on
a bad day one on a great day twenty
actual delivery that's pretty industry
standard for start with a bunch of leads
you end up with a few projects across
the board the more time you spend up
here by like by hand artisanally
qualifying someone the less time you
have here to actually do the art of the
sale which is the negotiation and the
actual crossing the eyes and going
through lawyers who argue about the word
as an indemnification non-stop you won't
spend as much time here as you only can
spend less time here and spend up here
as little as you possibly can so if they
don't know what they're measuring that's
problematic and we have to stop and say
well what are you measuring so let's
talk specifically about kpi's because if
you're gonna put on the business
consultant hat this is what you're about
to do if you're not this is what someone
else is gonna lead them through this
path or those go off on their own and
find a developer who thinks thing they
can do this and won't
so who disagree that these are awesome
web metrics to measure
these are great this is like literally
at Google top web team KPIs and this
list I mean and so on is mine but
there's a laundry list of things under
Google Analytics you should do these are
great guess what though
good marketing all right is that it is
that close to this mmm kinda kinda bad
news the people your sales this is their
again I googled sales marketing all of
these just fill in a blank KPI and these
are like top 20 list I found and just
condensed and here's the worst part of
all the person who has ultimate signing
Authority and this whole process and the
person that the end of the day says yes
or no to rehiring you and doing more
work or recommending you or give me a
bad reputation here's there's this is a
very long way very long way from here so
to say it's a whole industry of to
itself it's a whole science unto itself
data science in business data science
specifically bi business intelligence
that's where it's before bi which is is
awesome the good new is about all of
this people been studying this for years
and there is some kind of formulation
you can work out it exists you can build
algorithms that do this that will take
you from KPIs you easily have access to
your web metrics that can get you to the
marketing ones how does this go from
here to there there's companies built on
this concept Salesforce has bought a
number of them
I don't know these things I'm gonna be
honest with you I know they exist
I have talked to people that know them I
have gone through processes where other
people have put them in place it's the
only reason I know they exist they work
something like this though do not take
this verbatim into your business and do
not blame me if they say this didn't
work I don't even know what baby and C
are in this list but it's something like
this like okay we add these metrics
together we divide by the southern
metric and that points in this KPI is it
gets you close close enough and then
there's other things you can add
together and again there's a whole bunch
of people that know what this actually
does it's something like this we measure
all these other kpi's together and
there's the business owner goals and
everybody's happy so the closer we can
get to answering this question with
their project the easier it is to get
land that project the happier they will
be at the end of the day because as
Alison manly said and enjoy black said
in their musical the spoonful of
research helps the stakeholder calm down
it's if you can always point back to
saying no no remember we're actually
meeting the business goal here
remember these this all adds up to what
we're actually trying to do the your
little goal is part of a bigger goal
that keeps your job in place and keeps
the company going that comes people down
a lot more than well I thought you said
this very different conversation so the
question is really do you the developer
or the designer the project manager you
don't put the other head on when you
realize that there are other things at
play here outside of the box you thought
you were in when you realize the box is
actually this big not this big for well
you can't see me at home I mean my hands
small him big so looking back this is a
limited list this was the first six that
came to my head five that came to my
head five
the good news is you can put this back
into your qualification process very
easily qualification checklist at the
end of the day should have every
question you think you should know the
answer to before you spend an hour on
the phone with someone they should be
able to answer these things around over
an email or in a less than twenty minute
call or just over beer so what's your
plan around any of these other areas so
let's plan our content strategy how many
people ask this in the discovery process
how many people asking the qualification
process good awesome
you always get a couple hands and it's
awesome do it right it's not your job to
write content unless it is people pay
good money for this I know people in the
WordPress side of the world that is an
entire job is contact creation and they
make it a little bit and it's awesome I
don't want to do that I personally don't
like writing content like that alright
for myself
design services how many clients assume
that design services are including with
any kind of web build all of them that's
the answer at some level they all think
this designers are amazing people that
do amazing work and I don't understand
it at all I like using their product
obviously but in fairness I made none of
these slides like the images I stole
them all from Google and technically
this is an academic talk so there we go
but yeah I had to ask but what is your
design strategy because if a client says
oh we just thought you would do it oh
that's a terrible answer it's also
terrible and say oh I got a cousin who
is in design school like great design
student has no idea what the web initial
works or oh we work with this design
firm XYZ over here and they you know
they do fortune 5,000 companies and oh I
think they referred you in such-and-such
works there
I would we'll have to work on that
project I don't even carry these details
like somebody a designer I know referred
me to something I'll take it I'll take
you right now but asking early enough
like hey what's your idea I'm in design
here cuz if they think you're gonna do
it great sell it to them if you can
project management is my favorite thing
that people assumes in a project by by
default a project will be managed
somewhere again I just Google project
management image and got this every
project will by default have some kind
of management it might be terrible
absentee management where everything
falls apart but how many people stop and
say hey so what's your project
management plan on this
that frees a lot of people in the tracks
they did not think like oh we're just
gonna manage all this like well I can
but again I asked earlier how many
people are project managers versus all
the other roles it is a completely
separate field it is a separate way to
engage with people like getting people
on track not the version control system
track the people on the right direction
with where this project needs to go is
hard work you're not getting into a code
you're not getting a design you are just
getting people on the phone at the right
point in time and that is hard work it's
hurting cats doing that on top of your
other work or as part of your services
that you're bundling together at no
additional charge that's madness charge
for project management it's part of the
thing or if they have a project manager
make sure you like their process if you
walk in and you've been doing agile
scrum you'll love it you've been
standardized out of your company for
years and you walk it it's like we use
waterfall and we have these very strict
restrictions you're gonna work with us
this way or you're not gonna work with
us that's a good time to walk and it's
good to find that out early as possible
because if they say you have to do this
this way and they tell you that before
you sat down for an hour on the phone to
do their discovery amen then you have
that hour free do you know do discover
with someone else or better yet have a
bunch of other qualification question
qualification conversations to get to
more discovery get to know really really
fast that's the whole point of this it's
up to you though if you want to wear all
of those hats if you want to put all of
those things on your shoulders do it do
you I can't tell you what's right or
wrong I could tell you stories the
people told me and my personal
experiences in all of this because at
the end of the day though we're we're
all trying to hit it goal every single
project needs to hit a goal
and that is the thing that we got to
drive that's the thing we have to
eventually come back and do and the
earlier we know in the whole process we
can do this or not and we can do this in
a way that we think will make them happy
based on real evidence in real science
well the happier they're gonna be the
more referrals we'll get the more repeat
business we'll get from them and
everyone will be happy because the end
the day nobody really wants a website
they want the things that website gives
them that's almost what I called this
they won't they gives them but there's
also a little better though really what
they really want to hit if they've know
how to articulate it or not is they want
to hit a KPI they might not know what a
KPI is but I guarantee you they want to
hit it in six months
you can measure a KPI in a year you can
measure a KPI in three years you can
measure a KPI you can't measure did you
like the site are you satisfied with the
work we did oh that's a big bucket of
worms and you don't want to spill KPIs
keep everything very nice box clean and
you hit it or you didn't you hit it you
didn't order and you're either on your
way to hitting it you got really close
and if we just put a little bit more
tweaks in we can get there and let's
keep going with this thing or man this
fella on the toilet we should just stop
it's gonna tell you pretty quick the
numbers will add up or they won't
that's that's all the slides I had get
them Dwayne I talked about all this
stuff but that would finally get to the
part that I enjoy the most of this talk
which is the conversation so I will
start it with the traditional Q&A start
like to anybody have any questions or
comments but I'm gonna turn that back on
you just so you know I know some of you
in this room and I'm gonna straight-up
ask you if you nobody else volunteers
with some information but this is the
one track where it is completely okay in
the Q&A to make a comment and not a
question so I encourage it with that
sure so knowing to capture these
qualified leads trying to get their
kpi's for project matters to then turn
that around to helping guide the
developers how do you translate those
KPIs until that small thing they need to
focus on keep them in the note that has
a great question
data should always point to specific
the actual how do I interpret this to
what a developer does I can't give you a
firm answer unfortunately because that
is such a broad question it's like how
do you make a cake I there's a way but
this is actually everyone this room has
experience with this Joe I'll ask you
again buddy have you given customer data
products we've made for them doesn't
Hey exactly always pushing back on the
data and saying does the work we're
doing in the sprint if I could ramp just
for a second on scrum and agile I
I've seen enough talks on it been a
problem process enough now in my life to
think that a lot of time we're not
really doing it the right way we're
doing Minimum Viable Product and product
means it functions in some way but what
we really should be after is Minimum
Viable approvable value does this work
we did in the sprint give any value to
the client not does the widget turn on
and off don't turn off and off the
viable product yes it does does it move
the KPI up if it doesn't it shouldn't be
in the sprint it shouldn't be in the
work I'm not saying that's an easy
transition I've talked to people that
are near to of moving their team over to
agile and they're still struggling with
this like how do we tie these things so
it's not an easy road but it's a road
that you get much better clients with
and happier developers they know exactly
why they're doing a thing not just
here's a random work order great I can
do arena work order but oh oh this
actually moves their conversions up two
percent yeah I feel good about that this
does my experience all right other
thoughts on that one or other areas of
discussion so you say making really
making sure your developers understand
the KPI and what value they are really
delivering even when you break apart the
filters through the project manager
because it's not just interpreting what
we can see into their numbers it goes
the other way
they're not exactly trap door functions
like treptower functions they work one
way but they you can't get back the
other way
ital ssl works or TIA
TLS once you know the business goal now
we can dirt new in the math and that's
where that business analyst and the data
science comes in like oh here's the KPI
that can deliver can you increase uptime
can you increase page rank can you
increase these other kpi's you actually
have control over
well let's model the entire project
around that so when those increase the
project manager and the business people
can say oh these KPI is kpi's are going
up and these kpi's are going up so if
the math all works maybe we're wrong in
the math we need to adjust things but
that's a very different conversation
than oh man the project is bad adjusting
numbers is yeah fine tunable
other thoughts okay the need for two-way
communication because especially I think
in the technical knowledge is broader
with the developer role project
management have some the client has very
very little so when the need filters
down the developers say when you could
satisfy this need this way whereas a
client whatever photo them fucking than
I think that but yeah I might found that
the two-way communication everybody else
anybody feel different about that
all right I have a question for you all
and I would like to hear some opinions
on this
who here charges for a discovery process
awesome and of those people at what
point do you think qualification is done
when do you say oh I qualified this
person enough to ask them to go for paid
discovery or to people to say you want
to work with me we do a paid discovery
session and that's how we start the
process see if I do that I want upgrade
to Drupal 8 I want a new website why you
know in those are ease those are those
are so you're anyways even like 20 hours
like just a light discovery period
absolutely not everything about you can
be measured you know it's very serious
it's like I want to much much more in a
we're actually moving towards real goals
in two things both we work we still work
with a lot of clients
don't know I can't put into words
numbers what they eat and I can't always
blame them there's a lot of groups that
are doing important work where they're
not trying to settle some with something
so much easier to turn it into numbers
if at the end of the day is how many
people buy something and when you're
trying to spread awareness something
else and I was I was still before we get
to you I see a punk hands went up on
that one forget that III think it's
still tracked back to everything is
measurable like it was specifically with
the web field because we're doing things
that require electricity to make pixels
happen on a screen and either that pixel
did the thing that was supposed to do or
it didn't I really think this like ACLU
is a great example like they're not
trying to do a sale they're trying to
raise awareness around issues they're
measuring that awareness not you I'm
sorry I didn't say let us say to you
Human Rights Watch
David's can I remembers last names like
me scarboni anyway David from UC
international they specifically wanted
people in a certain region to understand
a topic better and they asked a bunch of
quizzes and we call the surveys and got
this information from them and they
adapted strategies around that
measurable master boot that those
numbers so I agree with you in life
there's a lot of things you can't
measure when it comes to projects
there's a KPI attached to it there has
to be otherwise we're never gonna really
know all right you had your hand up
first I think we know back there
I come from the nonprofit world and
different coalition's that the clients
will have this
vague idea that we want to spread
awareness we want to educate people on
human rights or whatever and their
conversation then becomes how do you
translate that into
real measurable numbers and really just
being qualifying or discovery talking
about okay this one method of we
increase page traffic or your subscriber
list or just helping or guiding them
towards identifying what number can we
use to see what we successful in this
campaign I like to hug back there I
think everyone's hand shot up I think it
was one two three four
that I spent X amount of dollars in
print material Renick all I did was
raise awareness heavy Mac spent that
money and put that towards a web project
for one year what is that appreciate
that so here's a question even with
measurable goals you know every day you
know that we're going to build this
really cool widget and people are going
to going to use it you're not going to
know if it's successful until after it's
been deployed
sure so after you exact so how do you
going in first questions going into the
project like if you don't hit that goal
that doesn't mean it's a oh oh
absolutely projects fail there's history
is full of lessons of really good ideas
that just horribly fail for some reason
like big ones prop to mind ecto coolers
like the most popular high seed product
of all like eventually stop selling
that's why they pulled it off the market
I could just fail dimensionally just ran
out of juice literally the Etzel on
paper Greek art that's maybe a terrible
example in the modern world we don't
think of things that like that should
have worked
why didn't that work so is this
foolproof 100% I'm absolutely not I'm
just trying to stop people the
pitchforks means to format it yet when
they are mad and you don't have a say
well this failed but here's the numbers
when we just these we can probably
adjust the thing versus I don't know why
I failed good luck that's a very
different perception of the market and
of what we're doing because that person
if you fail two or three times sure
let's get rid of them maybe that's a bad
firm fail one thing it was a bad idea
maybe I don't know you got a thought
along those lines iterations about right
especially if you have a process where
you're going with user testing and
throughout the design phase and then
even like heart attack being given at
that points to see what kind of
engagement you're going to get you even
go back further up in the process and
has the client actually done any
customer research like what kind of
customer research that they've done like
all that stuff kind of tells you upfront
and then figuring out like what you're
talking about
yeah viable value being verifiable by
yeah right so what that's missing almost
thing you can do is you know even can
you get a rate on top of the current
site you can do something like that
they're doing now or a manual process or
something in this work
you know isn't it for nonprofits
thinking about the can we do something
here save you some money in the process
but also increase the eternal mission
that's what nonprofits are there for
whatever their mission very specific
thing they're trying to accomplish it
can you help them increase the value
increase that engagement their
membership or whatever increase
engagement with their mission saving the
money right there yeah not every idea is
a great idea they can seem it on paper
but something just fall apart question
sir are you speaking from the client
side or like uh that's what like the web
team side okay to me and I think a
handful people that benefit from the
past it at some point in that early on
in the discovery process or towards it
or in that discovery process you're
going to write down what those goals are
and present those and there's going to
be an agreement like worked like long
before user testing development get
started there's an agreed upon
this is what we're doing and we agree
it's gotta meet these goals
contractually that's it like it's super
like that aspect of it is very simple
either we agree this is what we're going
to be moving forward project project
succeeds whether or not like in the long
term it fails or not because it's a bad
idea that's something separate but if
you if you haven't Riemann and they're
like address was like that's it oh yeah
there's a great talk I won't say the
exact names it's family-friendly camp
but it's called fu pay me find it on
YouTube I forget the name of the guy but
it is about contract it is literally
that like if you agreed to do a thing
and you did the thing you get paid
period doesn't matter if was a good idea
doesn't matter if it worked at the end
of the day doesn't matter if it met
their goals if they agreed to it on
paper they sign that paper you did the
thing you get paid
period so at some point back there at a
site gibberish
I mean I think
but things like they have a whole team
of people who want to keep using Excel
spreadsheets for certain things they're
all used to it and
you know yeah that will always always
always happen I'm not going to give
another talk but today nobody wants a
website is about fine-tuning the
qualification process to get to knows
four people you really don't want to
work with as fast as humanly possible
then we want a discovery which is a
whole different field and I would argue
that with enough time in discovery which
is an ideal science guy scenario you can
recover that with the right questions
live like organizationally how do you
work somebody sits up early night
reminded me of this though you said it
something else again sort of brought it
up you can find this on my website MC
doing comm if you want to see the slides
or me give it somewhere else but um
point being if we're not asking
discovery questions of like so tell me
about the projects that have failed in
the past tell me about the last
developer you fired tell me about how
your organization works from clean your
office and their office down there and
you do that individually with every
single person on the team and you do
that collectively and see what answers
match that's a good discovery process I
you know close the six-figure deals back
in the job is my job my little where it
is like that was the key to it like that
was a complicated process where the
Board of Directors involved you have to
get everyone on the same page and that
is a process will they always tell the
absolutely not expect them to lie will
they come up with surprise
left and right yes that is nature of
client work is this foolproof again no
you will always have problematic clients
I can't tell you how to stop that
because I don't know the answer to that
and I've never met anyone that does
anyone that claims they have that answer
I would be a little skeptical of because
people are people and people are weird
all right one more quick topic or thing
you mentioned it earlier I thought was a
good point is as salespeople we're
always trying to win the deal but
knowing you know it's best to walk from
it is I think a huge factor in this
thing else because if you hear something
maybe the client is being super vague or
they're not really like yeah maybe this
maybe that that's a probably project or
client that's going to give you more
headaches you can spend more time with
your head in this young man then you are
getting actually helping them and it's
tough that salespeople to realize that
and say hey Russ so I love a
qualification session over a drink for
over lunch because then if everything
goes wrong still got a drink or lunch
and even a waste that you didn't really
waste your time you had interesting
conversations but the faster you can get
to that knowledge point of and that's
the whole point of qualification is like
asking those questions like do you know
what you're doing if any idea what
you're doing that's an offensive
question but like so what keep you guys
trying to be people will be intimidated
by that question but it's a real
question if they do know the answer that
oh that's a very different customer but
walking away is hard somebody said it
Albert Adam silver is one of the core
committers for WordPress I've said some
talk once we come from a lot as
developers as small businesses we come
from a place of scarcity a lot like we
can't lose this customer what if we
don't get this gig what if we don't get
this next contract and we're talking
about the internet people still to this
day spend more on website development
per year than they do on all other web
like by IAB metrics it's like 200
billion persons like a hundred seventy
billions so a number like that now my
CEO Zack likes to use that number a lot
there's a ton of money here we if we
look at the whole spectrum of what I can
do in this market from a place of
abundance we want to get through those
nose as fast as possible to get to those
golden yeses and it might take you a
hundred nose it might take you a hundred
knows that you're saying no to refine
and say oh this client I know we're that
client the rest your life and everyone
will be happy as long as they have money
all right ten minutes he'll mark and I'm
told to wrap it up so I got to wrap it
up but hey thank you very much for
coming in the room