Great technologists often rise through the ranks, assuming responsibilities that go beyond just delivering technical work. This talk reflects on my journey from an engineer to leading teams. I’ll talk about what I’ve learned, how I learned it, and share my evolving thoughts on technical leadership. I share my perspective on topics like business awareness, servant leadership, failing fast, taking calculated risks, data-driven decision making, promoting pragmatism, and sharing a vision. I discuss my opinions on pragmatism and the balance between technical innovation and practical problem solving in daily work. And, lastly, I share pro tips for leaders I’ve learned from experience, including empathy, listening, limiting ego, and teaching. Attendees can expect to hear my findings on empowering technical teams that strive better meet the needs of people they serve.
Adam Bergstein
Director of Engineering @ AcquiaAcquia Grand Master. Developer/project manager with a masters in application security. Work experience in higher education and consulting sectors. Interested in development, dev ops, continuous integration, and Drupal 8. Expertise in other areas, such as planning/specifications, agile/scrum, backlog management, learning/training, and team enablement.

kevin is happy that means we all can be
happy all right hi so this talk is
called understanding technical
leadership this is a newer talk of mine
something I kind of threw together this
is dedicated to those that are in
service the whole point is really about
service ok during the talk I present
various experiences that I've had things
that I've learned different concepts
it's kind of all over the place and like
any good Drupal community member
I took directly to Twitter to ask
different folks for their own thoughts
and feedback on the topic so you will
get some nice little tweets on the
screen my name is nerd Steen otherwise I
go as adverts ting I am the vice
president of engineering at hook 42 we
are a very very awesome company very
cool spot great people and we do a ton
of work in the community feel free to
look us up or ask me if you have any
questions you want to learn more about
foot 42 or anything and I really
appreciate being here I'm very honored I
love this camp it's a nice spot so
really like to be able to present so
before we get started on the topic at
hand I want to kind of just do a quick
level set a reminder events like this
truly sustain the community that we are
all apart of it sustains it through
innovation through the exchange of ideas
the networking opportunities that we get
to talk to one another and see each
other in the flesh right these things
are really really critical mid camp is
extremely critical it is a vital part of
the community this year was a very clear
reminder that events like this are not
free they come at a cost
this is a responsibility that we as an
entire community need to be accountable
for so I want to thank all of the
organizers everyone who sponsored the
event and for the entire community who
really stepped up to make sure that
everyone can be here today
so thank you very much so what's a
little rough outline of what we're gonna
talk about first I want to start by
asking a question what is a technical
want to begin there the next thing we'll
review some different characteristics or
traits or qualities maybe like better
and now we'll get into some lessons
learned that's gonna be the fun part
probably I'll do my best to give some
relevant examples throughout though so
what is a technical leader what is it I
want to just state for the record and
from my own personal experience
firsthand the best technical leaders are
ones that they have experienced they
fail they have insight but they're not
necessarily the best technical person
right you don't have to be technically
brilliant to be an awesome leader period
it's not a position it's not a job title
it's a presence it's a state of mind
every single person is capable of being
a leader regardless of your role it's
who you are it's what you do right so
one of the things in this talk I wanted
to share is this is a choice the reason
why I think I wanted to do this talk is
I wanted to share how you could make
that choice you're able to use your
experience in an effort to make the
entire world better not just you know
being super awesome technically right
every interaction that you have every
code review every conversation every
co-working session these are all
day-to-day minute-to-minute
opportunities that you have to strut
your stuff first Twitter posting
Matthew Donadio I think is his how you
pronounce his last name just saw him in
New Jersey I think most tech leadership
doesn't relate to the actual tech skills
it's being a good example while being in
a technical role there was a quote back
from 1930 this is really even long
before computing became a thing so it's
clearly relevant right the task of
leadership is not to put greatness into
humanity for the greatness or but to
elicit it for the greatness is already
there I love that close I thought it was
perfect a leader is capable of bringing
out the best in other people you have to
be selfless you need to recognize the
importance of just being a leader you
need to remove your ego because at the
end of the day it's not about you I like
to consider my mission in the world is
creating rockstars that term has taken
some weird turns in recent months there
was a couple blog posts of some pretty
toxic stuff but in general I like to
view my mission as making in creating
rock stars you need to empower others to
be great
that is the function need to look at
every single individuals strengths and
weaknesses and then put them in a
position to succeed
that I think is the real thing Heather
Rodriguez former co-worker of mine a
good technical leader makes team members
feel comfortable asking questions and
admitting they don't know something
pleasure a good tech leader is a mentor
and offers help and advice so others can
grow to because if it's not about you
should be about making sure other people
are capable of getting to where they
need to be mark Schwartz anybody hurt
here oh yeah dude sharp really really
awesome dude he's written two cool books
one of the books he and he's a new
author actually his both of his books
just came out in last couple years so
mark wrote a book called a seat at the
and he really kind of positioned a whole
new view on IT leadership and this new
fresh new perspective really was around
leadership and team empowerment bridging
things like agile and DevOps and the
actual service behind it and it's
phenomenal both of his books are really
really great but there's a couple key
points that are very relevant to this
talk the first one to acknowledge is
that all grassroots innovation comes up
through your team right that it can
happen from any team member it can
happen from any rank any physician any
role these people are the experts in
what they do they're the experts in the
technology they're the experts in the
subject area they are doing the work
every single day right
and it's extremely hard to project
success I think that's the thing he
talks about a lot in the book is like
how do you measure this how do you have
data around this but the one one thing
that he claims is it is the role of a
technical leader or someone that's in a
leadership position to incentivize the
courage for the team members to bring
and raise their ideas to help harness
that and nurture the idea is to grow and
make the team stronger shorts claims
that it's not the role of IT leadership
to command and control
that's a phrasing that he uses but that
is a pretty typical or pretty standard
management style that sometimes people
use in IT and in general his position in
the book is basically stating that you
can harness all the ideas of the team
that you can proceed in a very
methodical and calculated and cautious
way by measuring progress limiting big
investments and trying to prove
different hypotheses that might exist so
that's a great way to harness ideas but
also to minimize risk right if the risk
is quantified you can avoid major
mistakes because even smaller risks can
present major opportunities for people
to grow and for the team to grow so
what's the the old adage right fail fast
and experiment rapidly right he's
leveraging that idea within leadership
so that sets the stage of what the basis
in my mind is for a good technical
leader when we talk a little bit about
some characteristics so there are some
things I've learned both through
observation and by participation and by
screwing up a couple hundred thousand
times because you know hey I'm standing
up here but I'll tell you what I think
I've learned through hard knocks like
this is not this is a a story from the
trenches not not someone who does
everything perfectly and I it feels a
little weird you know giving a talk like
this but you know I just wanted to share
some of these ideas I guess so all right
servant leadership I feel like this is
something that people are really
starting to become and understand in the
broader space so your job really is to
serve it doesn't matter if you're in a
leadership position or if you're an
engineer or a QA person or a designer
anything like that you're serving
something or someone or a purpose I
think to be to demonstrate your
leadership qualities you have to
understand what it is and who it is that
you're actually serving it starts there
right you have to actually have that
clarity and you need to solve impactful
and meaningful problems for those people
for your users or your customers or
anything like that right so there's a
whole space and UX and all this stuff
about user personas and crafting
experiences and user testing and all of
this stuff right it's the exact same
thing but you take it up a level right
you know this applies to everything that
we do in every role you also may be in a
position that instead of just serving a
client or a customer or you know people
that are viewing a website you may also
be representing a team and that team
could be technologists it could be any
any people doing work your priority as a
technical leader needs to be on serving
all of those
people it's like a juggling act right
but you need to understand it
Larry Spears had identified these 12
principles of servant leadership I'm not
going to get into all of them because
you know probably could have a whole
talk on all of these specific things but
I'll just read them listening empathy
healing awareness persuasion
conceptualization that was a good one
foresight stewardship growth building
community calling and nurturing the
spirit this is pretty well-rounded right
embodying these principles can truly in
my mind help technical leaders with
situational awareness right if you look
at framing your view of the world
through these lenses it could be a good
way to to grow or evolve hi Steve Kinney
on Twitter at goal of the Twitter's
he stated senior developers unblocking
and being a force multiplier to the
junior developers on your team is
literally the most important thing you
can and should be doing with your time
if you're crushing code while members of
your team are stuck you're actively
hurting the team
I agree if you are serving other people
imagine how much impact that you are
capable of having if you commit to
bringing out the best in other people
not just yourself as an example I have
found personally data is always better
to help coach people or Co work with
them to help them produce the results
that they want to have that is for me to
dive in and do the work and push the
commitment right in the past I have
pushed the commits for people but you
know in stating I'll handle this I
actually was reducing the opportunity
for them to grow as individuals
empathy this was in the list so I guess
it's fair game but I think this is
probably the most important one for one
of them so we all need to acknowledge
that every single person in this room
and those that you interact with are all
in some state of learning in their
career and their journey it doesn't
matter what title they have some will
have more knowledge about a certain area
or have more knowledge in something
versus another thing and we're all
right we're bringing all these unique
perspectives constantly but one thing
that I've learned is that when people
make mistakes they often didn't want to
that wasn't like their intent like I've
never really seen someone wake up and
saying I want to screw up royally today
right so let's look at some practical
examples you know someone might
misunderstand the requirements of a
ticket they might end up developing the
wrong solution because of that these are
all coachable things and these things
happen all the time right as as leaders
and you know in the space we have to be
promoting empathy we need to focus on
these opportunities as teaching moments
we need to allow people to fail that's
like a big thing for me is letting
things happen giving the keynote Chris
talked about safe spaces or like the
trapeze safety next yeah that's what I
was looking for it's kind of the same
idea right people need to have
opportunities that they are allowed to
fail without feeling like they're gonna
get you know major retribution or
something right and when they fall down
it's all of our responsibilities to pick
them back up
right because you were there once -
there's a concept called blameless
retrospectives and I think that that's a
great tool for achieving shared
understanding in situations when things
go sideways and they help to promote
empathy they allow people to talk and to
share what happened and what their
experience was and that's a really good
tool that you can use in your own
day-to-day practice Daniel Rose
responded to my secret Twitter thread
super amazing awesome Twitter cred
having patience and being able to
empathize and mentor newer team members
was his point about what a good
technical leader does now most of you
have probably seen this diagram and it
is probably the least empathetic thing
that we have that exists in the wild
you've all seen it I've witnessed both
empathy and a lack of empathy around
cover views but at the end of the day we
need to treat other people the way that
we want to be treated - engineers
especially invest a lot of time into the
work that they do it's it's like a
mental drain and a very you know it's
taxing and they you know the
deliverables and their work they've
often overcome significant challenges
and fought through problems and looked
at different ways of doing things right
and those might be known those might
even be unknown but they're doing it
naturally all the time the code review
is a chance to get feedback on that work
but it should maintain a tone a very
positive tone good feedback thank the
person for the work that they've done
recognize their effort acknowledge it
they probably did a lot and if you treat
the code review as an opportunity to
help someone learn
from you it has a whole new perspective
right it's an opportunity and then allow
things to iterate and move on to the
next problem
so if you're doing things right you're
really trying to facilitate an
environment where there is continuous
learning there should be constant flow
of information and growth and help and
support for one another you should
always be learning and you should be an
advocate for making sure others are
learning to as technical leaders I think
it's pretty critical to contribute
everything that you learn in some way
shape or form hi I write blog posts I
give demonstrations to my team or other
people when they need it I give
presentations at camps and conferences
can't see that a funny side story I
learned that one of my blog posts has
now taken a term called the nerd steam
method for doing a component based
design that was hilarious by the way so
you could see these things actually do
have a way of trickling to people they
have impacted I was astonished but they
write allowing people not just yourself
right because it's not about your ego to
share their learnings with others there
needs to be a pipeline for the entire
team to share their feedback and grow
and and share information
this is often what's called a
retrospective and like the agile
frameworks right that if you have these
types of things
that's that activity its reflection
right opening up for everyone to talk
and share one thing I found it's
actually really difficult is both giving
and receiving feedback
it could be brutal right but it's
necessary these are the things that are
really important for making sure that
people learn and grow and I think if you
commit to teaching and empathy these
things help with that but it's still
really hard right everyone has a
responsibility to do this though in my
opinion this is not just reserved for
someone who's in charge of a team you
should be comfortable giving your peers
feedback and that's how they grow that's
how you can coach them and they can
coach you open up those lines of
communication be comfortable with that
they're doing it because they care so
I'll give you a silly example and this
is like the famous thing a team member
was giving a demonstration and it was
you know on a live demo right I love
live demos they never work yeah on top
of the fact that the live demo like
failed miserably cuz the internet went
out or something happened
they also forgot to turn off slack
notifications and so they were sharing
their screen and like you know oh hey
how was that tequila you had last night
oh crap and there's like scramble
scramble scramble and you know not very
professional I'm not super classy so you
know these things happen though you only
make that mistake once right you know so
Sheldon on the other hand I but you know
after the demo hey we got together we
held a little mini retrospective and we
discussed it and now we actually might
back and then we updated our handbook
like hey you know please don't discuss
tequila during class turn off your
notifications so he's gonna do feedback
light to the entire team hopefully
others got it
only those who dare to fail greatly can
ever achieve greatly so I've now used
this quote and probably four of my last
talks now because I've not found it
I've found it to just be so elevated
that's Robert F Kennedy some people are
afraid of failure they're afraid of it
like they're it's like freaks them out
right you know and there's good reason
right so failure can jeopardize super
high profits or can introduce risks to
projects and put make people crabby and
unhappy right but let's just face it
let's actually let's ground ourselves
collectively failure is going to happen
naturally regardless of how hard we try
to avoid it let's just embrace it it is
the most critical mechanism for learning
it has the most impact on you right
especially the big failures like oh wow
it's a grounding moment
this helps people to achieve great
things now or into the future you need
to support that and maybe you'll fail
maybe you actually end up crushing it
and you know you just cured cancer or
something crazy Hey
so there's an agile I'm a big a jewel
advocate I believe in it and it's like a
framework I think it's important leaders
need to be comfortable sharing these
things they've learned and people need
to be comfortable sharing things that
they've learned as well there needs to
be a good open forum we talked about
trying to spread knowledge throughout
the organization right so in my
experience agile ceremonies are a great
way to make sure that these things
happen fairly regularly and the lines of
communication are open and agile is
really based on iteration right so it's
not doing one doing this you know
sharing one time it's actually doing it
every couple weeks or maybe once a month
right and trying to learn over time and
continually improve I believe very
firmly that a good agile practice should
be open to the entire team it's not just
for certain members to participate like
every single person needs a seat at the
table everyone needs to participate
openly and authentically and blamelessly
as I talked about previously but it
really things like retrospectives give
people a great chance to collaborate and
share and they're facilitated
conversations that are around
brainstorming improvement right like
what was your experience oh it took me
stack on my project well okay so why
don't we cut that down to a monthly scan
and let's do targeted testing man
perfect hey what's happening
the iteration is the key part right
because the learning doesn't just happen
one time it happens forever happens as
long as you're working with people you
need to do it ongoing
the other great thing especially for
managee people super managee or people
is you can actually reduce institutional
knowledge if you're more open about
things yeah who's ever heard of tribal
knowledge right so you know you have
this amazing Rockstar person who does 50
percent of the work and they understand
every part of the system right and you
just dumped everything on their plate
and then they get hit by a bus
you kinda should avoid these sorts of
things like this kind of kind of
important right so having these process
to share and sort of like disperse
things through the team and learn from
one another like that's that's really
important that's tops with hiring and
bringing new people in and out of teams
so it's good at scale
the next point I want to discuss is
around trust I think Trust is in the
forefront of this conversation George
MacDonald has a quote it's States to be
trusted is a greater compliment than
being loved that's pretty cool if your
goal is to bring out the best in other
people you have to trust them right
great things can happen if people trust
one another really really great things
like I've seen it firsthand but one of
the things that people overlook they'll
say oh yeah I trust you
here's a ticket I trust you go handle
the ticket great but it goes beyond that
it actually affects your relationship
with that person right the relationships
are the key part of your peers and your
ears and everything so on and so on
everyone up and down the chain these
relationships are the key and they
should never never be brushed aside for
short-term wins so as an example there
we have a sprint planning meeting where
you know you all get together and say
okay who's going to be dividing up the
work and doing what it's in pieces and a
team ever really wanted to take a task
that they had no experience in they're
like oh my god I'm like super into this
and I want that ticket I'm like okay but
from my perspective I was seeing risk
and I decided to assign the ticket to
another person who's more capable I'm
like I'm sorry like this isn't this
isn't the right time you know I have to
make sure this spring Co smoothly this
isn't the right opportunity I later
learned though that my team ever thought
that I didn't
and I could have and probably should
have given them the work and then been
there at their side to help them learn
give them the support and grow the
skills that they needed to be better
Dameon kind of hit on this a little bit
and Chris urban he's actually cure crazy
dude so yeah Damian said a good leader
can let things go and delegate my
response was I feel like Trust is the
key here
Chris Urban my right-hand man I feel
like Trust is the single most important
thing here I think he's ready
section three lessons learned in this
section I try to share some more
experiences or things that I feel like
we're just very impactful all right
the first one is presents I think I've
used the word a few times already
throughout to talk but like let's bring
it home right what is it about
presidents well first if you're a
technical leader are really a leader at
all recognize that people are probably
looking up to you isn't it scary
your presence is critical like you need
to maintain good presence how does that
happen well first you need to make sure
that you communicate thoughtfully your
communication has to be on point right
and you need to recognize the
differences in other people to both be
empathetic and to make sure that you're
communicating well with them right you
have to maintain that presence you have
to be aware I also think to be present
you need to maintain a vision you have
to have a vision you have to project
that vision
good leaders will be able to take things
that are happening in the world around
them and make connections to a broader
strategy that's based on that vision and
they need to have the presence to both
demonstrate acknowledge and reflect that
vision it's critical if you maintain a
vision others will naturally follow it
actually happens like if you have a goal
and people buying the net goal they're
right there by your side supporting you
so is a silly example someone on my team
wanted to do some professional
development with react.js the person was
sitting you know and a whole other
project at the time was totally
disconnected but I knew that that person
wanted to do that we had shared that
during a feedback session like a
professional development session and I
was sitting there a couple weeks later
and we were planning work out for a new
project and I found out that we had some
real work and I'm like oh hey there's
this thing going on over here that I
think you might want to be doing I was
able to make that connection get her
reassigned and another part of the team
and now she's rocking in love with on
something that she really cares and
wants to do and helps her girl so you
didn't have that sort of presence would
you miss that opportunity maybe
the end result was we were able to
invest in her you bolster her
capabilities not just for the short term
but in the future and all it took was
the recognition of how to make that
Carrie Fisher awesome community member
also put 42 team members yay I recently
wrote about cultivating positive company
culture I think it also applies to the
leaders themselves enforcing work-life
balance making diversity a priority
being transparent and flexible but most
importantly listening to people with
respect every single one of those points
are around your presence your actions
and their leaders will reflect that
fun book the no asshole role talks about
this you know kind of cultural
phenomenon and toxicity in the workplace
right so if your presence is super
important and people are looking up to
you whether you know you know that or
not as I said I learned the hard way so
it's imperative that you as a leader do
not promote or support toxicity I have
seen toxic environments and they are
horrible they rip teams apart so Robert
Sutton explores this phenomenon in the
book the no asshole rule he shares a lot
of thoughts on just how detrimental
toxic behaviors can be within a business
or a team and I would submit that as a
leader you have a role and making sure
that you promote a civilized workplace
even aside from your presence there are
good and bad ways so instead of blaming
others which can create a divided and
hinder trust try to listen and empathize
just do it right
my gotta grieve it listen like be
supportive one of the main things that I
have found is always assuming good
intentions first it is so natural when
something happens to say oh god Joe just
screwed this thing up again oh well and
then you know you go and you look and
his dog died earlier that morning right
so assume good intentions people don't
you know try to do things all the time
right and I would also submit that
competition and getting ahead which has
talked a little bit about in this book
it's someone else's expense
is toxic watch out for it so as leaders
how do you promote that well your
presence is critical we talked about
that but you need to try to recognize
and mediate toxicity when it occurs not
later not in the next annual review no
now right
in my experience toxicity comes up
everywhere it can come up in client
meetings check-ins with people it can
happen while you're coding it could
happen on slag it can happen in ticket
management systems like seriously people
post stuff constantly everywhere you
need to be aware right Robert's claim in
the book is toxicity is contagious you
gotta put a stop to it what do you stand
the next part of some stuff is being
informed okay so it can be I found you
know that it can actually be very
challenging to be informed if you're not
you know working on a project minute by
minute so in my role I often oversee
many projects like I could be look you
know looking at five or six different
projects main point in time so I'm not
following what's going on on a
second-by-second basis or the minutiae
of what is happening in the team hey guy
just can't I don't have enough time that
would be horrible but being informed is
is really really critical to making sure
that you don't make any assumptions so
here's an easy example right so if one
of your team members goes over on an
estimate or suppose they miss a deadline
talk to them get informed right listen
to what happened it actually might shed
some light into some disconnects that
can be really easily fixed like oh hey
okay in sprint planning we're gonna add
this new field in here and we're gonna
fill this out while we're doing this so
we don't have this issue in there for
you help that person you hope every the
rest of the team and the rest of the
process moving forward right I was also
like to have kind of weekly meetings to
be informed with different project teams
and different people that I'm working
with and I loved to attend the Sprint
retrospective it's like my favorite
thing I like get to hear all the
different experiences going on what
people are learning and that's a good
way to be informed getting back to the
agile stuff right
for me personally I've always tried to
maintain an open-door policy I tell
people they could pay me at any point in
time especially on slack how whenever
I'm needed I might not always be free
but I always will become free and I will
always prioritize people as soon as I
possibly can and I want people to feel
comfortable reaching out to me I feel
like that's really important
I also advocate for something called the
about me it's also about making sure
that people have the support that they
need right so 30 minute roll is if
you're blocked on something for more
than 30 minutes reach out to appear
reach out to me reach out to somebody
else that's doing the work or can help
you to make sure that you don't get
stuck so being informed is not really
grandma's strengths I love this meme I
had to find some way just like sneak
this in here probably super awkward but
yeah so she's not super informed about
what memes are but hey that's okay be
technical leaders often have to take the
responsibility for interacting with
people right you need to own that
responsibility it's not about the other
person it's actually about you I think
it's really natural to say Oh John you
know so-and-so over here was just so
mean today it's like well okay maybe I
wasn't supportive enough it's flipping
the table right who has that
responsibility you will interact with
people that have varying degrees of
skills they'll have different
backgrounds I mean like I I'm astonished
just I have to do a quick aside like how
many people in the Drupal community that
I interact with and I work with have
degrees and things that are like you
know environmental studies and liberal
arts I'm like wow that's awesome like
you know that we can promote that kind
of diversity you know in the community
and backgrounds and people that come
from everywhere International it's
awesome but they're all every person is
bringing their own unique experience and
their varying degrees of knowledge and
experience it comes with that right
technically and interpersonally so as a
as a technical leader I believe it
requires you to be extremely flexible
you have to have excellent soft skills
and an situational awareness to tailor
your communication to other people's
needs not yours I also feel like you
need to be able to demonstrate technical
concepts in a non-technical way I know
that sounds really stupid and
straightforward but I just feel like
it's important technical leaders need to
understand that things come down to
impact and risk and differences in
opinion and trying to communicate things
in a way that you can get shared
understanding so in my experience one
critical way to do that is actually
visualizations like visuals are so
important words can be misunderstood
especially written words right you could
write something and some looking for
yeah misunderstand
put a flowchart together like it's so
easy takes five minutes and you could
say this is exactly what
like to see happen I want this thing to
go here and this thing to go here and
this thing good here here's a picture
right having that sort of thing is so
useful because people like immediately
resonate with that right and it could
save you like three weeks of writing a
spec document and just have it you know
still be kind of cracking just saying
haven't experienced that before so
understanding others and being flexible
and how you interact with them is
probably the very critical skill to have
one point I always say is that no job
has ever beneath you right if sweeping
the floor is what needs to be done to
make sure that things go really well
within the team all right it's cool
don't stick to some fixed perspective
about what you think a technical leader
should be based on the situation and the
people involved you actually might find
yourself working in tons of different
areas you should be comfortable
performing any of the work because
you're asking or you might be asking the
rest of your team to do it this helps to
promote empathy and gives you a really
good perspective on what people are
dealing with so recently I ended up
having to do a deployment for an
engineer that was out sick in a given
no big deal right but for months I have
been hearing about all these performance
issues with these deployments like oh it
takes forever it's oh it's horrible it's
crappy unless I was able to see it
firsthand oh my god
I like immediately recognized how how
much of a lack of
empathy I had for what the person was
saying they're saying it's so nice and
so calmly like onions takes really a
long time coming okay
oh my god this took me four hours to do
holy crap this just wasted my entire
morning once I've realized that and it
hit me firsthand what a different
perspective I had right evolution
evolved I feel like I should like have
like a statue change is inevitable it is
everything changes technology changes
staff changes businesses change the
world changes all the time
leaders need to be able to adapt to this
change you need to recognize that and
try not to promote but who knows what
fun is yep beer uncertainty though there
you go as a leader I guarantee you that
during times of change you will be
looked up to to provide a sense of
stability and calm because change is
really hard on people very hard but
change is the end result of true
learning we talked about being a
continuous learning organization right
that that's critical to succeeding it
all change may be hard it's a necessity
you have to do it technical leaders need
to have the ability to adapt to this
change your strategies your vision your
communication all of it needs to be
change friendly if you're trying to
communicate something you need to say
hey I'm this might change in a week or I
might be open to new ideas later but
right now let's put that right in my
experience though the worst situations
to deal with are the ones where changes
occur very drastically significantly and
suddenly if you're making major changes
try to do so gradually try to listen to
people's concerns so that they're heard
and they're supported and make sure that
people are invested in the change bring
them with you
so one example fairly recently is we
were having a hard time in the team
learning about specific subject area
experts expertise I should say the team
that that I was working with is
extremely cross-functional like everyone
can do everything we're full stack
engineer's I hate that word term
multiple words but we learned that for
us to be successful we needed to have
and develop up our expertise with
specific specialty areas right DevOps
and design and coding and front-end
craziness oh my god the front-end
craziness so we we learned that and even
though it was hard we started very very
gradually having people align with a
certain area based on their interest and
we started evolving those skills
technical people love to assume that
they only do technical things wrong
every technical person should maintain
some awareness of business factors and
especially one that is doing technical
leadership it's been my experience that
as you evolve one potential career path
for a technical leader is to go closer
into the business which could include
more money stuff or sales work or
anything like that
that's one career path but having
awareness of business factors is a
healthy thing to have across the board I
can tell you hands-down that if in my
experience if you are much more informed
about the broader business landscape or
the business factors of what you're
dealing with with a project whether it's
the budget or the needs of the business
that you're trying to serve or anything
like that right
it is so you're so much better at having
the ability to make better situational
decisions you have much more awareness
and can actually do things better there
might be times when you might have to
cut corners on a project because you
just don't have enough money it might
not be ideal you know and that stinks to
say but that's not the best technical
solution but you know you're doing it
I see this all the time especially when
we write up contracts so you might have
a request someone might come in and
client might say I really want this but
it's not in the contract so what do you
do if you have good business awareness
you can well first you should make sure
you read the contract right you should
know that you should pick up on it but
you might be asked to help brainstorm
ideas and those always have constraints
like I only have $500 for that request
right so having all of this stuff and
maintaining good technical strategies is
a great way to be a technical leader and
have good business acumen it's a
strategic thing in my mind this is kind
of like the view of you know a Salesman
in my mind like the you know kind of has
this like swarming slimy kind of feel to
it a little bit right but you know that
that's how I feel as a technical person
that's when I look at his sales going oh
my god I don't want to deal with this I
don't want your used car you know it
just looks like crap but that's the
wrong perception to have like sales
especially is a really critical part of
a business it's a part of business
health right thank you you need it you
know if you're running a business but
you need to realize that as a technical
leader you actually have a real
opportunity to influence what is sold
think about it right would you want
someone to sell something that wasn't
informed with any technical relevance
pre risky right
those activities can be incredibly
beneficial to a team they shouldn't be
something that people just shy away from
they can mitigate risk if you want to
get me on my soapbox for a long time
this is probably how to do it I am a
huge proponent for pragmatism okay there
will always and forever be a balance
between technical sexiness and
pragmatism it's a balancing act
many many many innovative new tools they
still need to be learned they need to be
explored and they need to be matured as
a community we have a responsibility to
do that that's actually why we're here
right and we have to contribute back to
Drupal to make sure that the innovation
that we put into it is sustainable but
technical leaders must be able to
recognize and balance this risk they
must be able to recognize that
innovation is critical but you can't do
it to a degree that you are introducing
such a massive risk to the work that
you're doing
right because you should be using the
right tool for the right job and
sometimes the innovative things are not
the right tool for that job bear it one
of my pros love this guy a good tech
lead loves new tech but approaches it
with caution a bad one loves it loves it
to abandon and goes all-in - really I
love that quote it's perfect right
how does that affect us today in the
Drupal community there's so many
examples in this I just even talked
yesterday about components like
component based design right this is a
classic example of a really cool
innovative tool
Brian Perry and I did a little very ad
hoc presentation Thank You Augie and we
talked about how as a community we've
really struggled to get our hands around
this innovation how do you do it right
and Brian use a term called like the the
immature years right like I'm doing this
type of work and it's time true but this
is a perfect example where you have to
balance innovation with you know
pragmatism right other examples that are
very relevant probably to all of us
today or a couple of drupal and react
that's like such a big growing space and
all this doggers stuff you know these d
dev and Doxil and all all these crazy
tools that are coming out Lando we're
still trying to figure all of that out
one of my favorite books is called the
pragmatic programmer it's kind of old
but it's like one of those kind of
evergreen books right it just never gets
old I could read it over and over again
and I still learn from it
pragmatism is really about sensibility
and practicality there's many different
things that Andrew hunt and David Thomas
talked about in this book about
delighting your users right like
understanding your audience we've
already talked about that
but one of the things that they talked
about is software rot software rot is
advocating for good architectural
technological choices right as a
technical leader you should be promoting
good technical choices when you can
limit complexity promote simplicity make
things easier don't write a thousand
lines of code when you could do
something in 50
this helps solution scale with time it
helps with the maintenance it helps with
the onboarding that you know the hit by
a bus scenario right all of these things
comfort you know rate to the forefront
good solutions will scale if they are
pragmatic don't cut corners promote
quality that's another part of the book
right there are ways that you
do that they talked about automation and
in testing and yeah
test ruthlessly and effectively that's a
quote that they pull you know they
mention it all the time in the book like
cutting corners is the easiest way to
piss people off it always comes back to
hockey oh I could get this done really
really quick right now but I'm not going
to do it this way even though I know I
should try to avoid that if you can in
quality is key you have to have
automation in place to be predictable
you have to have automated tests and
really really strong good thorough
testing practices on your team one thing
that I've seen in my experience that has
hurt pragmatism is when an individual
person brings their own device to the
table like I have to do this this is
like I feel like really important but
being pragmatic
sometimes means that you have to put
your own biases aside and do what's best
for broader purpose
small acts when multiplied by millions
of people can transform the world that's
by Howard Zinn remember that as a
technical leader you can look at every
single interaction that you have as an
opportunity for good imagine the impact
that everyone in this room and everyone
at this camp and everyone in Chicago and
everyone in the nation to everyone in
the globe is capable of having if we all
made that commitment
imagine it gives me goosebumps I want to
thank you all very very much it is a
pleasure to be here thank you