Open source projects are unique in that they invite the world to use, improve and share them. No code is ever assumed to be "open-source". As a pieces of creative work all code comes with an implicit copyright claim by the creator(s). If you want the code, software or framework you create to be open-source you need an open-source license. But with many types of open-source licenses to choose from, how do you select the “right one”?
This presentation walks through the values of creating open-source software and how to select which type of open-source license is right for your project. Attendees of this session will walk out with three fundamental lessons:
The value that open-source software provides to the world.
An understanding of the differences between the three(3) main types of open-source licenses available.
Steps to follow to select the right open-source license for your project.
Michael Miles
Director of Web Development @ MIT SloanMike is passionate about development and working with the latest open source technologies. He has been working in web engineering since 2003, utilizing a number of different technologies, languages and frameworks. He has been working with Drupal since 2008 and is a regular contributor to the community and project. From 2015 to 2024 he was the lead organizer of the Boston Drupal Meetup Group. Since 2017 has been one of the organizers of New England Drupal Camp.
In his day-to-day role as Director of Web Development at MIT Sloan, Mike leads the development, maintenance and growth of the digital properties for the school, as well as, the development team that supports them. He is a public speaker and regularly presents at technical conferences around the world. Since 2013 Mike has presented dozens of talks at many different conferences/camps across the globe.

come into my session I was just saying I
know I'm up against if competition for
this timeslot I've talked to the other
presenters who are presenting at this
time and I'm just like ah it was bad
enough I was I forgot someone of you
acted yep I guess all three of you but
sorry I think there's a very important
I had she's an open source license
especially related to Drupal because I
feel like most of the times as we know
the Drupal is open-source we kind of
just we don't think about what that
means and what open source by the
sissing means so it's an important thing
I think so I just a little bit about
myself where we have started I'm Mike
miles I'm from Boston Massachusetts I
got out here just escaping a nor'easter
well I didn't escape it I had a shovel
that morning all right so yeah you know
exactly I got don't go with a bunch of
snow and I'm here but I've been working
with Drupal for almost a decade now I'm
doing everything and the Sun when it
comes to Drupal theme development to
module development most the time now I
do large-scale architecture I'm also the
lead organizer for the Boston Drupal
meet up which means the first Tuesday of
every month
so if you're ever in Boston come on down
we have free pizza and beer that's not
why you should come but and you know I
have all the grandmaster stuff and all
that thing so good for me during the day
I am the senior technical solutions
manager for a digital marketing company
called genuine sorry digital marketing
what genuine does is we're not a
true-blue shop but we the tagline is we
build agile brands so that they stay
culturally relevant and what that means
is that we we make brands easier to love
for their consumers and we really try to
figure out what's gonna reach people
authentically you know genuinely and how
we can help and we do that a lot of
different ways we have a whole server
for a whole full-service agency so we're
not Drupal shop so we have a digital
strategy department we have SEO and
content creators we have on-site video
and production also creative and design
and then development which is in three
areas net
front-end technology is like react and
SAS and all that fun stuff and node and
then the PHP team that I helpfully done
which we mainly do Google and that's
during the day and then at night I have
the podcast developing up which is
focused on the non-technical side of
being a developer so what that means is
we talked about things on the podcast
such as how to work on a team how to
give and receive feedback or the episode
that's coming out on Tuesday how to deal
with the phosphorus in drum so I've been
doing that for almost two years now
check it out I I think it's a good
podcast but I'm a little biased if you
want to know any more about me you find
me anywhere in the internet and like my
all 86 from Twitter
the Dinos who went into name of web
service I don't know it's social network
not Facebook though I'm not on Facebook
so what I'm going to talk about today is
three things I already said that you
didn't rupal we know it's open source we
don't care licensing but it's important
thing to to know about so I'm gonna
explain why you choose an open source
license for a project and what it
actually means I would explain what
those licenses are just to give a
general understanding and some
background and then how to choose the
right license for your project because
not all projects are the same even in
Drupal and stuff you're working on
related to Drupal you may want to do a
different open-source license and
there's a lot of them I'm double check
to make sure I spelt licensed correct I
did great before getting into that
though caveat I am NOT a lawyer I have
nowhere near a lawyer and intellectual
property law is big and complicated I
assume I think it is so anything I'm
going to tell you it's not legal advice
for when you put a license on a project
and then maybe get sued or you're trying
to sue somebody and just say well this
guy in the conference told me that
license is work this way
no this is general information it's not
legally advice so I am NOT a lawyer
can't stress that enough the other
statement I want to make before I really
get into it is something that I believe
or not even I just believe but something
that's fundamentally true is that code
is art how many people in the room are
developers all right almost like 75% of
the room beginning has a developer I can
say code is art because I love looking
at the things that I build and how
clever I can be and how clever other
people are and just like look this is
but from a legal sense code is actually
art it's creative works it's treated the
same way as if you're paint a picture or
write a book as soon as you create that
that piece of art that piece of creative
work you have a copyright claim on it or
you know in terms of code you and your
team have a copyright claim so if you
were and just put your code out there as
soon as you write it it's copyrighted
you own the rights to it what did that
copyright is basically the rules that
are set up but the laws they're
established they're different throughout
different countries that say who can
distribute that creative work so in
terms of software you have the code you
write you it's copyrighted you are the
only sole person or you and your team
with people who are allowed to say
person a person B you can have copy of
this code take it do what we want with
it or pay off the licensing fee to use
it however you want to distribute it
you're the only person who can do that
which means if you give your coach
person a on the top they cannot go ahead
and just give it to other people without
hope we see some other agreement with
you they're not allowed to do that
they'd be in some sort of legal breach
and you have the right to then sue them
for damages or for or what other
immigrant property stuff
and another layer so I don't know
lawyerly terms so copyright is basically
it's the legal right of the creator to
control how their software is
distributed you can't control how it's
used but you can control how it gets out
there so people can use it now what this
also means is when you write software
only you can define its use
in terms of you can't say once I give it
to you you can only use it in these surf
these places but you can determine
because you're the only person you can
work on it how it can be used so as
let's say this is a piece of GPS
software that we write and we're gonna
make it apply to boat navigation we
write very specifically for bill
navigation that's the only way it can be
used this means it's popular I didn't no
one else can help you with it
maybe your GPS software could be used
for autonomous vehicles maybe it can be
used for autonomous rocket ships so
maybe Tesla and SpaceX could use your
software it's copyrighted they have no
access to it unless they're gonna pay
you for it they probably won't pay for
it though but if you're not thinking
about these avenues you're not going to
be able to make your code as useful as
possible or your software as useful as
possible because your code is
copyrighted only you can create
improvements to it so we have our GPS
software for both navigation if someone
to come along and say I'm sorry if you
were to say I'm gonna have a fancy GUI
on top of it you can add to it you have
the right to do it you can change your
code however you want to but if someone
else comes along and says hey you know
what I can make your software ten times
more accurate can I give this to you
well one because they're writing a piece
of software they have five directly on
their software so it's kind of weird
because then they can't give it to you
because then if their code is added to
your contrary projects who then owns the
copyright for the whole thing right
where does their add-on stop in your
original code begin becomes this whole
crazy legal mishmash in it so you
basically can't do it
so that that's what happens when you
write software that's the copyright
rules or when the country gives you but
I always go back and think you know why
do we write software this is more of a
existential question I guess you know
for the developers in the room why do we
write code I believe that we write code
because we want to solve the world's
problems every developer seeks out they
see a problem they want to create a
solution they do it with code we want to
serve the whole world's problems but as
individual developers we don't have
certain viewpoints we can only approach
things from our experience in one way
that may not be in a way to solve
problems for other people so open
sourcing your software opens it up to
the world and that's what we're going to
do we want to write code to solve
problems and solve many problems as
possible we need people to tell us what
the problems are and help us use our
software to solve those that's why you
do open source software now open source
licenses allow you to open source open
source software this is not removing
your copyright claim it is adjusting
your copyrights so that others can
freely use your software modify it share
it and add to it well you still get all
the protections that come when writing
your software you yours you can still
say how can be distributed you can say
how can we add it on to but people don't
have to worry that they can't contribute
to a project because if you just put
your software out there without any sort
of license at all people are going to
assume it's copyrighted its proprietary
they can't do anything with it
now there's the naive thought not really
in the Drupal community since we work
with mobile surf product but that open
source equals free and this is not true
we all know this we work with open
source software every day but we all
make money well I assume most of us make
money and the way this works is because
yes if you release software with an
open-source license saying hey other
people can get the copy of the source
code they can use it modify it you can't
really bar them from taking it for free
but you can then offer services that
either build open-source software you
can have services around using open
source software if you work at an agency
like I do you know we build for clients
with open source tools and then we sell
our expertise for building those putting
those pieces together
so there's still plenty of ways to make
money as a developer as an agency with
open source okay now what an open source
license does for your creative work for
your code is okay you still have that
copyright claim but if you open source
he removes like the proprietary nests of
your code and you allow for derivatives
so if derivative is Bakley we have our
GPS software sure for ships built the
source did others can access it someone
create a derivative of it or a fork if
you're used to get up terminology or
fork they can make Daryll modifications
and they can apply it to autonomous
vehicles right someone else can take it
they have the right to change it and
they can apply to a different industry
for Thomas rocket ships
so again yay Tesla and SpaceX are using
our software that's great a derivative
is just an alteration or extension of a
piece of software
when you provide an open-source license
it informs people that you are about
their life nature of is open code it
also means an example for group life
triad Google example and it's hard to
see on the screen but googling backdrop
is a great example of a derivative just
about two years ago when jewel was just
a bunch of pushover too late with him
with a whole bunch of changes in the
structure of things there is a community
a group in the communities we like the
way Drupal 7 is we were afraid that
people are going to really gravitate to
the new changes in Drupal 8 or we want
to protect people who want to keep going
with 207 so they created a derivative of
Drupal they called it backdrop there's a
whole new community out there and they
will do that Google's open source google
says anyone who wants this can take it
make a copy of it and change it so now
there's this whole backdrop community
and they are running doing their own
thing they've since diverged from Drupal
but they're still tied to Google because
of the licensing which I'll get into in
a little bit
I don't know title it's alright so if
you're open sourcing your software and
you remove your proprietary claim to it
I used to have a copyright again what
that allows you do is to get
improvements from the world from other
developers so simply every interface now
that person comes along that says hey I
want to give you this this code that
will make your software ten times better
great no problem you can you can add it
on there's some little complications
here well get into in a little bit about
how that works someone else will come
along with a different addition to say
hey this will make this work even better
someone else can come along say this
will make it even better because you
open source that people know they can
contribute to it they can add on to it
they can build stuff that works with
your software and they don't have to
worry about you going after that and
suing them for doing that example in
Drupal is control used to doing or we
all know is the derivative trip space
people contributing caches google core
people producing themes to add to Drupal
and make available for others people
writing modules and providing modules to
Drupal that can get merged into core
like say the view is monthly right
because to a blos open source it tells
people you can contribute to this and
you can add on to it and it makes Drupal
better for everybody so you say this is
great I want people to use my software I
want people to add on to it why do I
even need a license at all can I just
say here's my software I have no
proprietary change to it
use it at your own will yes you can it's
called the unlicensed it's as close as
you can get it in terms of software
saying this is the public domain
it basically strips all your copyright
claims of your software but you may want
to do but there's some complications in
there where public domain and unlicensed
saying is very different around the
world and what that means and what that
allows it also means because you remove
your country of names you don't get
credit for the hard work you did and if
you're a developer you like getting
credit for the work you do because you
don't get it a lot of the time because
it's behind the scenes so you could do
an unlicensed but why not use all those
websites for soccer
seven unlicensed doing so gives you some
protections from just on licensing so we
have our software it's open source we
apply we can take our open source
software and we can put it in a
distribution or a package this package
we can make proprietary we can close
source to have you don't have to give
that out in some certain circumstances
and then we can sell that package to the
voting industry so we can have our
general GPS software package it a nice
little thing a GPS for boats and we sell
that package that still provides
somebody to make a derivative of our dps
software and they can apply it over to
the cars someone else can take it and
that's fine someone else could take it
and what if they wanted to make
derivatives put our software in a
package that then they make proprietary
and they want to then sell it to the
boating industry if you have unlicensed
your software
and there's nothing to stop anyone from
doing that you you're inviting
competition which you may want to do but
you can provide with open-source license
you can say anyone can use this under
these conditions you can protect your
individual use of that software ok
companies can do this on Facebook which
I'll get into they provide patent claims
that say you can use our software for
free or whatever you want except for
anything that goes after our patented
proprietary work and that allows you to
to differentiate yourself from the
others now open-source licenses there's
a lot of them how would you know which
ones to use well there's this company
that's not company organization called
the open source initiative they've been
around since 1998 and all they do are
evaluate licenses and say yes you can
claim to be an open-source license or no
you cannot because you do not need hard
conditions and their criteria is all
about protecting the rights of the
creator of the work and the rights of
the people who are going to use that
open-source software they have a lot of
criteria they use I'm gonna highlight a
couple of them number one an open-source
license must be free you can't say hey
here's my shiny open-source license you
can give to your projects if you pay me
to use it it doesn't it doesn't work
that way I don't know I'm actually
someone tried to do that last year in
the Drupal community they try to say hey
for a protection you guys should use my
license and pay me for it I don't know
what that person is trained to do right
most open-source licenses have a clause
that say you must require you must
provide access to the source code so you
have an open-source license the clause
says we must make the compiled code and
the on compiled code if you're doing
apart language is available for anyone
who wants it
and then the criteria that it must allow
for the creations of altar works for
derivatives and for add-ons these are
only the the three top criteria guess
this yeah the three top right here that
every license has that's open source as
well as the most important a clause
about providing attribution to the
originator the originator of the work so
anyone Hey as open source license this
clause that says you must give credit
where credit's due in your project that
uses this license now there's two types
of open source licenses there's a lot
licensed out there there's two main
types first is what's known as
permissive license this is as close as
you can get to an unlicensed as well
without being an unlicensed without
being in the public domain
some permissive licenses are so basic
they just have that clause about giving
attributions they they're very simple
very basic they come usually with a
thing that you use this code at your own
restaurant is and you can't come after
me and say hey your code broke my
project well it's open source you can't
get me don't give me credit for breaking
it but just give me credit for using it
and then there's copyleft licenses which
is play on the term copyright it
basically uses the rules around
copyright to negate copyright they add
additional clauses on top of permissive
licenses such as patent clauses or
really strict ways on how a piece of
software can be used in the situation's
so Brady's down a little bit further
permissive licenses work a little bit
like this so we have our software or GPS
software other thing and we put a
permissive license on it like the MIT
license someone can take our software
and make a derivative of it and risk it
because the permissive license says you
have to give me credit for it that
person can apply a whole different
license to their software to their
derivative they can take yours change it
slap a different type of license on it
and it's all good it's fine it's legal
to do someone else can have an add-on
for your project and they can apply a
different licenses or add-on to sit on
top of yours and they can do that
no these licenses have to kind of work
together but they can be different they
can have different causes different
patent claims whatnot but the permissive
license you can still take your open
source software you can put it to your
proprietary package and that's fine
you're allowed to do that
permissive license basically just
protects the the originators credit but
it does not put in any restrictions on
add-ons distributions or derivatives
that they have to use the same license
this is not the case in Drupal I'm gonna
get to in a moment but this is in the
case say for I want to say jQuery but I
haven't looked at the license but I
would imagine like JavaScript frameworks
probably work more with permissive
copyleft license is a little more strict
so you have your software you put a
copyleft license on it like the most
widely known and the original
open-source license the GPL license
let's say and what copyleft licenses say
is that if someone creates a derivative
they must use the same exact license as
the original work
if someone creates an add-on then add-on
must use the same exact license as the
original work someone creates in ads
that project that code to a distribution
that distribution must use the same
exact license as the original work it
perpetuates keeping things open and free
open source to prevent anyone from
locking you down
right exactly it prevents anyone from
locking it down and for using it for
their own proprietary games there still
ways you can use it and proprietary code
that again I'm a lawyer so I can't tell
you all the specifics of that
now copyleft licenses actually fall into
two subtypes I mean it actually it's
really like a spectrum but there's too
many types there's weak copy left which
we copyleft have causes that just
protects derivatives and add-ons they
say if you alter my code or if you want
to add to my code you have to use the
same license this is like the LGPL
the lesser general whatever they think
acronym is I know so that's we copy that
then there's strong copy left which
covers all three scenarios saying no
matter how this software is going to use
that use has to have the same exact
license it has to be copy West covers
all three scenarios and this is what
Drupal uses Drupal uses the GPL license
which is the most strong copyleft
license you have and if anything that
uses Drupal itself must be copyleft
licenses that is to show some of the
popular OSI approved license a strong
copy that get the GPL license and clips
we copy left in the LGPL or the Zillo
licensed and permitted that just say
give me credit where credit's do this
permit might be in a passion each one of
these are slightly different from each
other they they have different clauses
they have slight changes that say how
software can be used and how they
protect the users and the originators
and the limitations around the software
these are just six of like 80
open-source licenses they are available
so how do you decide what type of
license to use in your open-source
project it's really not that hard
there's actually only four questions you
have to ask yourself to determine it
question number one what licenses are
already in use in your software
yeah yes
but if if you have software you're just
like I'm gonna write everything from
scratch they need to choose whatever
license you want but if you say hey
there's this library that already
handles the site logging I'm just gonna
pull that in my project well what
license is that software have are they
strong copyleft and so then if you want
to use them you have to be strong
population if they're permissive and you
have more flexibility use if they're
proprietary licenses then why would you
even want to want to use them in your
open source project so it's important to
pay attention because if you don't you
pull project in and then you don't agree
to their licensing terms you're in
violation you open yourself to legal
issues so check the licenses are used in
any other software in our libraries util
to then one thing that people always
overlook is what are the Terms of
Service where my software has hosted if
you want to distribute your code make it
open source which means you want to give
it out what you can write code for
yourself it's open source no we didn't
get it
I guess it's open source to you I guess
so you can put your code somewhere if
you you say get up or or if
your wordpress developer a put on
WordPress or however you those birthdays
they all turn to service that dictate
rules around what licensing or how your
software has to work for example the
term services on github if you have cota
get up says any code oh so I get a must
allow for the creation of Forks for a
during the creation of derivatives now
you can make private derivatives it only
gives access to start people but as soon
as you give someone access to your code
on github you cannot prevent them from
making a copy of it
that's what the term service say you
have to allow for so you couldn't put
code on github that has a license that
says you can't create derivative if you
host your code on github elorg
tube works as anything that's so showing
us must follow our rules for getting
access to the code and because the way
Trouville is its GPL you have to use the
GPL license so we're gonna put your code
well the rules are in place that dictate
what license you have to use finally
something you can kind of control is
with your software do you want
derivatives additions and distributions
to have to use the same exact licenses
you if you do then you want to pop your
left license if you care about how your
software's going to be used you want to
have your left license if you don't care
if you're like I just want credit and I
want people to use my software
permissive license and actually you
don't have to ask yourself three
questions you're good
if you do this on a copyleft and ask
yourself can others use my software in
there over time proprietary works do I
care if they're anything they get
monetary gains and they put my software
and closed source if you say sure people
can do that that's fine
we copy left because you want to protect
against derivatives and add-ons but you
don't care if it gets ahead into a
distribution but if you're like no no
matter what open source all the way a
baby of a strong hive laughter the way
to go
so asking your for it so these four
questions it's like a decision tree you
can figure out what type of license you
want strong copy left we call a
permissive great might be saying but
come on what license specifically should
I use my project help me I can't
that takes some self investigation um
there are a lot of licenses out there
there's over 80 there's 80 plus well
what I can share with you are some
guidelines person for most user license
has been approved by the US I nice a 98
they've been reviewing licenses to make
sure they protect everybody which is
that software you could go to the dark
web and you can be like oh I found a
license here but unless you're like you
know legalese you may be screwing
yourself over
read the license before you use it now
this could be hard licenses are not the
most really thing if you're stuck with
no power because of a nor'easter and you
happen to have licenses on your computer
that has plenty of batteries shirt you
know sit by the fire enjoy it
there's a great website called TLDR
legal comm which has all the licenses
you can imagine and they translate it
into basic English it's a good resource
yeah it's a really great resource they
also do it for some terms of services
for websites do and they just say here's
what it protects here would allows
here's what it doesn't protect protect
against they also claim they're not
legal services providing a better way
for you that I just
information so if you're deciding on
using a specific license read it to make
sure you understand what the clauses and
the implications of elements are and
then do not change your license once
you've released your software as soon as
you put open-source software out there
on the web for others to use and
distribute you have to assume someone
made a copy of it they already made this
trip distribution or sorry a derivative
and if you were to say I'm gonna put a
permissive license on my software put it
out there and then someone makes a copy
and then you say actually I'm going to
change it to be GPL then that person
made a copy is there not in compliance
for devices and then who can sue who
what it's all this crazy stuff now what
you can do is create a new release of
your software and change the license
then famous example from last year
Facebook has react j/s they released it
under the I think it was the BSD license
with a I don't know if it was custom but
with a patent claim on it that basically
said if you use root reveal no sorry
you can't do Facebook for any reason
ever you can't claim any copyright
infringement from Facebook and people
are like whoa maybe they couldn't use it
for that reason
right right people are like whoa that's
Facebook does a lot of stuff they have
lot more resources than us and I can't
claim any patent infringement against
them ever ever and like a perpetuity I
don't know about that so like the
WordPress community WordPress was
actually building react into WordPress
and they were like no we're gonna drop
support for reactive right so all these
web tools were we're dropping support
and Facebook's was like no no no we want
you to use our stuff so they actually
created a new release of react and they
they got rid of that path theme and they
they actually made it they added
permissive license and everyone's like
cool we're gonna we're gonna adopt react
it's like yes people are yeah okay for
them it's great for everybody so you
can't change your license once you
release it but when you create a new
relations license okay
okay Mike but come on we're at a dribble
conference what license specifically
should I use in my Trouville projects at
home if I'm building websites with
Drupal build a product we do pull up on
building modules or themes or patches
come on what license should I use well
go back to that first question and
someone in the audience already imagine
us what licenses are already used in my
software you're building some for Drupal
Drupal uses the GPL 2.0 or higher
license which state which is a strong
copyleft license which means anything
you build for drupal must have the GPL
license on it now GQ no way I understand
it covers that thing directly but if you
were to use other libraries in your
project or libraries we're using other
libraries they could have different
licenses somehow but your thing that's
contributing to Drupal have to use the
same license is Drupal
now what if you don't do that what's
gonna happen to you
probably not nothing really but you know
why put yourself in that predicament
we're clients that you write code for
so to recap
I think we already know this because
we're two plus but your open source
projects can change the world if you
have high fairy code you can only change
the world so much because you only have
your perspective it's open source when
you do open source it allows your
software to be freely used modified and
shared but it only does that when you
apply an open source license if you
don't apply license people are going to
assume is private Airy you ever heard of
soom that they can't use it or doing it
well with it and you don't want that you
want people to use your software and
then select the right open source
license for your project by asking the
right questions what other libraries are
using what are their licenses where am I
going to host my code what are the rules
around there do I care how people use my
software and do I really care if they
use a proprietary purposes they'll give
you the decisions to know if you use
strong title applique on that for
permissive and then you can go from
there so yeah that's what I have for
this so I want to let some resources
first bit leader here mid-1800s L is
this presentation it's on Google slides
which I haven't read the Trump service
but it's kind of I think it's open
source right so you can make a
derivative of it if you want to do open
source not org is the open source
initiatives website check them out
they have listing of all the open source
licenses and then you can want to read
them you can go on the bottom right
there at the ldr legal comm to read them
and understand them choose a license
calm is a fun tool by github which
reduces the number of questions you have
to ask it gives you basically helps you
make decision what license you
it pretty much asked you what are you
thinking of using here are three
my bad Bentley link Drupal like Drupal
hell I see that's a link to Drupal gorgs
licensing page which tells you the rules
and regulations around Drupal projects
and then plug for my podcast developing
up again the non patent side the
developer you upset on Tuesday though
imposter syndrome and then finally come
visit these ghosts I'm from Boston we
have a lot of conferences coming up in
the triple space nerd summit next
weekend that's probably a little too
late for you to book a fight well but
from New York and make the drive I drove
to New York you can a couple weeks ago
what's that Google Delphia no that's
true one day Google conference in
Philadelphia yeah yeah I'm from
alright so so there you go i I don't
know too much about this I just I was
coming up and they're still accepting
session submissions
it's on Friday but I know a lot of
companies in Philadelphia it's a really
design for Drupal which is the only
front-end design specific Drupal
conference that I know of there we're
celebrating our 10th year it's in June
that's in Boston
yeah it's a really good it's at the MIT
SATA Center it goes back yeah
yeah it's really fun conference it's a
great time to be in the city I'm in net
camp which I am one of the organizers of
which is a jewel camp we have to settle
on the date but it's November ish so
keep your eyes out for that that's also
a fun one to come to with that we have
some time for questions if you have any
if not you can give me up on Twitter
about anything new pool or tech related
but then before any questions may have I
asked for applause thank you
for all people standing in the back I
appreciate you not yeah I'm sorry there
were no chairs available okay are there
any questions
what license my coat oh all right
question on what happens if I don't put
a license on my coat at all and then
publish Italy and the publish it say you
put your code on github you don't relax
on it well one because you put it up on
people can assume they can make
derivative of it about you but if you
don't have any license specifically
called out people have to assume it's
your proprietary code but they're not
allowed to make copies of it or add to
it is that going to stop people from
doing it no people are going to copy it
but legally you could if you find
someone using your code like uh-huh
this is an open source I'm gonna see you
I'm just starting to put it on get off
the truck yeah yeah know what I bet
there I bet there are code trolls out
there who do that I'm sure there was
yeah the line and an attempted flight
nobody used a lot of tools to build
open-source tools to build our tools yep
so and and we call out to different
api's and things like that so like with
a Drupal module is pretty clear
direction we're invading our code
directly within the context of about
like where we're calling an API or maybe
even using a different programming
languages like that Indies or their
field lines in terms of where the
license ends of our new license
yeah so the question was are there
caroline's we're like the license ends
where it begins what it covers
yeah and in your question you asked
about you know what if we connect to an
API that's a great example they actually
talked about this on the open source
licensing website I think they talked
about it where that's a great way to get
around restriction stay for the GPL so
if you're building to a module and you
want to use data from a typewriter
system or you want to write code a
proprietary way you just build the API
connector and then what you're getting
is the data that that open source code
and I've closed those core code
generates not the code itself the code
itself that's what's protected but
what's generated from it is not so again
if you use open source tools for
generating other code that code you
generate is pretty if the production of
that is not necessarily copyrighted or
as following the same ways it's
copyrighted it's not fucking the same
license so that's great way if you're
like I really want to use this library
for the code that this library produces
I can't connect to it directly see if
you compare a way to do with to make
guys because if you're interacting with
code but you're not pulling
so I think it's again not a lawyer but
it extends to if you're adding code to
your project directly that's where the
licensing applies if you're just making
calls out to other services your license
doesn't carry through those calls users
they're just right you're just a user of
that same thing if you're like I don't
want to open-source my software from one
others the benefit from it I produce
make guy that people can call to and
they can get the results of what you're
going down for example it's a good
question yeah I'll set okay other place
to see research on this ugly package
management please oh restrictions on
package management tools I'm gonna say
there probably are because those package
management tools themselves are code
although I won't write like if I publish
on that packages ah do I have those
certain license I would assume that if
you put some my packages I guarantee you
pad just has a page somewhere about
their licensing policy because your code
actually your code doesn't really get
hosted on packages just get past well
you produce something that's just a
fun-packed just just
yeah just adjacent file so I'm sure they
have rules that say they must because
putting on packages you're saying how to
beep and download this without telling
me so they're definitely comments on
that and say well your code has to allow
it again you can't be a code troll I bet
there are
I bet any place any service where they
say hey put your coat on us they have
rules around what licensing or at least
some sort of restrictions that you have
to follow guidelines good question all
right thank you everybody for coming I
know I'll stop the recording and then
I'll talk by everybody at all