Learn from one developer’s experience building a music discovery app with Drupal 8 and React, soundtracked by the hottest jams of 2017 (Remember that year? Yikes!)
On an annual basis, The Album of the Year Project follows a painstaking Process to compile all of the best of the year lists into one massive google spreadsheet that crowns a definitive musical critical consensus (DAMN.) While an intriguing dataset is practically the American Dream, how could a curious developer take the Plunge and go from a Google Spreadsheet to a JavaScript application while gaining A Deeper Understanding of Decoupled Drupal and React along the way?
Your awesome mixtape will include:
- A Common Sense approach to choosing a decoupled architecture - progressively decoupled vs. fully decoupled and why a fully decoupled approach was most appropriate for this project.
- CTRL your API with the right flavor of Drupal - Contenta vs. Reservoir, vs no distribution, and why Reservoir was chosen for this project.
- Migrate to the rescue - getting data from a Google spreadsheet and the Spotify API into Drupal without resorting to getting Drunk.
- 4:44 worth of React basics (actual time may vary)
- Quickly bootstrapping a project with Create React App
- Components, Props and State - oh my!
- Go Fetch! - getting data from JSON API into your app.
- CSS in JS (aka Nothing Feels Natural) - How I avoided a Crack-Up and learned to love styled components.
- Take Me Apart and deploy me back together - a look at the JAMstack and efficient ways to build and deploy your application.
- The rest of The OOZ - the things I conveniently avoided, the things I’d do differently next time around, and why I threw away the first version of this app and started over.
Last but not least, we'll wrap up with some Melodrama and ask the question 'did this project really need Drupal'?
By the time the mixtape fades out, you’ll have a clearer picture of what it takes to go from compelling dataset to decoupled app, and may even be itching to join the Party and do something similar yourself. You’ll also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that critics really, really loved Kendrick Lamar’s latest album.
This talk is for people who are are interested in decoupled Drupal but unsure where to start, people who find it helpful to learn from real world decoupled projects, or even just people taking a Slowdive into decoupled Drupal concepts who want to avoid some poor developer's rookie mistakes. Experienced React developers are unlikely to learn something new about React here, but will better understand how Drupal could be a viable option to serve their front end work.
Live app:
Brian Perry
Sr. Front-End Developer @ Chapter ThreeBrian is a versatile developer with experience building complex, interactive web applications in support of large-scale localized sites. Recently he has focused his efforts on evolving Drupal front-end development practices, decoupled Drupal, and style guide development techniques and has spoken on the topic at various Drupal events. Brian is a Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 Acquia Certified Grand Master and loves all things Nintendo.

so yeah thanks everybody for checking
this out I appreciate it
you are in hot jams parentheses tap and
I'm going to talk about a music summary
app that I built to learn more about the
couple Drupal and also yeah little small
this big giant screen but there's a
github repository and you're all I can
also post it on Twitter but that has the
source code for this there's a link to
the line and then also this slide deck
so if you're interested that would be
what I recommend you go to get other
stuff so I am Brian Perry I'm going to
interactive developer at hs2 solutions
I live in Palatine with suburbs kind of
a popular opinion these days and say
that I am a lover of all things
component and component driven so
building with components of Drupal or
face beaming pattern libraries like
pattern lab and they increasingly become
more interested in JavaScript based
approaches to building with components
like yeah and I also love all things
Nintendo so if you guys are playing in a
cool on switch track me down let's talk
about it and I'm on the Internet in
various places of Brian Terry and Google
that worked
burn bright comedy on Twitter and most
importantly while Brian on the Nintendo
network so I work for interesting
solutions I'm not the best mister these
companies slide things but the things
that I just like to say is that I get we
have a nice great roof team I get to
learn a lot of awesome stuff from my
teammates so if you're looking to do
great Google work or off and hiring as
you need
great triple work done I'm sure we would
love to do it for you
oh there's that flickered and I see what
you're saying what so what we're going
to talk about is you know this project
that I took on to kind of learn more
a couple Drupal and react and it was
kind of something that I fell into as
often times is the case with good side
projects so this is from song tonight by
LCD soundsystem which is one of my
favorite albums of the year a big LCD
soundsystem fan but the lyric is it luck
is always better than skillet things and
yeah I think this is definitely a case
where it kind of fell into some of us
let's talk about how we got here this is
that mean I used to perform comedy I'm
doing my solo musical show right I'm a
sound machine here while it's relevant
for a few reasons of one is that all
comedians secretly would rather be in a
band and I was one of those people never
quite was but for this moment in time
media I felt like I was but performing
out in Boston I collaborated with a
comedian named Chris Duffy and he
happened to go to college with one of
the folks behind the podcast called
switched on pop which is a great podcast
encourage you to check it out so what
they do is they focus on like the modern
pop landscape and break down current pop
songs and why they work musically often
from like a musicologist perspective or
more of kind of like a classical
approach it's a really awesome podcast
why don't we go at this point I was
listening to an episode of the show and
they had a guest on Rob Mitchell who's
also from the Chicago area turns out the
one of the things that he does and then
he was on the podcast to talk about he
maintains every year Google spreadsheet
where he activates all of the best of
lists in music so he creates a big
master best of best of list to have the
undeniable overall critical consensus
for the year this is what that
spreadsheet looks like to some of these
men with beautiful to others it may look
like a horrible panic inducing Google
spreadsheet but there's a lot of great
data in here Bulba albums a different
genre is where everything ranks in on
the lists and then further down in the
spreadsheet there's stuff like averages
and a compilation for like a critical
consensus score really awesome data in
there so I kind of have this back
ahead for why I like I'd love to find
something to do with that awesome
dataset and then you can barely see it
in the background I think this histories
at DrupalCon
being attacked by a bird so much talk in
the community about decoupling and
progressively decouple only or only the
coupling things and we don't really say
headless anymore but that was a thing
for a while too but so much talking
about decouple old and a couple Drupal
and I had some limited experience with
them on projects we definitely wanted to
learn more about the approaches that
were becoming popular in the community
and then also in big giant bold letters
from the front-end framework world I
heard so much stuff about react and
things like reactive redux
and there are other frameworks that I'm
sure are great like view but I just
heard so much noise about react and also
had some experience with angular and
wasn't really all that thrilled with it
so I'm kind of curious is it the
frameworks is it me to do more with yeah
so all that kind of came together and
was possible in the back of my head I
assume I got enough to try to take that
cool dataset learn more about the couple
and learn more about react if I took all
this stuff and slammed it together so
that's what I did
talk about so kind of starting from the
beginning at that point I had to ask
myself what sort of de coupled
architecture am I going to follow how am
I going to set this up some of these
lyrics are slight stretches that this is
the freight that faces the project where
we're kind of really plotting things out
and I also wanted to leave this because
I really appreciate this guy still lives
and dies by the byte hat but there's no
style choice I can stand by so we have a
bunch of different a few different
flavors of our a couple of more
decoupled versions of Google six fully
coupled where it's all Drupal all the
time so Drupal handles the rendering of
your page and all the things that we
know and love for two-pole and you know
we can build on top with the contributed
things but it's still you know a PHP CMS
at the end of the day and then we could
progressively decouple so this is still
Drupal that renders the the shell of the
page but we're strategically for being
sprinkling in some of the JavaScript
JavaScript framework magic be in blocks
or certain components on the page or you
know even still a triple renders the
page but then the framework takes over
and then there is fully decouple so here
your JavaScript framework is what
actually renders the pain and it is
going to communicate with duple via an
API to get the content
so this is pretty small on the screen
but Driss has a series of mounted a
couple posts most recently there was
having a couple in 2018 which is great
for this 2018 and I want to do to 2017
versions of that well it's definitely
worth repeating but what this portion of
the flow traffic just kind of calls out
is that it's not really a black and
white decision where you might fall on
the couple's to fill needs a couple old
spectrum and you kind of have to ask a
lot of questions so is there are things
that are you know editorial needs or
things that Drupal is going to give you
that's really important to your project
or the people who are going to be
maintaining content so the editorial
experience being able to easily preview
content then we can also think about
just some of the things that Drupal
gives us that we potentially take for
granted like routing or you know
accessibility in its markup for some of
the security things that that Drupal is
gonna take care of that we don't have to
worry about
so going from you know fully fully
coupled Drupal the further you go over
into something that is fully decoupled
you're losing out on some of those
niceties and you gain the responsibility
of that but on the other end of things
you potentially gain some things in
developer convenience or if you have a
team that is already very familiar with
JavaScript through these JavaScript
frameworks it might be easier for them
to do some of this work but for this
particular project it wasn't that
difficult of a choice for me I've come
up with will be a couple approach there
couple reasons I don't really have any
editorial needs here or at least very
few of them it's nice to be able to edit
things in the Drupal UI but the data
that did the spreadsheet is really into
the magic here there's a few things I
want to add to it but I'm not gonna
break a 12-page story about
and I also wanted to kind of force
myself to go all in and learn more about
react and kind of cut some of my
comfortable jubal parachute so
thankfully the kind of and then we need
to figure out okay how are we actually
going to use rupal to achieve that and
there's a few different distributions
this is a lyric from scissors album I'm
either saying that wrong or the fact
that there's no way for me to say that
it sound cool but either way so her
album with the number two critical
success consensus of the year but I
think this potentially applies to using
a distribution may actually play a
little harder or work a little smarter
and potentially these distributions
might help you work a little smarter so
I think just the past year there's been
a whole lot of movement in the community
on these distributions it's crazy to
think that it's only been a year but
there is a reservoir which is aqueous
API versus distribution there's also
headless lightning which I've only
tinkered with just a little bit so but
it might be something you consider if
you already use lightning we're familiar
with lightning I find that it blends
kind of somewhere in between reservoir
and Contenta in kind of how it functions
and what it offers then there's that
Contenta which is another distribution
that's driven community driven
distribution and I'm sure there are some
things that each of those distributions
do for you but at the end of the day a
lot of that stuff is still contributed
modules that they set up in a particular
way so you can still roll your own or
later that into a Drupal 8 project so
for those who haven't played around with
these distributions we're going to take
a look at a few things that they have in
common one is that they have API focus
admin UI is unser
and late so we've got contentos menu on
the top and we see things like content
models and API and then rs4 is down
bottom we still see the content models
and API but you see that the menu there
is much more stripped down and that's
probably the biggest difference between
the two distributions that reservoir is
intentionally kind of the minimalist
approach and they're trying to build
something that maybe somebody who's less
familiar with Drupal can install and
have this API out of the box and they
don't have to you know deal with Drupal
isms or you know they're not looking to
really extend this and change this in a
lot of ways and then they both offer
some automatic API documentation using
open api and redock I believe so here we
see all of the endpoints then we can
interact with examples of the responses
how we can filter and query for the
great and then they both also use JSON
API and by default so we get a nice JSON
response back and we hit one of those
endpoints and uses the JSON API standard
which lets us get more data in a single
response without having to chain
together multiple endpoints it's kind of
but then it seems like the kind of
recently is using JSON API rather than
the core rest modules so just a little
bit more about each of these approaches
and why I think you might choose one
over the other
there's reservoir they also have their
own cool logos and slogans which I
so ressemore is the back
and you might vote for reservoir if you
want kind of the quickest approach to
having a drupal-based API and nodes and
no types although are gonna meet your
needs and then also you know you don't
know of or won't miss kind of some of
the Drupal isms and Drupal approaches to
extending and keep in your any balance
so Contenta makes your content happy
it's very smiling and you might go for
Contenta if you want to use things like
vocabularies or media or some of the
other things that you're familiar with
in Drupal that reservoir isn't
necessarily set to use our box and you
do want a more true life approach to
adding you know additional modules and
customizing things and having more
flexibility more options reservoir can
do it but the UI is definitely not
focused on that and then also Contenta
has example content that it ships with
and a number of consumers and reference
implementations that you can use so if
we want something to experiment with or
examples to start from that also a great
great reason to in tickets and also it
seems to have a lot of momentum recently
in the community too and then you can
totally roll your own if you're a DIY
person the the pieces of the puzzle here
are often contributed modules and not
necessarily magic but you know I would
encourage you to ask yourself could you
play a little harder and work a little
smarter so could these distributions
help you out or is there something
custom about your project that you know
you need to be able to build these in a
specific way or do you need to layer
some of this functionality on to an
existing project and you can camp ahead
so I picked Reservoir
I had really simple needs I just wanted
an API that just worked and I'm just
going to use album notes it worked
immediately I basically composer
installed it and then hit the API what
didn't work that way for me when I
initially worked with it I think that
might have been a little early on it let
maybe I just did something stupid that's
entirely possible - but I have to use
content out on projects as well what I
used reservoir and it met my needs
really well for this project so now all
we've got to talk about getting our data
from that ugly Google spreadsheet engine
Drupal somehow so it's a bit of an
exaggeration but what if I told you that
was just all so easy
and that is some time
kenny loggins on this track Thunder -
problem the migrate API dig into it in a
second but what it can offer us for
getting some this data into our trip
fluency is really kind of amazing have
the other thing since we're referencing
this song people to show you the way on
Thunder can't Dublin so people at the
conference who may be socializing or
drinking this is actually useful
information everyone please hydrate
there's one thing we take away always hi
I feel like that everyone think that
advice seriously so how in God's name
are we gonna get data out of a Google
spreadsheet I need to are influences and
I want to avoid making them stapling
like a copy of the spreadsheet or
including in the depository because it's
during December when all these lists are
published I wanted to be able to get on
a pretty regular basis
the most recent you know version of that
data from the source which this dude Rob
who was nice enough to share this
information maintains the Google
spreadsheet because he's crazy I guess I
don't know
so Drupal migrate can you help us quite
a bit here I created a custom migrate
module which also installs the album
content type but I'm going to use to do
that I put through the I built that
album content type and then use Drupal
console to export it with their no ouu
no peeping hash option and then using
the migrates + json migration i can
actually pull right from the Google
spreadsheet we'll look at how that
happens in a second and it also as part
of the migration process
I'm augmenting the gated I bring in with
some data from Spotify using Spotify API
because there's a few additional things
that can help make that app a little bit
more fun if we do that
so this is a weird little hat that I
learned about that makes this possible
to actually hit the Google spreadsheet
data in place if you go file them and
publish to the web or email the guy who
maintains this Google spreadsheet not
significant to do it for you and then
say automatically republish when changes
are made then you're gonna get this URL
that you can hit as long as you provide
the document ID you can get a JSON
response that has all the data from your
Google Spreadsheets there's a little
weirdness and kind of the paths and the
response and some of the naming
conventions but once you've got your
head around that the data is all there
in real time wait so now we can take a
look at the migration itself I'm pretty
small over everybody's eyes are up to
the task so this is the gal file that
defines our migration in this case and
it lives in the AMT why migrate module
config install and we you know specify
an ID and a label and all that stuff for
the migration and then we're using a
custom source plugin here we'll look at
that next
but basically what that does is mainly
in this case it's what we use to
interact them to Spotify API and then
we're fetching HTTP and we are parsing
JSON which makes sense given what we
just saw we provide our ugly Google
spreadsheet URL and then this item
selector here it's basically we're in
that response we're gonna get the items
that were migrating game so it's has to
be feed slash entry and then we define
the fields that we're going to be
migrating in so we give it a name a
label and then from that feed slash
entry point a selector so there's a bit
of a weird naming convention and a
dollar sign
that actually has a string value once
you figured that out you can map all of
the fields and then we're saying that
we're going to use the node destination
plug-in to save these as album node
types and then after that we basically
just mapped the source fields to the
fields on the album content type and
this is the album source plug-in and
that lives in a Oh to live in migrate
plugin migrate source we're including
the Spotify Web API for PHP which worked
pretty nicely from my needs and then we
are extending the URL source plug-in and
implementing prepare world that's where
most of the the work goes on here so we
creates a instance of the Spotify which
Web API start a session and get token
back that's what that block of code does
and then at that point we can interact
with the Spotify API and perform a
search so that's another what we're
doing they were just searching we're
using the table we filled in the
spreadsheet and that has to that has
both the artist name and the title of
the album which actually gives us a
pretty good string to search Spotify for
and get a relevant set of results back
and then at that point we just from our
Spotify response we pull some data that
we need use up so there's the Spotify
album ID and once we get that we can do
things like link over to Spotify to play
the album they could embed song and
things like that and then that Spotify
API also has the album art in a number
of different sizes which is really
useful to be able to include it in an
and then we just return the modified row
back to the migration and then at that
more like migrate am i right yeah
everybody took that more seriously than
the suggested in our reservoir instance
now and if we edit one of these albums
Kendrick Lamar in this case which is
without question the critical darling of
last year we see all the data that we
expect to see we've got a title album
title genre the averages links to the
cover images all the rankings for all
the lists so now we have all this cool
data sitting in Drupal ready for us to
interact with okay deep breath so now we
get to talk about the reacts end of
things and there's a lot to talk about
here and you know the thing that I would
also stress here giving the the kind of
Napoleon room I think a lot of us are
probably on the same page but I was
three new to react when I took on this
project learned a lot along the way but
to quote jay-z I would say I'm the guy
who's been to Paris two times and seeing
you know the Eiffel Tower I know some
things about react but certainly not
everything but I'm gonna focus on kind
of high-level learnings that I had
putting together this app hopefully so
spoiler alert this is what the app ended
up looking like and we'll go play around
a little bit and see what this so there
was a spinner there and we're loading in
data from Drupal we'll talk a little bit
more about how you might be able to
eliminate that process the loading
process but so here we get by default
the cover view so we see rows for all
the different albums and if we click on
an album the detail panel
fine and the color arts and there is a
little link here to play the album on
Spotify so we see no drama on Spotify I
mean a lord fans yes nice couple Lord
fans alright
and then there's also the rankings on
all the lists that it happens to fall
into and we can click through and see
the list and you'll see where it ranks
on the 50 best albums on Stereogum and
then there's also a control panel here
on the side that slides out so we can do
things like restrict the number of rows
that were displaying and there is a
filtering capability so we can filter by
the artist album genre so my favorite
album of the year was by the war on
drugs so if I type in war the deeper
understanding by the war on drugs and
all the album's artists that have more
war in it updates very quickly as I type
in my search string I can type for hip
hop hip hip hip hip fresh and and get
all the hip hop albums of the year and
Kendrick Lamar still unsurprisingly at
the top of the list there and then
there's a couple of other views that we
can switch between so this is just a
simple table view here and uses a
component from the blueprint jazz
component library which had to have a
number of nice building blocks
um but I also found this was a really
good place to start
I had a few like initial attempts at
this project and I tried for something
too ambitious like I said I'm gonna
start with a large chart he said just a
few people in getting the data that I
within the spreadsheet from the drupal
api and have it show up in this table
that i can then sort and filter ended up
being a really good starting point for
me and then there's also this list view
which is a heat map visualization and a
whole lot of stuff here but we see all
the lists and then the data that happens
to me in this results that 50 rows and
we get to see where everything ranks on
all the different lists it gets
interesting if you do something like
pick a list here so if I say Rolling
Stone a resource the data set based on
Rolling Stones list so we see it running
right down from 1 to 50 there and then
you can kind of compare where Rolling
Stone has similarities to other lists
like if we look at the third row here we
see that u2 songs of experience was
number 3 for Rolling Stone and did not
short on any other list in this dataset
so weight a way to go with your gut
Rolling Stone um so yeah that's it how
to do it he was interviewed yeah I
haven't read Youngman might be amazing I
don't yeah we got a u2 defender anyone
who could defend you to everyone still
mad that album ended up on their their
I'm renaming this talk to a bustin you
choose chops okay so anyway that's um
what else feel free to poke around
online and try it out um but I thought
would be helpful to kind of look I want
a dozen contacts before we look at some
of the component parts a little bit
which will do now we're after take this
set okay so the question I had to ask
myself is how do you start or react to
that I didn't know how to do that and as
I mentioned I took a few attempts at
this and initially when I started trying
to learn more reactive as before
creating react that existed which is
some about a second but you had to do
more web configuration and maybe get a
portable plate that you work with and
there was no more than you had to do to
kind of get your local set up going for
development before you could actually
get into the exciting part of learning
and playing around with react components
to then create react app has been
released which is maintained by the
Facebook team and the idea here is that
it lets you bootstrap react out really
quickly and hide some of that
configuration behind scenes so you don't
have to worry about it unless you need
to so I installed crack up as a global
package and then you can run create and
grab the name of your project
there's a new recommended way to do this
now if I think more recent versions of
NPM have a command npx that vaporizes
you these two
once so if you happen to look at it
that's what they recommend doing now but
not what I did and then if you're
familiar with installing things VM PM
there's going to be all kinds of crazy
outputs that certainly do not want to
copy and paste into this fake terminal
and then you can change directory into
your project you see all files that
create react that way create create
react up bootstrapped for you and if you
run npm start it's gonna start a little
web server for you and did a load in
your browser and it also does hot module
reloading so if you change things in
your app it will automatically refresh
and update in your and then you can also
run npm run build and that is going to
build a production ready bundle for you
that can be your assets that you deploy
and also be where there are dragons
ahead but so you know i mentioned that
it hides a lot of the configuration
behind the scenes to make it easier for
you to get up and running with writing
react code there's also the concept of
ejecting so you can run npm run a jet
and what that does is it exposes all
that configuration so that you can
optimize things or change your web
packing thing as you see fit and what i
would say is don't be embarrassed if you
use the default configuration of create
react app as long as it makes sense for
you just know that you can get out there
and change it if you have to so we're
this project i actually had never
adapted it but for this slide deck
ironically enough I had to to be able to
get the slide back working the way that
I wanted to and it wasn't the end of the
world but I did see some cool dragons
okay so now starting to build the react
out a little bit a couple ways we could
go but one thing that we might want to
ask the session because we were just
talking about our friend rupal is how
are we going to get that data from our
API into just a handful of ways that you
could do that you can use the library
like Axios which is kind of similar to
jquery's it's not exact methods but I
wanted to use the JavaScript fetch API
try that out
so I created a little utility function
that lives in source utilities and it
takes an endpoint it defines an array of
albums and then we call fetch with the
endpoint and in fetch returns JavaScript
promise which reminds me to also say
that some of the JavaScript code we're
going to be looking at is gonna be using
es6 syntax which I'm sure some people
may or may not be familiar with but if
you see anything that you're not quite
familiar to looks a little bit weird
that's why but I'm hoping it's gonna be
generally understandable so anyway we we
call fetch and we we get a promise back
and then we are going to chain a few
promises together to resolve that data
and act on it so here we're resolving
the response as JSON data and then we're
taking that data and doing a few things
with it so if first we're taking the
data and we're putting it in albums
array and then if there's a next page of
results back from our JSON API endpoints
we are gonna call get all album data
recursively to get the next page of
results and if there isn't then we'll
just return the album data JSON API I
found out that there's no way to just
get all of the data which while
frustrating initially makes a lot of
sense because oftentimes that's probably
in that
that's why you have to do something like
that and then also there is a little
error logging if something goes wrong
well with that we can get all of the
data from our endpoint and so this
particular app with just the data for
data upfront so that we had it available
in the app I do want in the future have
like multiple years worth of data and I
don't think that approach would be
practical we need to you know based on
the year or based on some other
interaction Pig API a little bit more
frequently but keeping things simple
here so now we have the data and you
know big object and we can start
rendering it so we're going to look at a
example component this is the album
component and we see Kendrick Lamar
again since he won his element the
example but so we have our component on
the left hand side and then on the right
this is an example of a render method
that's rendering out and what we see
there is JSS so that's a mark up syntax
that's used in react that lets you use
HTML like tags and elements to render
your components it gets converted to
JavaScript but you can use things like
divs and you know H ones and elements
that you're familiar with but you can
also use custom components custom
elements that you define in this case if
the album and then they can accept props
properties so here we're passing in as
props a bunch of the data that we need
to use to render that power
so we've got our
and how am i the cover image things like
that and so with in react if the data
the props or the state which we'll talk
about in a second if any of that changes
it's going to automatically render your
component or at least figure out if it
needs to do that and any components that
might be children of it that are inside
of it which is part of why it you know
feels the performance and responds so
quickly so we can actually just update
things here and obviously as we update
our props things are gonna you know
update in real time so I'll just some
goofy there's something great about
changing Dan to Dharma and I also have a
cover image of that war on drugs album
that I'd done so much so there might be
actual like string values that get
passed in here it also commonly might be
a variable or an object or something
like that so I can replace this with
these squiggly brackets and use my lower
cover variable here and now I have the
war on drugs album art for Kenny Loggins
this darn so that's a look at what the
for a component might be like so now
let's take a look at this problem
component and how we actually build it
in JavaScript so this is our component
album dot J guess which lives in source
components in this project and we're
importing react and also prop types
we'll talk about prop types towards the
end of this file and we are extending
the react component class there's a
handful of different ways that you
can you define component extending react
component kind of covers all cases so if
the I think the best way to explain
these as examples if you have a simple
but functional component that maybe just
takes props there's a more stripped-down
simpler ways that you can define this
but there's going to be a render method
and the render method returns JSX
and there's a little bit of logic here
so if we have a cover image we're gonna
return one version of the album
component that has them to help them
cover and if we don't have that we're
gonna return a slightly different
version of that component and then it's
all JSX here so we see things like album
rel and you can think of that as another
custom component we've defined the truth
is actually a little bit different from
that and we'll get there but for now
just think of it as a custom react
component but then there's also stuff
like that an image tag and on each floor
and things that we know and love or some
days don't love it all and we're also
making use of our props here so we know
the props that we expect to be passed in
so we can do things like this that
prompts the cover image to a cover image
this not props that title etc and then
also up in album row there's an onclick
handler and that you know when you click
on the album row as we saw like
highlights it and populate the the panel
on the right hand side so it can't call
functions like that and those functions
could be find in the component itself or
they may also be passed down by a parent
as plots
and we'll also see some examples of that
and then this is just the stripped-down
version where we don't have an image and
then these are the prop types so prop
types is just a simple way to kind of
validate some of the props that come in
so just really simple basic but you know
we're expecting a string here we're
expecting a function here and it'll
complain if it gets something different
which is nice and then we export the
album component so we can import it
elsewhere so that was the basics of how
we would create a component and we
talked about props there's also the
concept of state in react component and
tops are really kind of external
influences up influences on your
component data that gets passed into it
state is more what the component knows
to be true about itself and you know
variables that are managed inside of the
component so a way to illustrate that is
thinking about our control panel here we
have things like the little list to sort
and pick list so I just created a
stripped down version of that in our
little preview panel here there's enough
coil go full screen but so if we wanted
to find some state that lives in the
component we created a constructor and
then we define the variables constants
that we want to use of their selected
source we just set the field
comscore and then selected list we
default to Nami and then we can set
state in the constructor so this stop
state and then we have an object that
has selected sort and selected list and
then below that I'm finding a couple of
functions that we'll look at in a second
I typically don't do that if you
use yes its arrow functions it
automatically finds that stuff before
whatever reason I had to do that in this
little preview pane we'll skip over the
functions for a second and just look at
the render method so it's returning jss
again and it always has to return one
top-level wrapper so that's why wrapping
it indeed we're accessing here so we say
that we're just printing out this is a
state that's like sorts in the current
value for selected sort and then for the
Select list we're setting the value to
the value in State for selected source
so whatever the state of the component
is set to is what that select list will
have selected as well and then when we
change it we have a non change event we
call this handle sort change function
that's defined component and really all
that does here is it just updates the
state to whatever you select in that
select list so we just take the events
and we use set States and we say that
selected sort is the value that's picked
in the Select list and all that to do
this so if I go and pick average it you
know the value in the Select list is now
average and we show that the state here
is average so again the state is more
the kind of internal representation of
the components and I think it's kind of
well for me let me get out of here
I definitely it was a challenge for me
to kind of understand those two concepts
Protestant state I wrap my head around
the day-to-day but then I also it took
me a while to really understand where I
would and wouldn't use state law school
and there is a common pattern in react
of lifting the state up it's a higher
components in your path and so I'll talk
a little bit about kind of what I went
through there but so take the Albanian
component that we had you know I'm
initially building that I know about
props and state now I know maybe enough
to be a little bit dangerous and I'm
like okay it has a cover and a title and
an artist name so it's probably gonna
have all those things in state and the
state of the component then I keep
building and I'm building the detail
panel and it has a lot of the same stuff
that has at least like that largest name
and then you know the helping title some
okay well then it probably also needs to
have state for those things as well and
now I'm trying to manage that in two
places I click on something
I have to go updated both places and I
filter the list and messed up you know
I'll take a state in the album component
and the detail panel components so that
doesn't feel right so then the idea
there is that you would take your state
and you would lift it up to one of the
higher parent components that are going
to render these things so then at that
point you know I take the visualization
maybe that's where in the soil
the cover view is where that state lives
but then I've also got like the list
visualization and the table
visualization and those are using the
exact same set of album data so you
don't want to manage that big object of
album data in each of those
visualizations and have to update each
one as things change and the control
panel also needs to know about some of
this stuff at least like how many albums
are displaying and things like that so
where I eventually ended up is that the
almighty app is what has a lot of the
sustain and it's really passing down all
of that data into the components as
props so it's passing all the album data
into the visualization and then that
visualization renders each of the albums
with all the information and then
another thing that I didn't really talk
about getting getting kind of deep into
reacts up here but the state in a
component can only be managed by the
component itself became like reach into
other components and mess with their
state because what they believe about
themselves so the app will also pass
down functions to some of those children
so that it can go all the way back up to
the app and change the app state but the
basic idea here is like if you want to
be able to filter in the control panel
if you pass down a function that can do
that they can go back to the app and say
all I'm supposed to filter for hip-hop
so hey app we're gonna use hip-hop now
and then the app passes all that data
down and because whatever thing the
props changed things we render
everything magically updates when you
filter all that it took a while for me
to wrap my head around I'm probably
making people's eyes roll back in their
they're new to the south if you are
familiar with react you may be thinking
that this would be a situation where you
use something like Redux and Redux is a
library that helps you manage states in
your app in a consistent way in a very
deliberate way and I think about it you
do this again or maybe next year if I do
some work with the 2018 data I probably
would do that understand I'm just manage
everything at the top of the app but
passing things down quite a bit
or you know passing the happens to one
component and their their children and
passing functions all the way so that
was definite Art for me to wrap my head
around another thing that was really
hard for me to wrap my head around is
styling and CSS and JavaScript when I
saw the people who were doing here I got
it but to paraphrase I was flabbergasted
and there's free styling if anybody has
not heard of it well it will rock your
face off into the finale so let's talk
about how we style these things so you
can create a CSS file like you might be
familiar with and import that into your
component and then you have access to
all those styles in your app and then in
your JSX you can use the class name prop
to use the appropriate class not class
the class name look if it's crappy like
that or some days
and that'll work that's totally fine but
as I doubt you to this all the cool kids
are reading CSS and J's for some reason
and when I learned that especially what
I saw what it actually looked like it
was definitely a facepalm situation
that's that candid picture I took of my
son one day when his mom was away and I
just ascended that and I took that
picture I'm like I can't send this to
her she's gonna wonder what's going on
with him it definitely describes my
feelings when I first saw how some of
these approaches to CSS MJS actually was
so what I ended up using is the styled
components library so here we're
reporting styled components and then
when you do that you can define these
constants that basically let you create
a little inline react component there's
this album real thing which we saw up
before it technically was a styled
component and you can say that it's
styled it or it could be one of the
other components custom components that
you've built and then you can define the
CSS look in line here in your JavaScript
file which you know initially felt very
horrible and very wrong but as I took
this approach if something made more
one is that everything actually really
does live in one place in this component
another is that it can also respond your
Styles can respond to the props that are
passing to your component now
you think this is a really simple
example but if the album component has
the active album drop and then we click
on it it becomes active then we can
change the styling and put that that
blue border around it so that's really
nice we don't actually have to go like
we do in what Lana jQuery approach maybe
and update class names and juggle a
bunch of class names together the
component itself just knows what its
state is and can make itself look how it
thinks it should make itself look in
that case and there's you know more
complicated things you can do with that
but it's actually pretty nice and useful
those are all in line like you're an
inspector the thing and you changed it
all the inline JavaScript CSS ticket
yeah so what it does and I haven't gone
too deep engine of like the actual nuts
and bolts of what happens but it
actually do basically like I have
nonsense class today that elements in
the DOM and then in that class has all
the styles but yeah the other thing that
that does is it prevents these styles
from leaking out because it's got this
nonsense class name there's no way that
that class name is going to be used
anywhere else so other tangential
components aren't gonna pick up these
styles they will fly to the child but
they're not gonna leak outside and I
don't know if people have used naming
conventions like been in some of their
CSS styling that's kind of a pretty
heavy handle handed way to try to in my
opinion achieve that same effect but
with still having you know styles that
apply globally
so this image people may have seen this
but this made a lot of sense to me when
I saw in that I know I have been taught
there's a particular separation of
concerns between like JavaScript and
HTML and CSS and that mixing them is bad
and wrong but as I started to you know
build things this way it actually makes
a lot of sense to me that like my album
component that's where the separation of
concerns is and I have this nice
wonderfully packaged album component all
the stuff is in there and it knows how
it's supposed to behave and that
actually makes a lot of sense to me so
let's talk about building and deploying
have just a little bit of time here bend
if erase the album cover I hope it's
still within the acceptable rules of
what I can put on screen in this
conference nobody got too excited but
alright I have this app and where where
can I go where can I put it so let's
talk about the jam stack a little bit
which is in the the title of this talk
took me a while to get to it but we're
here and what the what the jam in Jam
stack stands for is JavaScript API yes
the alien Jam stock stands for an API
and markup okay so that that's the the
stack that we're dealing with here and
let's look at that in relation to this
app that I've been blabbering on about
minutes now so the JavaScript it's react
on the client-side and that's an
important distinction in what I
understand to be the jam stack in that
it's client-side JavaScript um Preston
had his decouple of Drupal across the
stack talk yesterday and a lot of his
examples there was a universal
JavaScript or like isomorphic JavaScript
component the handles be a node on the
server side of the first request a jab
CEQA is specifically not doing that the
JavaScript runs on the client side and
then there's an API you know the
definition API is pretty broad in this
case it's our Drupal API and you can put
it anywhere you control which is great
and especially from this app you know
kind of doesn't matter where it is long
as your app knows where it is but it
doesn't have to be like a easily
publicly available thing and then there
a is mock-up and in this case it's the
empty and build production bundle that I
created and you can put because it's
just that static set of assets you can
put that a lot of different places for
example I just put it up on github pages
and boom now I have this app that's on
github which is great I would say that
it's not really as static as I think
some of it jammed stachyose of gem stack
apps could be it's a little bit more on
the single page side of things but it
still falls into the category I think
however like looking at the marked up
piece of this I'm doing in that the
static markup I feel like that's the
kind of secret sauce here in that
typically the markup is statically built
markup in these jams at convocations
I've been also experimenting with Gaffey
which is a react static site generator
and that's definitely more on that side
of things where it is statically filling
your whole entire site but the question
that I want to ask myself about this app
and also as you start to get away from
the you know laps that stuff that you
might be familiar with that are playing
around this sort of snack is ask
yourself is there more of this app that
can be static and even just thinking
about this app I think there definitely
is so that first first request that we
have we saw the little spinner when it
loaded and it's hitting the API and we
got a little data and then render
everything but really that first request
is always going to be the same 50
results so there is no reason why I
couldn't have made that that first page
to static or essentially act as if it is
static and then get the data behind
scenes and let you filter it and then
also beyond that there's also the fact
that it's only really December where
this data is changing so this even this
data itself but kind of live statically
in there but there's more I want to do
to try to take advantage of the static
aspect of this and make it feel even
faster on that initial memory but
haven't quite gotten to it um so really
quickly almost out of time but let's get
to the hot melodrama here throw a lord
fan again myself as I was building this
is uh did we really need Drupal for this
project no we didn't baby though so if
here's somebody who is familiar with
this stack and have a way that you can
easily build an API something that
you're comfortable
I've done a number of times before then
you're fine
do that and that's absolutely great I'm
sure there are like really experience
with app developers or JavaScript folks
who have their go-to way to do that
might be something like firebase Express
or that but I don't really know any of
those things but in my case it was
definitely yes so I'm familiar with
Drupal and a lot of people here are
probably familiar with Drupal and
somebody I think who has some level of
familiarity with Drupal but wants to
have me add that powers something like a
react app really can be served well by
those API first distributions it was
really easy for me to get set up and go
and then I think it's also so effective
and some of those distributions are so
easy to get up and running that you
actually don't really have a go-to thing
for this it's worth checking out even if
you're not a Drupal person because
really what you're looking for is a
really reliable consistent API and the
things that you do within the admin UI
to update your API it's pretty great so
I don't think there really is a
black-and-white answer it's simply a yes
for me but I would certainly also
understand if somebody's like no I use I
don't know ice cream cone J s to make my
back-end that's what you do in
so and so I'm putting this together hope
it was interesting to people we might
have a couple of minutes for questions
also it's my first Dungeness talk let me
give me a month in Nashville so I would
really appreciate any feedback than
anybody has about how this might be more
interesting or useful to you but thank
you any questions or anything yes I
think you speak for that explain you
actually have confidence in rural that
you need to add or change certain parts
and I was thinking fall into place as a
API to be your multiple endpoints let's
say you've had multiple sheets for
different people and also some of their
like comments attached to something then
I think that this
yeah yeah that makes us great yes I'm
you said this was all client-side
reactants right so they're probably
Noble authentication that you have set
up with your plate yeah where is it
so the distributions also have signal
Allah so that's definitely a figure I
didn't really care if people could get
the responses from this end point I make
sure you can't like post to it yeah this
is a react have a server cycle well that
you can use if you wanted to I believe
it does I haven't done anything with it
I've only been in Paris twice did you
find new music new music actually I've
been listening to the Kendrick Lamar
album because I see it so much and when
I first listened to it I don't know I
had trouble and trouble coming along to
it at read listen there's past albums
but it's awesome it's really awesome
sometimes I feel like an idiot if I'm
blasting it at my desk oh I'm reading
code but it's really good
it's probably a good mix of all of his
different styles on one place alright
so what'd you think would be a
difference than losing the rest of water
and seek a mite what would be the two
different like being sick and it serves
as a big up writing a story you take
that I'm not so familiar with she can't
miss calico opened the portal
distribution for Google how they want to
know things you have any idea the
the closing concert music they use for
envita yep I haven't used it sort I
really don't know but I mean honestly at
the end of the day partially from my
perspective it's just making that API
accessible and you know whatever does
that in a way that works for you is kind
of lying so that I think the biggest
advantage to these distributions is
keeping new that API without you really
having to think about it thank you