CiviCRM is an Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) system, primarily for nonprofit or civic organizations, that can be integrated into Drupal (6, 7 & 8) as well as Wordpress, Joomla and Backdrop. And it's Open Source!
Drupal and CiviCRM have had a long history together, but there is only small overlap between the communities of people who really know both platforms.
Our team at myDropWizard are long-time Drupalers who have only started digging really deep into CiviCRM and we've discovered some AMAZING things that we want to share with the wider Drupal community.
For example:
- API First? Yeah, CiviCRM already has that. :-)
- Using front-end frameworks like Angular to build admin UI's? Already doing that too.
- WYSIWYG e-mail building tool that rivals the user experience of Mailchimp? Check!
- Super flexible membership management with recurring payment? Done for years.
This presentation will include a short introduction to CiviCRM, and how an organization might want to use it with Drupal, and a deep dive into some of the coolest features that never knew where there. :-)
If you work at or sometimes build Drupal sites for nonprofits or governments or other civic organizations, you NEED to see this! There's some really cool value that you could provide to these organizations that you're missing out on.
UPDATE: Here are the slides!
David Snopek
Co-Founder @ myDropWizard, Inc.I'm a Drupal developer, consultant and entrepreneur (in Milwaukee, WI, USA), which I've been doing full-time since 2010. I'm also fairly involved in the Drupal community:
- I maintain or co-maintain 20-ish modules on At the moment, I'm mostly focused on Panopoly.
- I co-organize the Drupal users group in Milwaukee, WI, called Drupal414.
- I go to lots of DrupalCamps around the Midwest region (and sometimes beyond), presenting when ever I can! You can see some of my presentations on YouTube.
- I'm a member of the Drupal Security Team.
You may have noticed a lot of co-, as in co-maintain and co-organize. I always prefer to work with a team, rather than go it alone, ie: I play well with others. :-)
I started using Drupal in about 2006, with Drupal 5. Besides Drupal hacking in PHP, I've also had extensive experience with C, C++, Python, Perl, Java and JavaScript. I've been doing Open Source for a super long time, and have had the priveledge to contribute to many non-Drupal projects over the years.

Will Long

thanks everyone for coming early on a
Saturday morning we're gonna be talking
about civis erm secrets for drew players
so hi I'm David snowpack
I'm maintainer a chrome maintainer of 20
or more projects on True Blood org
remember the Drupal security team
Corgan Iser of the Drupal for informed
meetup in Milwaukee Wisconsin and
co-founder of magic wizard and my most
important role as I'm tated to my two
daughters Sasha Abel also have something
about the shop do their little stuff
join up with Damon here a few months
back working on the platform we talking
to you about today and my google plan of
Fame's the features builder module that
does some stuff with the features
I don't have any claim the thing
so then what's on the slide I just
computer signs it
Green Bay and out-of-date picture copies
right so really quickly our story about
how we started doing CBC rap I wasn't
entirely on purpose so you know as you
could see from the previous slides our
introductions like we've done a lot a
lot of drupal if you add up all of the
years that we've been doing drupal each
of us it's like 30 ish years of drupal
that's way too much drupal together we
co-founded my job wizard which does
support maintenance for drupal six seven
and eight sites we also make round earth
i/o which is a Drupal 8 and civil serum
distro and sass service that we're going
to talk about again way at the end but
Civic CRM is actually pretty new to us
we kind of fell into it accidentally
about 40% of our support maintenance
customers are nonprofits just that's
what happened
we weren't specifically targeting them
we are we are now but not at first about
serum is part of their site from
Drupal's perspective it's just another
drupal module so we had to support it
and that's kind of how we started using
civis here I'm just having to support it
for our customers and as we were
supporting it we saw how much value it
was giving to them in fact for most of
them Civic serum was more important to
them than their Drupal site
Drupal the Drupal side I guess it's all
the same site right but the Drupal side
of their site helps them explain their
mission you know they put news things
that are going on it's a marketing tool
but the Civic CRM side helps them
actually enact their mission it helps
them do the thing that their
organization is sending out to do so you
might be on the Drupal side creating
content like once a week for your like
weekly blog post maybe updating a page
every once in a while but if your
organization is using civis here I'm
effectively you are in there like eight
hours a day like you have that window up
so if someone calls you up you can you
know go see Oh who is that that's record
what happened if you're reaching out to
people you know if you're doing whatever
the mission of your organization is for
example like finding housing for a
certain group of people or something
like that like that's all stuff that you
would be working on and doing in your
super serum instance so you know we
didn't really know what super serum was
despite you know being drew blurs for a
long time and Civ is here I'm being
around a long time we basically just
knew like hey it's this year and right
like that's all there is to know but by
not knowing about it by you know the
wider Drupal community not knowing the
details what it is you don't know if it
could help for a given customer for your
own organization you don't know if maybe
it could provide this value to you or
your customers so that's kind of the
idea behind this presentation like we're
long time drew blurs who are just kind
of learning civics erm here are some of
the really cool things that seemed
compelling to us and so you know
hopefully they'll seem interesting to
you and maybe you'll think of them when
you're you know looking at a new project
or trying to help someone figure out how
to do what they need to do some of the
things we're going to talk about
WYSIWYG email newsletter creation some
tech stuff the civis um api and
membership management
and so just way up at the front if you
guys have any questions just shout them
out I think we're kind of already in the
sort of shouting interactive amounts
that's good so really really quickly
what is save a CRM in case someone
doesn't know it's a constituent
relationship management system a CRM
it's primarily for nonprofits and civic
organizations it embeds itself into
Drupal 6 7 or 8 or WordPress or Joomla
or backdrop it can't work on its own it
has to be embedded into a CMS and it's
actually part of that CMS like it's not
like where you have Salesforce and you
have some drupal module that
communicates with Salesforce via an API
like this actually ends up being part of
your Drupal site it writes to your
database it's sort of like its own
module except probably the most complex
module ever and it's open source like
Drupal just good
so is everyone here familiar with the
idea of what a CRM is we'll go through
the super fast so we don't for you for
those who already know so the core unit
of a CRM is a contact so you would have
for example a contact for David snow
pack and then like a series of fields
about that contact and you can create
custom fields just like you can a Drupal
the next sort of piece of that is
relationships and types of contacts so
you could have an organizational contact
that is for my draft Blizzard the
company and then say you know Davis no
peg and Eliot Kristensen are employees
of that organization and they're sort of
like an implied relationship that we're
co-workers of each other you could also
have like a household contact type so
for my family you know I'm a household
member of and my daughters are children
of me with the sort of like implied
relationship that they're also household
members of the snow pack household
you can create arbitrary groups of
contacts for whatever you want to use
them for for example a group of contacts
that are on the mailing list of mass
email them something that a lot of our
customers do is they group contacts into
regions so that maybe that applies to a
particular regional office or regional
you know outreach person and then for
those contacts you can record activities
so these are interactions that your
organization had with that particular
contact so maybe you sent an email to
david snow pack so you record you know
when the email sent the different
activities and different activity types
have different fields so an email would
have liked from the subject body just as
sort of random point of trivia the
Drupal Association use a sieve a CRM so
if you've ever gotten an email from them
saying to renew your membership that's
coming from civis year-round if you
filled out the form to to actually do
the renewal as a citizen form would you
like where people would take certain
tasks the canoes actions to say when
they completely
I think you could so you're envisioning
like managing your internal work with it
or it's just a random groups of people
that just join like an organization to
accomplish something so you would like
does the things that could be done that
this person starts it's all part of that
you certainly could I could think of a
couple of different ways to do that in
in civis here I'm different serums might
have more direct functionality for that
built in but you certainly could okay so
other types of activities for example
you know David snow Beck called in at
this time and you just get like a field
to fill out say what the call is about
it's not really any other fields for
that maybe schedule a meeting with a
particular contact in Sevilla I think if
you set the meeting for the future it
can actually create a meeting invite
that's gets sent to the to the contact
some of these activities are manually
like the phone call you have to enter
manually someone calls up you have to
enter that information but for stuff
like email you could get that recorded
automatically so you could go to the web
UI and fill out the email contact box
and the email gets sent to the person
but also recorded as an activity or
there's also you can set up like a
special BCC email box so you could send
the email from your normal email client
put this special like BCC address on
there and then that would get read by
your CRM or a service here and actually
record it as an activity so like
basically anything that happens online
you can probably find a way to
automatically record that activity
so that's like all the data that gets
stored in a CRM which is pretty much the
same across all CRMs it's the same basic
types and that's useful in and of itself
just have like sort of shared
organizational knowledge but the real
power of a CRM comes from the other sort
of add-on features that allow you to do
things with that data and that's
like widely different depending on the
particular CRM so you can do stuff like
send an email newsletter to everyone in
a particular group or everyone with
particular attributes like lives in a
particular region as a particular age
has expressed interest in a particular
thing whatever you have recorded in your
CRM you can open and track cases through
various stages I think that kind of
could be a way to do what you were
talking about you could coordinate
events civis CRM has some really cool
event functionality you can put up an
event record RSVPs charge for the events
that limits record attendance when
people actually come which then becomes
you know an activity for their contact
manage membership which we're going to
talk about a little later tons and tons
of reporting on any sort of access in
the data and even stuff like HR managing
employees or managing volunteers so
serums are cool but couldn't we just
like bill to CRM and Drupal you know
Drupal is effects of flexible flint
framework to build pretty much anything
right we could just take some entities
put some fields on there make our own
serum and you could there's a couple of
Drupal modules that have done exactly
CRM core and Red Hen CRM are kind of the
biggest examples of that the my opinion
civil serum is better and I will tell
you why
so the civil serum community is larger
than any individual like CRM module
there's four full-time people on the
civic serum core team and it doesn't
sound like a lot like four people but
these are for people who full-time just
work on improving Civic or they don't
build super serum installations they
don't do client work they
only work on things that help the
platform as a whole as a whole I don't
think any of the Drupal serum modules
could say something similar there is CV
cons at CV camps and monthly meetups all
over the world last year there were four
city cons like on different continents
there's like North America Australia
Europe somewhere else how big is it
Kenickie quantitative estimate our
comparison to the size of the Drupal
community I mean it's much much smaller
than the Drupal community but much much
larger than like any individual modules
community so I mean probably numbering
in the tens of thousands of people as
opposed to you know the Drupal community
which is a lot larger right it has a
sort of bigger pool of people to pull
from yeah they have a big community just
around commerce and I'm not saying
they've got the group that supports that
does the installs and things but his
a similar sort of structure like a court
team versus yeah there's multiple books
written about civis Hyrum if you need to
learn it like this is a known quantity
there's 70ish like partner organizations
these are organizations that do services
for civic serum there's way more than 70
that do services for civic serum but
they've also chosen to financially
sponsor civil serum and they do all
sorts of things training hosting support
maintenance custom development so you
have a big community of people to get
help with civis Iran to learn about
service Iran super serum is a complete
product most Drupal modules are our LEGO
pieces you have to take them and
assemble them into a complete product
and that's kind of how the Drupal
solutions look you could take CRM core
and build it into a CRM I've done
projects to do that actually but it
isn't to see her myself
here at kora
you have an opinion about which is
better I mean there's a difference I
don't know I don't have a real strong
opinion does that even have an opinion
about which one is better no super serum
is better than all of anyway but yeah
why bother you know building a whole
complete CRM for every single Drupal
site that needs it when you have a tool
that already sort of meets the use cases
of a wide group of super serum is very
well suited to nonprofits all the
different CRM if different audiences in
mind and so their features are
structured that way the things that are
easy to accomplish versus the things
that are hard to accomplish and super
serum could theoretically work for any
organization we've started trying to use
it for our sales process but it's really
really killer for nonprofits CRM Korn
Red Hen are also geared towards
nonprofits but like let's be honest guys
they're there Drupal modules like Drupal
is the king of generic everything is
made generic so even though they are
sort of geared towards nonprofits they
really leave the door wide open
super serum has less vendor lock-in
you know upgrading between Drupal
versions is hard once you're established
in Drupal 7 going to Drupal 8 or going
to some non Drupal things is a difficult
project super serum the same version of
civil serum works in Drupal 6 works in
Drupal 7 works in Drupal 8 you could
even take it install that exact same
version of civis here onto WordPress
Joomla it's a backdrop
yeah and for the most part your
installation moved to another platform
work basically the same with the one
caveat that if you customized your
installation in a Drupal module like if
that was a Drupal 7 module you'd have to
remake that customization in a Drupal 8
module but there are actually civis erm
extensions which are kind of like CVC
roms version of modules if you create a
sympathy arm extension it'll work in any
of the places that civis serum works is
that it's certainly possible I mean
there's no like standard format like for
CRM data so moving between them like
even if the data is similar it's not
exactly the same there's some built-in
stuff in soon as he ran for importing
just like arbitrary CSV files so if
you're like migrating to civis here I
mean kind of gotta like keep breaking up
the data into different CSV files and
import it so I imagine going to
Salesforce would be similar kind of
thing is also by the way the export used
to create CSV file yeah
that CRM data protection contact
there was today pretty lady
he's a tall so so I could talk about
that a little bit later but if you just
install like the civis here I'm module
they're like their own thing like
Sierra's civis serum has its own entity
and field system and so they just sort
of sit over here and then you can
interact with them with the Citiz here
I'm API and then there is a drupal
module to make them be for volant ities
yeah not to sync them so like pet so you
would you can use the yeah to expose
them so you can use the drupal entity
API to interact with those civic
amenities there's a slide on that later
but yeah so that's my true let's let's
see how some stuff works get Elliott up
here once maybe
right so I had a gray shirt and I had
great pants on and Gina said you can't
do that in song I had to change that and
I was a little worried that it might
clash a little bit
I'm very stylish as we said with me
leftover so we're gonna talk about email
newsletter builder I just had my notes
up and somebody texted me like a jerk
alright so the the main thing that that
I want to get across about email
newsletters is it's super full-featured
and super easy to use so and which is
great for nonprofits because it's free
right so compared to these guys which we
all know right they it's free you know I
mean you may have to pay somebody to
help you with it or whatever but but the
tools are built they're great and
they're already good to go and stop me
if anybody you know wants to interject
anything so all right so kind of like we
touched on already the email facility of
civvy CRM is very integrated into the
CRM portion of things which then is you
know kind of integrated in with Drupal
so you don't have to go through the kind
of import-export CSV kind of thing that
we were talking about before you know if
your CRM is your email system that tends
to just work a lot better and the other
thing is you can also other than just
emails you can do SMS campaigns and you
can do postal mail campaigns you can
keep track of attendance and you can
send mailings and have all sorts of
features based on that stuff
and yeah so you can send text messages
you can you know there's facilities for
doing like pollster mailings so if you
wanted to send a paper newsletter there
are features to help support that yeah
well you know it's open source right so
of course you can you know there's there
are ways to do that so explicitly
integrating into slack
that doesn't sound super hard but I
don't know it's not like a built-in
thing so you could probably build it
through all right so I'm gonna I'm gonna
try to do a little demo so this is kind
of a demo site of what civvy serum looks
like in Drupal so the kind of ads is
civvy CRM tool bar up top that you can
access by hitting this little guy so
it's very well integrated pretty awesome
so mailings is a very crucial thing for
all organizations usually but especially
nonprofits so it kind of gets top line I
don't know what you refer to that as but
you know it's in the top nav menu so
creating a new mailing is pretty awesome
and easy so very first thing
and it's super user friendly like I
don't know if you can see that there's
you know one two three and it's it's
literally that easy so you know we we
have a mailing name so
I don't type in the u.s. keyboard he did
that on purpose
I don't type that great anyway man now
I'm very paranoid all right so you give
the mailing a name that's used within
the interface itself you can give it a
subject line you can use tokens which
have all sorts of things built in so you
can you know put these right in subject
line so you could say like hi David use
the correct keyboard okay and if you
have multiple from addresses so if you
have different departments that you need
to send things out from you can select
that here but let's choose the default
and then here is where the power comes
in in the recipients so we can include
groups that are in here and you can have
statically built groups I don't know
what they what the actual term is they
just called group but groups where you
put people in so you select them and put
them in a group but there are also smart
groups that I'm gonna I'll touch on too
so so we'll just yep so now we have some
recipients it gives you an estimate
about how many people that is and it
says a little about thing because they
could be smart groups so by the time the
mailing goes out the number could change
right we can save a draft come back
later that's pretty sweet for mailings
especially to get approval and then you
simply pick that template to kind of
start from and this one looks awesome so
I'm gonna just use this guy and then you
get these blocks on the side that you
can just drag over like how awesome is
that I've never seen anything that
awesome interval so so let's just very
quickly build a an email with these
things you see it has these placeholder
we can you know upload an image here I
won't do that I don't want to find any
images that are printed backwards yeah
so all this stuff is editable right so
we could make and use a real keyboard no
no not at all
so these are these are just I don't know
what you'd call them but they're these
are just like sections of the of the
email that goes out right so so there's
a there's kind of a just a base template
and then you can you can make as many as
you want yeah let's say you can make
these special templates and the ones
here come from the upstream project will
say ho and they are not like templates
what well the templates disappear right
to look nice and email clients right and
you can change them up so you can save
these office templates they have their
restrictions on exists for HTML for
yeah the person takes one which we had
to look at place is super flexible like
it it comes up as gray like you can like
the blocks are fine-grained enough and
you can change the colors that go back
and pick that one can go back and just
do that when it's done well let me do
not won't let me change it okay that's
fine let's make a new one so complete
this draft it's easy I'm supposed to be
showing how easy it is right all right
so mailings new mailing and then real
demo paper list again I clicked attempts
because I was just like this it was like
five years ago
yeah okay so you're saying to pick this
with this one it works fixed alright
okay so like you could totally spend
it's fun time creating an email template
but that's kind of like a job in and of
itself right yeah I think the skills to
know what is good for emails like making
an email opening it like 20 email
clients to make sure you make sure if it
looks good this email template has
already had that word invested in it and
it's generic enough that you could
theoretically like just put your
branding colors branding images in there
work for like 90% of organizations and
there's this some assembly you're doing
with during a drop accept that works in
you know there is just not working in
some browsers or crazy system I tried it
on Safari on the Mac and that's the most
incompatible thing right now and works
fine I said yeah I mean nothing works
yeah so you can change up all the stuff
so if I want to change colors out you
know I don't know what color did I pick
here the title so so we can change that
you know very quickly to red does have a
color picker that's cool I'm so used to
doing the little hex codes so you know
we can change this all up make it
beautiful save it as a draft we can you
know do a test messages previews HTML
previous plain text have an email to our
group so if you have a group of prefers
and your organization whatever so pretty
easy yeah well I mean you can send it to
yourself yeah I mean I I don't know if
there's an easier way to do that but
yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean I don't know
I saw I like personally I didn't test
this against Outlook I'm like old-style
at corporate Outlook but I don't know I
think that's kind of going away too so I
don't know no playing for all there you
yeah yeah so I mean sure yeah I mean we
saw was that you're you're wondering
about make it look good yeah I mean so
there's probably a better way to do that
like I so like one-off types of things
but I mean you could certainly could and
it's I think I don't know I've thought
about doing that it's pretty easy
the this whole busy week thing is a knob
Street library it's an editor called no
psycho and you could maybe like make
integrated into your own little like
application where you just do it and
then hit a button it prints out the HTML
for ya but it's
draws on things so I don't know anybody
anything else in the editor I mean these
are pretty cool you could drop images in
here and very quickly you have an
awesome thing and you can save these
office templates so if you have
corporate you know colors and logos and
everything that can just be done so the
leverage I don't know I mean yeah right
so I've been like specifically written
anything up in Spanish and set it to
these Spanish and coded or something I I
would think so some of the constituency
work for speak Spanish you have a
Spanish person to talk to I'm not sure
if that goes all the way through
encoding but maybe it does if it doesn't
work yeah
so you can add crm contents like you can
pick from any of the tokens so you can
pick these tokens so like these could be
any fields that come off with the
contactors game well I don't know then
there is support for linkle stuff I mean
these this is there's like a cloak that
just generates these tokens so maybe I
mean we could write like a little module
we could grab but like I mean it's all
in the same then you could extend it
there's controls that make it increase
the amount of crossover so if you wrote
a plug-in for Cities here and you can do
it but that plug-in that wouldn't be
able to work on like for the presses I
think that you could do it that way yeah
I mean that would be kind of a cool
thing to support paragraphs or just
don't we use from a blog post or
something at any browsers yeah what
about link attribution track so I know
like Drupal associated use it I just
know it's like they use this and I
noticed that they do allow
the tracking makes you know that's just
something that comes to otherwise when
you've got a link like it transmogrifies
or whatever so there's the built-in
stuff which there's just like a URL that
gets painted it sends like the stupid
little image that tracks opens yes it
does yeah if you use like centigrade or
something there's like a separate
extension which they have SendGrid stuff
get like we're done with Web books until
here in the city but is there yeah
not Prophet seven voices - yeah alright
so so let's pretend this looks awesome
and we'll just so then we can either
send immediately or we can schedule a
time to send this out you know there's
some Advanced Options there's some
tracking things like you're talking
through the track opens and everything
yeah yeah yeah whatever
it's all good you know like if people
don't interact you say a bunch of things
you don't know if anybody cares right
the song all right for that so let's say
we want to send this out on April Fool's
Day cuz that's awesome
alright and we want to send it at 12:01
yeah so it has it has it's built its own
sort of crime mechanism that has to be
set up in north
so boom and that'll send out to our
little group
I don't know if you put really mail
addresses in so then and you can access
this this view here up in the mailings
menu but it shows the things that are I
guess I'm Nick test guy and it says when
it's scheduled to go out
it says when it started just says what's
completed you can get reports it's
pretty awesome stuff yeah so we could do
that in the right in there
left click can I just look at it from
without paneling I think you can edit it
now that it's sent
schedule schedule
tails so you can't really pull with me
when it's canceled I don't know it's
like this is the destination for the
like opening your Bowser's yeah yep look
at how awesome that is
yeah let's see is there anything else we
wanted to cover in this what happens
after yeah until we have like an archive
of all messages of a staff and the open
up and do the pretty less then yeah
things like the open rates just take a
look at that and then this also creates
an activity for all the contacts that
you set to do so it'll say since mass
email on this day can you look at a list
of all the recipients like failed
deliveries yeah yeah that shows up it
doesn't I was tracking is that all the
important who would fail to send to and
then it will mark them to not sent to
being at the place or the balance
message I had subscribe to the
newsletter can you actually be like paid
if you had like four or five newsletter
that you cared like ten bucks a year for
sure cut yeah yeah if you if you're
doing the memberships and sitting around
yep you would pay to join the membership
and then he would make a smart group for
all of the people who have that
membership and then you would be able to
send to just that group so it only goes
to those people and then once their
membership ends they automatically
can you also set up like a lot for your
pants or yep or just to do it before
would you do as your like links where
they could just I mean you can probably
do that too where again this link
instead of having a profile set up there
with this
maybe could that's not that's not how it
works that's it you can make it so that
certain contacts also have true
belongings and then you can say that
with your triple logon able to edit
certain profile information from Civic
CRM and then that way you can let them
you know update are they subscribe to
them less what is their address what
they look like and well you can have a
link and obstacle on subscribe like
obviously obviously like when we saw the
video of it there's not subscribed
unsubscribe show yeah right at the top
here yeah it the only thing it looks for
it replies bounce messages so that it
can take them off of this you know and
up here screwing up your email
reputation by sending too many bounces
but like the buddy has only mail
delivery since with this then some of
our customers actually integrated with
yeah so they don't know so they don't so
we don't use SMTP good
the this you can plug in different
- smtp yeah you never know exactly what
that means but i mean you can switch out
right you can make the Citiz your own
extension if there's like a citizen
extension for sending the senator didn't
Frank loudly they want to send this
postal that's what we use for our so for
my company with the pro make that custom
extensions that integrates it so I don't
know you should jump into two groups at
all yeah yeah she wanted should we skip
that I don't know you want to do what's
next I don't want to skip talking about
round here
we need it up you're okay
our own city camp our City Drupal camp
it's not CB camera city Kyoto City event
I've seen so there's like a TV camp in
Denver that's soon
and then there's one in Calgary in a
month or two but they're not really
around Drupal events so do we actually
have all the way till ten or is it like
we have 45 minutes and then it's the
great okay cool so um this is just sort
of like a grab bag of tech stuff that I
thought was interesting so like it's not
all related to each other I apologize
for that so really quick just like about
the civil serum development process
Drupal does complete major rewrites
right like Drupal 7 was a complete
rewrite of triple six triple a it was a
complete round of seven super serum
doesn't do that super serum improves
core only iteratively and that has
advantages disadvantages the advantage
is we don't have to deal with these
crazy big upgrades the disadvantage is
there is some code buried in there that
was written ten years ago that's an ugly
mess that no one understands right but
the core team is to know going piece by
piece around improving things gradually
and I I trust them they're doing a good
job also they have this idea of leap by
extension so changes that get put into
severe on core are only iterative if you
want to have a big cool new feature
that's done in a sieve a serum extension
even if it's the core team developing
that extension so like the email stuff
that we saw from Elliot that's actually
an extension there's a old-school SIPP
email UI that's terrible that's still in
civis here on Korra but the core team
among you know along with other
contributors is making this cool new
extension which will one day be merged
into core and replace that old thing
I don't know a bunch not not like Drupal
where it's thousands it's on the order
of hundreds so there were these patterns
like what Drupal is adopted isn't it
yeah so instead of people contributing
fact every every plugin that they might
create if it's just something simple
they pretty much keep to the major
that's what's more difficult simple one
I mean it's open source so the community
can do whatever you know if you want to
make some cool simple little extensions
I'm just talking about the the save a
serum core team and what they do so this
is one of those dramatic unrelated turns
it's had nothing to do with the last
so drew blade has this API first
initiative I don't know if anyone has
heard about that but it's basically the
idea of making everything that's
possible in the backend through you know
Drupal forms and in PHP also possible
through the REST API super serum already
has that and they have this really cool
API Explorer which I'm going to demo
really quickly extra quickly because
we're kind of running out of time but on
any civis see on site you can what I
will look at the keys okay
any super serum site you can go to / -
this year I'm / API and you can do stuff
with the API so let's say we want to get
a contact so I just say the entity I'm
interested in is contact the action I
want to perform is get and then he let's
make this bigger
of course not even the plus keys where
the plus Q supposed to be
there we go so then it gives you like
this is the URL you have to go to to
make this request if you want it to do
it in PHP so like you could copy this
PHP code into a module and this is how
you get I guess this gets a list of all
contacts I should have executed it first
it's like running this gives this you
know a big list of all the contacts if
you want to make the same request in
JavaScript here's the code that you
copied to your JavaScript code to do it
and then in here you can sort of just go
through any of the parameters that you
might be interested in like if you want
to pull a specific contact ID and I say
the parameter contact ID I think this
will actually autofill the references
one more set bigger
so won't do the contact ID maybe contact
type yeah so it actually knows like the
options so I could make a query for you
know whatever I want to get all the
contact types a particular type and then
I have that code already available you
can even do things like you know how
would I create a new contact
and then this was the this is the the
code that you would do that including
the code for like how you even do it via
jarash if you're making like a shell
script so for a dribbler who's just
coming to civic CRM like this is super
cool like the only thing I had to do to
learn the civis here maybe I was find
this page right like if you're a new
Drupal 8 developer and you want to learn
how to write Drupal code there are
thousands of PHP objects and like
different ways of interacting with all
of them that you have to learn and I
mean in the backend inside of citizen
I'm there also you know hundreds and
thousands of PHP objects that interacts
but like if you just want to use the
public API it's all here and
discoverable just by playing with it
everybody should do
as you see her there's something that
oppresses anymore
so another dramatic turn angular so
angular or react reviewer these types of
JavaScript UI libraries are used to make
like rich interactive applications of
JavaScript so like desktop like
applications and JavaScript Drupal is
working on integrating one of these
there's the proposed JavaScript
framework initiative which is about you
know rebuilding some admin UI's in
reactor view there's an experimental
version of the recent log entries page
redone with view but otherwise it's all
talk like there's been like tons of
arguments what's that and there is the
DB logging yeah clean react test so it
is actually it's moving forward cool
well all that I have had seen for the
last whatever it was just people arguing
about it saying like we should do this
but super serum is already doing it with
with angular sort of fitting in with
that iterative approach you know as
things need work on them and needs to be
done in a richer way they'll say okay
let's rebuild this admin UI in angular
so a couple of pages are I've done that
way please
and of course this goes super well with
the civis iran api since anything is
civis here i'm it can be done through
that api and all of its discoverable and
clickable through the api explorer it's
actually quite easy
yeah I'll try it go through the stuff
quick so I don't want to get too bogged
down but you know why do Drupal and sip
is here on versus like a CRM in the
cloud that you like integrate with the
API and the reason is you can do like
these really cool type Drupal civic CRM
integrations so yeah it's one place to
integrate everything so like we talked
about for some sip is here on context
can have Drupal logins and then edit
profile information you can have Drupal
roles be based on stuff from civis here
mmm so getting a membership or being put
in a group can give you a drupal role
which then gives you permission to do
different things you could have like a
Members Only forum and Drupal or members
only content and that's pretty easy to
set up Civ is here I'm entity so this is
what we were talking about earlier Eric
that you could have Drupal entities that
are actually on the backend civis harem
entities we are sponsoring mat glommit
to work on the interpolate version of
that and it's coming along quite nicely
Steve assirram views you can make your
own custom lists of stuff just like fuse
always can civis serum rules when things
happen in Drupal you can have something
happen in civis your honor vice versa
there isn't a good citizen rules for
Drupal 8 yet but you know you can you
can still accomplish the same thing with
hooks and custom code if you need to
how much time do we have
should we do jumped around Earth and
then do questions or yeah okay yeah if
anyone wants to talk about membership
management see this year I'm after the
talk please go talk to his lines oh and
yeah I'll post my slides and so some of
this will be will be on there so we've
really been falling in love with civis
here have we've kind of doubled down on
it we started developing round earth
which is this Drupal 8 plus civic around
distribution so it's open source you can
download it install it like Drupal and
you get drupal kind of configured for
the basic needs of nonprofits and then
also civis erm installed and set up a
little bit we're also working on a
hosted SAS version so on the drupal side
you know we have media supports we'll
had a his presentation on phenomenally
media which covered some of the media
stuff that's in their image carousels
photo galleries which WYSIWYG
configurations and news and page content
some SEO optimizations and a whole bunch
of other stuff so just kind of like the
the needs that we see our nonprofit
customers needing kind of the basic
thing so nothing super special but you
get started with kind of like a 90
percent solution
is your can you tell us more about your
oh yeah yes that's that's the basic idea
we have some beta customers that we're
doing right now it's not generally
available yet and then down the civis
here outside so civet serum with you
know kind of the best extensions if you
don't know you know that super serum is
doing this leave by extension thing you
might not know to grab you know these
set of extensions that set them up so we
have event set up donation set up the
email newsletter stuff some stuff for
volunteer coordination the sort of
current state of it we did this
promotion last year where we offered a
free migration to Drupal 8 for 10
nonprofits you want it to be in our beta
so far we have launched three of those
sites they're currently live there's
four that are mostly done we're just
kind of waiting for final review and
approval we've one that we're taking
live tomorrow so that'll be fun tomorrow
morning we have three that are kind of
still in the works we might do a second
round of beta customers after Drupal con
but you know this this bait has been
going going really well you know we get
the chance to not just build a thing but
actually get it in production and have
people using it and breaking it and
and we plan to make it generally
available so you can just come to a form
and fill it out and get a new site
sometime around December if you want to
learn more about that we have our very
new and not totally complete marketing
site at rounders I out the code for the
platform is all public on gitlab you can
join the mailing lists or just come and
talk to us yeah yeah yeah yeah I've had
some experience with the citizen and the
past spent a number of years now I have
two questions and one of the reasons I
haven't been engaged and was
nevertheless attracted by here the
description of it in the outline I think
that the big challenge for me with
citizen mm in the past
it just seemed really difficult to
develop on a complicated and and it
seems like a lot of the features were
work more difficult for end-users to use
and I haven't seen anything like that
creation template that you just show it
was just like love the way I remember
silver Ciera being at all and I remember
being out projects where we had
customers wanting to integrate some kind
of CRM solution with with Drupal and we
at the time is doing evaluations assited
versus we should be integrating them a
Salesforce and and always felt like
revisit that whole
part of things scalability like my
company it's made businesses email
delivery and we centrally hundreds of
millions of people I don't I think this
might be great for nonprofits my company
would consider this is an alternative to
what they already build scale so to go
back to the first question I mean it's
worth revisiting to the serum I think
like like everything that I try to do
pretty much just a bit
so when I think about it like a famine
on property user and family is pretty
logical different people think that
doesn't necessarily mean two days but I
actually think compared to these you
know what I would say is that it's not
unlike Drupal like it's kind of like a
mini Drupal and that it's its own little
universe with its own set of concepts
you kind of have to get into that
mindset to do it and it's sort of
infinitely configurable and kind of the
same way that Drupal is and so that can
make it complicated but like Drupal is a
sort of mini Drupal's there's lots of
tools and you know resources to do is
you'd mentioned writing extensions they
have a command-line tool that's not
entirely unlike Drupal console that can
generate a new extension like add you
know say my extension wants a menu items
then you can run this command and add a
menu item I mean it's it's like a micro
Drupal I guess and then what was the
second question
scalability Oh for the email stuff yeah
and like the New York State Senate uses
a sieve a serum and and and and they
they have tens of million its position
relationship management and they
literally got tens of millions of people
in the system as as contact everyone in
the state
and and I know they've run into
scalability problems trying to manage
they didn't have to throw a lot of
servers out in order to get it working I
mean so like civis here I'm kind of has
the ability to do all the things on its
on its own and that's the the built in
way of doing things cuz you want to get
you wanted to work across as wide a
number of platforms as possible there's
nothing that says that civil serum
couldn't just pass off the email sending
to another system though like you could
say we do all the building and the
tracking and civis erm and then when you
click that sent button it hands it off
to your you know big email sending
system or hands it off to send grid or
you have something that can handle the
scale you could take the scale part of
the email sending completely off of
civis your arms plate and just use it
for the organizing like the the building
of the emails and look you know seeing
these are the ones we sent and all that
and I picked up that scallions just have
to do with this compiling lessons
descent to this in that case that's a
huge that's a huge scale and even like
some sort of like the biggest of
projects that work done don't have
yeah I think you're probably that far
being long enough to do something about
females up to get people to sign up for
the Affordable Care Act stuff yeah
that's who we should be targeting
anything that's different from a
non-profit that's good you know rather
than covering like the sort of middle
there were a bunch of questions back
here just one quick question what can
you give us like a little general
approach about like what kind of data do
you keep in Drupal what kind of data you
can keep CRM and you know do you do much
crossover where you make content that's
owned by people or do you just kind of
keep the contact management stuff in
there minimal interaction I mean you
could set that up however you need to
for your use case so we keep profile
data in the sierra so like when you go
to edit your profile like you know
there's the drupal stuff but then like
the other stuff you can sort of go
through the contact and say this stuff
should appear in the profile and we've
used that like there's there's
definitely cases where maybe if you're
doing a pure drupal solution you would
have put fields on the user entity or
something but instead we put those as
fields on the contact i've had to go
over there anything with contents i mean
that ends up being a drupal so even if
users are posting comments or you know
running a forum post or something like
that then that ends up being in trouble
but there's kind of a fine line like
sometimes you have to really evaluate
like for a use case or to be over here
over there
how difficult is it to install the
extensions it is super easy if you have
an insecure server setup so like like a
wordpress if like your web server user
can write to like your code which is
like the 90% way that people end up
setting up their websites you can go to
a page that lists all of the civis serum
extensions from a directory that they
have on service your org and just click
install and it'll be installed if you
like lock everything down then you're
gonna have to do like a more Drupal ask
process where you pull the extension to
a directory and then enable it foot I
did this for the first time a week or
two ago and the most difficult part was
finding just where the code goes I'm
almost a specific tire setup but from
there it's just going into the UI
there's dress commands or the city
commands we would also just finding a
switch to turn it on updates can be
automatic to like partially automatic
it'll tell you there's an update and
then just click a thing that says update
all extensions and it updates all
extensions again if you have that
insecure server setup that everyone has
to write or hopefully yeah hopefully
then don't get it
yeah then you could commit it any other
all right thanks everyone